[情報] 30/06/2020 Daily Horoscope
You probably shouldn't have an important conversation when you are overly
tired. You may not be as sharp, and you may not be as eloquent as you
would normally be. You might not even care as much as you should because
all you will be able to think about is getting home and going to sleep.
You may want to address something quickly now, Moonchild, because once you
latch onto something you have a hard time letting go of it even
temporarily. But do yourself a favor and wait until you feel refreshed.
Your communication will be much more successful.
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[情報] 02/10 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Feb 10 2022 一段時間以來你一直在試著度過某些惱人的對話或事件, 而當你終於到了覺得自己已經結束這件事情的階段, 那些思想又會開始回來困擾你。 很明顯地,魔魔,你還沒經歷完這件事。4
[情報] 18/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeCommunication with a difficult person in your life could be smoother and easier than it has been in a long time, Moodchild. It may seem as though a floodgate has opened and a breakthrough is possible with a cinflict that has simmered between you for quite some time. This is the ideal time to initiate a conversation that you have been putting off, for you should find that the3
[情報] 7/12 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 12 2021 You may be wishing that a potential new friend or romantic interest would just gravitate to you naturally. You may think that if you go overboard in trying to engage with them, they will perceive you as overly needy or too pushy. But what if they feel the same way that you do, Capricorn? What if3
[情報] 11/03/2022 Daily Horoscope你現在可能會參與到某件事情中,你知道這可能會有兩種結果。 它可能會成為一個真正偉大的決定,也可能是對你時間的浪費。 有些人可能認為這是一種愚蠢的追求,但月之子你知道得更多。 只有當你嘗試時你才會贏。 而這種態度-它可以走任何一條路-是一個好的態度。1
[情報] 12/09 the daily horoscopeHave you ever attempted to count something, and no matter how many times you a dd the numbers up, you come to a different conclusion? This kind of thing can happen when you are tired or distracted. A similar thing can occur when you ar e dealing with a personal problem, Gemini. When you try to make sense of somet hing that is going wrong while you are extremely tired or when something else1
[情報] 07/11/2021 Daily Horoscope月之子,你最近做出的積極決定,這一開始可能很難堅持下去。 這可能是你所期望的,但目前接受它並不容易。 但是當你想要某樣東西並相信某樣東西時,你就會非常頑強的,你也可以做到這一點。 只要繼續記住更大的利益,以及當你完成它時你會感到多麼自豪和滿足。 但請你記得,這是一個過程,而不是一蹴而就的成就。1
[情報] 09/02/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,一個非常老的談話可能在今天或不久後再次出現。 你可能會想知道為什麼,而且你可能會覺得很煩躁,因為你已經把這些都說了。 但這件事有些重要,因為它將給你一個機會,讓你更全面、更清楚地看到一個情況,讓你 有機會在一個從未真正結束的事情上結束-儘管你有過對話。 不要把這件事當作無關緊要的事來看待-它完全不是。1
[情報] 29/03/2022 Daily Horoscope當你覺得自己在與某人競爭時,很難將那個人視為脆弱的另一個人。 如果你總是試圖在某些方面領先於他們,顯示你更聰明,更有才華,等等,那麼你就不能 以包容的方式看到他們的性格。 而且即使沒有正式的競爭,這種情況也會發生。 月之子,你可能在拿自己和別人比較,但不應該有比較。- Gemini horoscope for 星期六 10月 3 Gemini horoscope for 星期六 10月 3 The best time to have an important conversation is when you are feeling your b est. When you feel upbeat, ambitious, assertive, and relaxed, that is when you will have the greatest aptitude for getting through to someone, Gemini. The p
- 巨蟹座星座解析 - 4月20日星期四 你一直在嘗試某件事情,現在終於開始有好的進展了。 可能有人會告訴你,你只是在做夢,這讓你感到沮喪。 這可能會稍微減緩你的腳步,但是應該加強你的天賦,堅持下去,很快你就會收到回報。 月之子,讓這件事成為你不放棄的大功課,即使別人看不到你的視野時,也要找到自己的