[情報] 11/15 Daily Horoscope
Capricorn horoscope for Nov 15 2020
It is easy to be critical when you disagree with someone's opinions. If a
person expresses a point of view that is very different from yours, you mightbegin to see them in a certain way, which will cause you to feel harsh
towards this person or turn away from them. But you can change someone's mindby educating them, Capricorn. If you find yourself at odds with someone on animportant point now, don't give in to feelings of animosity. Teach them.
Share your thoughts with them. You might be able to change someone's mind
with a warmer approach.
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[情報] 11/10 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 10 2021 你目前守著一個若與人分享會受益的秘密, 如果小心選擇分享的對象,魔魔, 你可能會得到遺失的訊息, 而這些訊息會讓一些事改變成更好的樣子。5
[情報] 10/18 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 18 2021 你知道如果告訴在你生命中的某人天空是藍色的, 他一定會跟你爭辯, 這是非常能預測的事情, 因為他們似乎總是站在對立面。5
[情報] 11/18 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 18 2021 某人對事實的認知與真正的事實是兩件完全不同的事, 當你試著航行在這兩者之間時, 你需要將這件事謹記在心中,魔魔。 你可能要負責將某個改變轉為行動,5
[情報] 03/07 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 07 2022 一個你不完全了解的人正佔據你的內心, (你可能會說他們獨樹一幟) 有一個問題跟這個人有關, 即你是否能夠相信他們的一些才能能在工作上與你合作。3
[情報] 06/16 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jun 16 2022 你的一個老觀念需要改變, 不管它可能有多麼根深蒂固。 你在一段時間以前, 基於你當時的理解,2
[情報] 0215 DailyHoroscopeYou may be looking at a decision you made recently as the end of the line. Tha t thought is scary, Capricorn, but it isn't realistic. You may be having doubt s because you are assigning a sense of finality to what you have chosen to do, but you can change your mind if you feel you have made the wrong choice. Howe ver, this might not be about actually making a wrong choice, but fearing that2
[情報] 8/19 DailyHoroscopeThe facts speak for themselves. You can't argue with them. Or at least that ma y be the logical way of thinking. But facts can be skewed. They can be misinte rpreted. And when you add emotion into the mix, some people can turn facts on their head and make them irrelevant. If you are trying to get through to someo ne now, keep this in mind, dear Capricorn. Don't count on just the facts to se2
[情報] 09/07 DailyHoroscopePeople who have clashing opinions sometimes have a hard time getting along. Th ey may base their dislike for each other on values, morals, and ideals. But if you don't know certain inflammatory things about someone, you might find them perfectly likable. Then, when you learn that you disagree on a topic that is important to you, your entire focus changes. You may not have much in common w2
[情報] 0929 DailyHoroscopeYou may be wondering if something you want very much is possible to achieve. Y ou do tend to approach your goals this way. You set aside your passion for wha t you want, and you look at it in a more scientific way. But what you don't ta ke into account, dear Capricorn, are the emotions you feel about it and how th ose emotions can empower you to overcome odds and challenges. If there is some1
[情報] 0614 DailyHoroscopeStanding up for something you believe in isn't always easy. Others may see you as a troublemaker or a rebel. Some may choose to avoid you if they don't shar e your point of view. No, Capricorn, it takes courage and ethics to stand up f or a cause or a belief. You may be in a position now where you need to protect your own interests or those of someone you love, and your position may not be