[情報] 05/08/2020 Daily Horoscope
You truly love the safe and cozy comfort of your "shell," dear Cancer, and
so you may not be much of an adventurer. But sometimes a great adventure
is important, and this may be one of those days for you. If there is some
adventurous idea or invitation that is beckoning you, the stars are
encouraging you to give in. There are times when our greatest lessons,
achievements, and experiences come to us when we take a risk. Your shell
will be waiting for you when you return!
※ PTT留言評論
[情報] 12/25 the daily horoscopeA new adventure awaits you, Gemini, and you can almost feel it in the air. Thi s is a magical time for you, and you should soon receive an invitation or an o ffer to do something you have always wanted to do. And more than that, there m ay be an exciting reward involved. You have an adventurous spirit, and you are not afraid to take on a challenge. But before you choose to move forward, be4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/05泡在溫暖的浴缸裡可以是種舒服的感覺。能讓你的肌肉與靈魂放鬆和舒緩疲勞。 如果再將一根精緻的香氛蠟燭放在浴缸旁,並且把燈調暗,就成了一個積極冥想的好時機 。即便如此,也不能永遠待在那裡。你需要用它帶來的舒適感去面對未來的日子。你現在 有點選擇被困在一個舒適的地方,阿牛,但是時候利用你得到的舒適感去面對那些冒險與 挑戰了,你可以勝任的。3
[情報] 06/17 the daily horoscopeIf you had a time machine, Gemini, you would probably choose to travel back to the past right now. Despite your adventurous nature, the thought of traveling ahead might scare you. You may have fears that things will not be as good in the future as they were in the past. Recent experiences may have also contribu ted to this line of thinking. But today, or very soon, you will receive a glim2
[情報] 0313 DailyHoroscopeMost Capricorns happen to have a very stable and balanced personality. You are someone who can be relied on to get a job done and to be where you say you wi ll be at a certain time. And although that sort of predictable routine gives y ou a good measure of comfort, dear Capricorn, you do occasionally have the des ire to be a bit wilder and more spontaneous. If such an opportunity comes to y2
[情報] 08/10 the daily horoscopeDon't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. That's a great saying for Gem ini people, especially today. It's not that you go looking for trouble exactly ; it's more that you are such a free spirit and have fewer inhibitions than ot hers, and that occasionally leads you to adventurous behavior that can get you into trouble - inadvertently, of course! Today you may be tempted to take on2
[情報] 08/09/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期三 9月 8 You could probably come up with a long list of reasons why a new idea won't wo rk. As a pragmatic person, Cancer, you are well aware that failure is possible . But as a dreamer, you are also someone who is willing to take a chance on so mething really great. Hopefully, you are now leaning toward that more optimist2
[情報] 2023/04 Monthly Horoscope4月的巨蟹座星座運勢 親愛的冒險家巨蟹... 等等!那不是你,對吧? 好吧,你會發現這個月比之前更加的有冒險精神。 通常你會被家的舒適和所有帶來的安全感所吸引,但現在你可能會感到有點不安,更加大1
[情報] 10/18 the daily horoscopeStarting a new venture where there is a lot at risk can be frightening. But if you begin that venture with some kind of a security blanket, you'll have more confidence, and you'll feel better and more hopeful. As a baby learning to wa lk, you might literally cling to a security blanket. As a child, you might use training wheels on your bicycle. If you need a greater sense of security with1
[情報] 03/07/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,今天你可能會比之前更進一步地走出你的外殼。 空氣中似乎有什麼東西在引誘你,讓你更善於交際,更大膽,更有安全感。 一定要利用這種新的好奇心和冒險精神,出去做任何讓你心動的事情。 如果你給自己探索的機會,會有一些奇妙的驚喜在等著你。 這正是你現在需要的,到今天結束時,你可能會感到比很久很久以前更自在了。- 親愛的螃蟹,如果你今天感覺有點焦頭爛額-這當然是很有可能的-那麼就找一個人、一個 地方或一項活動,讓你感到踏實和安全。 這可能意味著花時間與給你的生活帶來和諧的人在一起,在你最喜歡的房間裡尋找舒適的 椅子,或者甚至做一些創造性的事情,讓你表達自己。 無論它是什麼,使你感到安全和可靠,你需要認識到它總是在你身邊。