[情報] 30/03/2021 Daily Horoscope
When a baby bird sits on the edge of its nest on the verge of testing out
its wings for the very first time, it probably doesn't sit there wondering
what will happen if it plummets to the ground. It most likely doesn't
think about cats lurking about or landing someplace uncomfortable. It
probably doesn't think that far ahead. You may be trying something new,
Moonchild, or you might be soon. Don't think about possible problems.
Don't worry about what will happen if you fail. Just concentrate on
spreading your wings and flying. That's what you will do.
[情報] 0805 DailyHoroscopeYou want something done, and you want it done yesterday. Time cannot move fast enough to get you to where you want to be, Capricorn. You may have a deep ach ing for something in your life to change because you are envisioning that this will change your entire life and make you happier. You may even feel that if something doesn't happen in a certain way, you won't be happy. Don't give your5
[情報] 19/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期三 5月 19 Cancer horoscope for 星期三 5月 19 You have the power and charm to light a fire under a decision-maker today, Moo nchild. Someone in authority has been putting you off or deferring to other ma tters each time you ask for their permission to move forward. Or maybe there w5
[情報] 04/06 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 06 2022 當你安逸於某件好事一定會發生的信念, 你可能會感到害怕, 因為通常這樣它就不會成真, 這是常見的迷信,魔魔,4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/24日益增多的焦慮狀態可能會讓你覺得有事情尚未完成,但你卻記不起來。你也許會想著自 己是否錯過了死線,或忘記了承諾的事。但最有可能的是,年末的緊張情緒正影響著你。 或許你在擔心著未來,想知道接下來會發生什麼事。那麼阿牛,你希望發生什麼事呢?今 天向自己承諾,要扭轉自己的想法吧。不要問自己:「未來會長怎樣」。問問自己:「我 將朝向哪裡走去?」、「我將讓什麼事情發生?」2
[情報] 19/09/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期日 9月 19 One small piece may be missing from a strategy or a plan. In fact, Moonchild, this piece may be so small that you aren't entirely sure it's even missing. Ye t something just doesn't seem to be right somehow. You should not be going cra zy analyzing it. Don't let your sleep be restless, or your daytime filled with2
[情報] 16/04/2022 Daily Horoscope你可能覺得有點煩躁,因為有人不遵守協議,或者他們試圖以一種你不能接受的方式改變 協議。 月之子,當這樣的事情發生時,你往往會生氣並說出來,但你也傾向於內化它,讓它影響 到自己的心態。 在這種情況下,請說明你的情況,並讓它就此結束。2
[情報] 15/07/2022 Daily Horoscope如果你一個不小心,一個看似小問題今天可能會變得不成比例 導致這種情況發生的不是你,而是如果你選擇與反對你想法的人進行爭論,你可能會陷入 衝突之中。 月之子,這並不值得。 你可以嘗試和諧地、有邏輯地互動,但如果這不起作用,你可能要考慮直接走開,直到事1
[情報] 29/03/2022 Daily Horoscope當你覺得自己在與某人競爭時,很難將那個人視為脆弱的另一個人。 如果你總是試圖在某些方面領先於他們,顯示你更聰明,更有才華,等等,那麼你就不能 以包容的方式看到他們的性格。 而且即使沒有正式的競爭,這種情況也會發生。 月之子,你可能在拿自己和別人比較,但不應該有比較。1
[情報] 05/05/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,不是每個人都能理解你。 你是一個情緒化的水象星座,但你有時也碰巧對於表達自己真實本性感到相當害羞。 你通過保持警惕來保護自己,並不允許你展示自己深藏的關懷、慷慨、同情和仁慈。 這可能是為什麼人們有時對你的反應是敵對的-他們看不到你可愛的另一面。 如果有人表現出他們不理解你,請試著表現出更多你的真實自我。- 親愛的月之子,今天你可能會面臨某種形式的拒絕,或者至少有被拒絕的感覺。 也許有人剛開始認識你卻突然不再理你了,或是拒絕了你想做的事情,或讓你感覺自己在 某方面不夠好。 但這種「拒絕」可能只是你的感知而不是真正發生了什麼事。 但不論如何,這都沒有關係。