[情報] 20/03/2021 Daily Horoscope
When you wind up in the midst of a conflict among friends or family
members, keep in mind the saying that goes, "There is his side, her side,
and the truth." Everyone has their own perspective, and each may fully
believe that their personal experience is the one that is most valid.
Today, Moonchild, you could serve as the voice of reason that helps others
see that there are multiple different viewpoints possible, and that each
is true to the one who experienced it. That understanding alone may be
enough to bring everyone together.
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[情報] 12/5 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 5 2021 今天保持彈性很重要,魔魔, 但即使是最靈活的人也有臨界點。 當你努力承諾某些事時可能會試著取悅其他人, 但請記住你也必須是那個感到開心的人,5
[情報] 4/29 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 29 2021 Someone may be offering you advice for a dilemma you are facing. Yet, you may believe they can't possibly have a valid opinion since they have not walked in your shoes. You may completely dismiss any guidance or advice you receive because of this, Capricorn. But although they may not understand everything5
[情報] 11/18 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 18 2021 某人對事實的認知與真正的事實是兩件完全不同的事, 當你試著航行在這兩者之間時, 你需要將這件事謹記在心中,魔魔。 你可能要負責將某個改變轉為行動,3
[情報] 10/26 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 26 2020 You may believe that you can handle a very big issue that has come to you all by yourself. You are certainly quite capable, Capricorn, and you may even have expertise in this particular area. But sometimes it helps just to hear feedback to your opinions or to hear other viewpoints. Even if you don't use3
[情報] 12/26 the daily horoscopeSomeone in your midst may think there is no way they are wrong about an opinio n they are defending. Someone who is not open to other possibilities will neve r see they are wrong, even when it is clear to others. If you are trying to pr ove a point today, Gemini, you need to demonstrate in a logical way why your p oint of view is accurate rather than just arguing about it. To someone with a2
[情報] 0328 DailyHoroscopeYou may have numerous friends or family members who have the same views of the world as you do. It can be easy to fall into thought patterns that never chan ge and think that your way is the only way - even if you are not a narrow-mind ed person. Today go explore someone else's opinions and thoughts about somethi ng that may affect you, or even both of you. Having the opportunity to see thr2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/16你可能會發現最近在和朋友或家人的討論中,你們對某種共同的經歷有著不同的看法。也 許它在某種程度上改變了那麼多生活,而你希望從經歷過相同狀況的人們那裡得到一些認 同或鼓勵。但,如果每個人對於事實有著不同觀點,那這怎麼可能發生呢?不過這當然可 以,你們所分享的特殊經歷改變了你們對生活的看法,只是方式不同罷了。有時,只要表 達支持和被支持,既能鼓舞人心也令人欣慰。2
[情報] 02/07 the daily horoscopeIn the desire to be helpful, you might want to intervene in an argument or in some sort of misunderstanding among family members or friends. But think twice before you jump in, dear Gemini. It might be more complicated than you realiz e. It might also be about something completely unrelated to what they seem to be discussing, as it might have its foundation in some other matter entirely.2
[情報] 2023/04/08 Daily Horoscope4月8日星期六的巨蟹座運勢 當某個人在一段戀愛關係中被控制或欺負時,他們的朋友和家人可能會介入並警告他們, 敦促他們認識到這種情況。 但這種關係在非浪漫的個人關係甚至商業關係中也可能存在。 這是很難看清楚的事情,親愛的月之子,由於你是如此關心他人的人,並且希望看到他們- You may be hiding how you truly feel about a matter that is up for debate amon g family members or friends. But if you don't speak up - and you don't speak y our mind authentically - you are likely to wind up with something you don't wa nt. You don't want conflict, and that is understandable, Gemini. But having th ings turn out for you in a less-than-desirable way will be an internal conflic