[情報] 20/02/2021 Daily Horoscope
You may be upset with yourself for the way you are handling a certain
matter, Moonchild. You may believe that your efforts thus far pale in
comparison to what someone else might do, and by association, you may feel
that you personally pale in comparison. But even the most experienced,
knowledgeable, and talented people struggle with the way they handle
things from time to time. Don't put so much pressure on yourself. The less
seriously you take yourself right now, the better you will do. This will
work out all right if you are kind to yourself.
※ PTT留言評論
[情報] 07/15 the daily horoscopeSomeone in your world - perhaps someone who is being a bit contentious - may t hink they understand a plight you have dealt with, and they are being harsh ab out your efforts because of that. But just because they experienced something they see as similar to what you experienced, dear Gemini, doesn't mean there i s really a comparison. We each come from different backgrounds, different expe2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/09也許你曾為了某件出自於必要甚至是緊急的事件負起責任。這方面來說,你是相當擅長也很可靠的,阿牛,而且你生命中的人們也知道他們可以倚賴你。然而,現在這個重擔已經變成你生活的一部分,即使它不再那麼必要,也不再那麼急迫。其他人隨便的把你的付出視為理所當然。但是你現在有其他事情要做。如果你正這麼想,是時候說出來了。感激的心應當簇擁著你,如果沒有,該將擔子放下了。 Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Jun 9 You may have taken on responsibility once that was based on need or perhaps even an emergency situation of some kind. You are very good and reliable that way, Taurus, and the people in your life know they can count on you. But now this responsibility has become a part of your routine, even though it may not be needed, and there is no emergency. Others just take it for granted that you will come through as you always have. But you have other things to do. If this is how you feel, it is time to speak up. You should be met with gratitude, but if not, don't take that on your shoulders. --2
[情報] 21/10/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,你現在可能把你所有的時間和精力都傾注在一個單一的任務上。 你可能認為這是非常重要的事情,如果你成功的話,將為你打開一扇通往幸福的大門。 雖然你在這件事上投入一定的時間和注意力是對的,但你可能會過頭了。 你需要某種方法來分散注意力,這樣你就不會緊緊抓住這個任務不放,反而最後排斥了你 想要吸引的目標。2
[情報] 2023/03/16 Daily Horoscope3月16日星期四巨蟹座運勢 親愛的月之子,有人現在對你隱瞞了一個秘密嗎? 如果你有這種感覺,那麼你可能會感到受傷。 畢竟,你是一個可以信任的秘密守護者。 更重要的是,你是可以給予需要幫助的人出色建議的人。1
[情報] 01/15 the daily horoscopePressure may be building over a financial or family matter. You may think that something should be done right away, but waiting it out until there is more i nformation would be the wiser thing to do. Anything you set in place today to deal with this might have to be dealt with in a different way later on. Althou gh you may feel anxious about this and eager to put it behind you, dear Gemini1
[情報] 01/11/2021 Daily Horoscope你可能會覺得最近每次開口說話都在說錯話,特別是如果事情沒有按照你的方式進行時。 但這很可能只是你的看法,月之子,它可能無法反映其他人的看法-無論如何,這應該無 關緊要。 如果這是你堅持的看法,那麼看法就會成為現實。 你現在要做的就是改變你的看法。如果你離開任何困擾你的事情, 那可能更容易些。1
[情報] 15/12/2021 Daily Horoscope有人可能因為你在某個領域的專業知識而向你求助,因為他們需要幫助,但你可能覺得自 己並沒有那麼多經驗。 月之子,也許他們只是想奉承你,因為他們需要幫助,或者他們只是尊重你的智慧和解決 問題的創造性方法。 但不管是什麼,想要幫助永遠不是一件壞事。1
[情報] 29/03/2022 Daily Horoscope當你覺得自己在與某人競爭時,很難將那個人視為脆弱的另一個人。 如果你總是試圖在某些方面領先於他們,顯示你更聰明,更有才華,等等,那麼你就不能 以包容的方式看到他們的性格。 而且即使沒有正式的競爭,這種情況也會發生。 月之子,你可能在拿自己和別人比較,但不應該有比較。- 親愛的月之子,今天你可能會面臨某種形式的拒絕,或者至少有被拒絕的感覺。 也許有人剛開始認識你卻突然不再理你了,或是拒絕了你想做的事情,或讓你感覺自己在 某方面不夠好。 但這種「拒絕」可能只是你的感知而不是真正發生了什麼事。 但不論如何,這都沒有關係。