[情報] 21/04/2021 Daily Horoscope
Someone may attempt to draw you into an argument today, hoping you will take
up and help them defend their position. But there may be a problem in that,
Cancer, for you will be able to see all sides of the matter, perhaps
including an aspect that neither side has thought about. If you choose to
become involved, do so without bias and by clearly expressing how you feel
before you get involved. If you can present all sides of this clearly, you
can really help everyone reach the same good conclusion.
※ PTT留言評論
[情報] 12/17 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 17 2021 今天別讓一點小小的不同意轉變成大爭鬥, 你不必如此, 你可能會傾向捍衛自己的位置, 並指出另一方有多不合理。3
[情報] 02/11/2020 Daily HoroscopeWhen you feel that you don't have power over something that is happening in your life, you might feel you have to just give up. Or you might give in to the feeling that you are anchorless and adrift and that someone or something else is pulling your strings. But neither is the case if you don't allow it, dear Cancer. Sometimes we remain adrift for a little while3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/11今天有件重要的事就是,要對某人為你參與的事所貢獻的某樣好東西或有價值的東西給予 肯定,阿牛。你或許不想這樣做,因為你可能會推導出這個人也造成了很多麻煩,而這些 麻煩可能會造成延誤或其他的問題。即便如此,你也需要以更加寬容和大度的態度來面對 。如果你這樣做了,你會發現成功的大門在等著你。善良是件重要的事。 ———3
[情報] 22/06/2022 Daily Horoscope你的生活周遭發生了衝突但不直接涉及到你。 當你聽到這個消息的時候,可能已經有非常明確的立場了。 這可能是一個家庭問題,或者是親密朋友之間的暴動。 月之子,當然每一方都會想贏得你的支援。 即使你有強烈的感覺,坐等這一次可能是明智的做法。2
[情報] 15/07/2022 Daily Horoscope如果你一個不小心,一個看似小問題今天可能會變得不成比例 導致這種情況發生的不是你,而是如果你選擇與反對你想法的人進行爭論,你可能會陷入 衝突之中。 月之子,這並不值得。 你可以嘗試和諧地、有邏輯地互動,但如果這不起作用,你可能要考慮直接走開,直到事1
[情報] 0614 DailyHoroscopeStanding up for something you believe in isn't always easy. Others may see you as a troublemaker or a rebel. Some may choose to avoid you if they don't shar e your point of view. No, Capricorn, it takes courage and ethics to stand up f or a cause or a belief. You may be in a position now where you need to protect your own interests or those of someone you love, and your position may not be1
[情報] 01/24 the daily horoscopeAlthough you can usually get along with just about anyone when you choose to, you probably don't see yourself as a peacemaker or a mediator. But with your a bility to see all sides of a situation, it makes you someone who could actuall y be quite good in that role. You may find yourself in a position to help some one out in that way today, Gemini. You could choose to stay out of it, but the1
[情報] 01/07/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期四 7月 1 If someone accuses you of being afraid because you choose not to get involved in an argument, you need to recognize how unwise that is. Doing your best to a void a conflict is sometimes the wisest thing you can do. Don't allow someone' s criticism to erode what you know to be the best course of action, dear Moonc1
[情報] 2023/03/30 Daily Horoscope今天有人可能會試圖分散你的注意力,使你無法做你真正想做的事情。 他們可能認為這對你來說是個不好的選擇,並且可能會嘗試以幽默或爭論,甚至用其他方 式吸引你的注意力,親愛的月之子,但你需要保持對你的計劃的專注。 這其實是一個非常好的計劃,即使別人並不真正理解它。 一旦你實現了它,這些好處也會變得顯而易見。- 據說通往地獄的道路是用善意鋪成的。 當然,當然這有時候並不正確。 很多時候,我們做的好事是積極的和有價值的。 但現在,你可能正懷著所有正確的意圖參與某事,儘管你感覺到它可能會對你產生反作用 。