[情報] 27/08/2020 Daily Horoscope
There are degrees of happiness that range from contentment to elation.
Most of us are happy to feel content, but more is possible for you now,
dear Moonchild. If your level of personal happiness is hovering somewhere
around the neutral ground, then you need to remind yourself that there is
a lot in your life to celebrate and to be happy about. Taking time to
think about the small things that are going right for you and the
happiness that is possible and may already be in store for you - can lift
your mood and the feeling of happiness to a much higher level. Work on
that today.
[情報] 07/06~13/06/2021 Weekly HoroscopeHappiness is on your mind this week, Moonchild - or at least you may be wonder ing why you have not reached the level of happiness you want in your life. If you haven't, though, it is not because it isn't possible. You are a very tenac ious individual, and you are someone who never gives up on what you want. And you haven't given up exactly - you just feel bewildered about how to achieve i4
[情報] 03/07/2021Daily HoroscopeHappiness is not something that should be present only when your life is going great. You should be able to find joy even in the face of trouble or disappoi ntment. There is always something to be happy about, dear Moonchild. If you ar e a bit down now for any reason whatsoever, you have the choice to do somethin g that will help you see the bright side. Make yourself a special dinner. Work3
[情報] 0930 DailyHoroscopeMaking a certain person in your life happy might seem like an impossible task right now. You may have tried everything you can think of, Capricorn, but some people just enjoy being miserable. And besides, the only person you really ne ed to make happy is you, and you haven't put nearly enough effort into that. S tart with giving up on being the source of someone else's happiness. That alon2
[情報] 08/12 the daily horoscopeSome people struggle to figure out why they are not happy. Maybe there is some element of their life that is dragging them down, such as a relationship or a job that does not fulfill them. For others, they might be sabotaging their ow n efforts to be happy. And sometimes, it's really simple - they don't feel the y deserve to be happy, but they don't realize happiness comesfrom within. And2
[情報] 10/24 the daily horoscopeHappy thoughts not only make you feel happier in the moment, but they also ush er happiness into your life. Anger chases away good things, good people, good possibilities, and most of all, good feelings within you. Today, Gemini, if yo u are inclined to think negative thoughts or to worry about something not work ing out, try to force yourself to think positive, hopeful thoughts instead. It2
[情報] 03/20 the daily horoscopeIf you want something you don't have, and that unattainable "something" is the only thing you think can make you happy - then you will remain unhappy unless you get it. But if you are happy with what you have at the moment, Gemini, yo u will be constantly happy. This may ring true for you right now. You need to take stock of all of the blessings in your life, celebrate them, and choose to2
[情報] 2023/04/10 Daily Horoscope巨蟹座 4月10日 星期一的星座運勢 親愛的月之子,你可能對最近做出的一個重大選擇感到不太滿意,這個決定可能對你的財 務或其他方面造成了很大的損失。 現在你正在重新思考它,想知道為什麼你沒有看到那些不高興的事情。 但在你責備自己做出這個選擇之前,你需要給自己一個機會。2
[情報] 05/10 the daily horoscopeHave you been putting off your own happiness? You need to consider that you ma y be doing this, Gemini, although not intentionally. If you have been waiting for something to fall into place, something to go right, or some magical thing to happen before you can feel as joyful as you want to be, you need to be rem inded that you can be happy now, no matter what problems or aggravations you m1
[情報] 01/14 the daily horoscopeHappiness is a powerful energy. It can make you see the world in a whole new, brighter light. It can even make you shine, giving you a happy glow that shows in your face and body. It is important today to make choices that point you t oward happiness and to surround yourself with people and environments that bri ng you comfort and contentment. You do have the power to do this in your hands- If you are basing your happiness on acquiring something, then your happiness i s dependent on getting whatever it is that you want. This is true whether it's something tangible, like a certain home, or something intangible, like a spec ific relationship. If you do that, then you are dependent on it to bring you j oy. But if you are happy with what you already have, then you will always be h