[閒聊] Nikon Z 35mm F1.4S 即將發表

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Rumor :

A newNikonNikkor 35mm f/1.4 S-line mirrorless full-frame lenss expected/rumored to be officially announcedery soon. We may even see an announcement next week. already reportedhat a new 35mm lens will be introduced together or shortly after the6 III camera. think that this newNikkor 35mm f/1.4 is the rumoredikkor Z 35mm f/1.2 S-line lensrom theatest roadmap. Here again is what reported a few weeks ago:

ikonecided to change the design of theikkor Z 35mm f/1.2 S-line lens. That meanse may get a lens with a different aperture – maybe f/1.1 or f/1.4.

看佳能前陣子的發表,感覺 35 F1.2S 應該是不會出了。。。(▔.▔)

如果只是出 35 1.4S 不有趣,如果冠個Plena,那應該還不錯,不管結果如何,價格肯定是 "不用" 期待 ~

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MrFJ06/22 16:05希望可以在體積上有所革命

devin032906/22 16:0835/1.4這規格沒資格冠Plena

smallpig0206/22 16:30趕快出吧,1.8戰隊有夠無聊

ttamura06/22 16:55已經轉接35GM好久啦

Phenomenon06/22 17:38終於啊

Hsulin06/22 18:39跟隔壁約好的嗎?35不出1.2大家一起改規格成1.4

tweisun06/22 19:38不然你說說看你期待s鏡要多少錢?

konwewe06/22 20:42我不會買這顆,不期不待,反正不管Nikon鏡頭開多少都會被

konwewe06/22 20:42酸,他不要把1.4當1.2來開價就好 ~ RF那顆香港賣到港幣12

konwewe06/22 20:42680,Nikon應該差不到哪去,看起來破五萬蠻有可能

xoy06/22 21:18從24-105/2.8來看Canon的匯率還在30多,希望35/1.4不要太離

xoy06/22 21:18譜啊

steward6806/22 22:03希望尼康不要在健身的道路越走越遠

blackhey06/22 22:57體積小就買

JIKUAI06/22 23:59有35Gm大小,並改善色散就買

momokoshi06/23 02:14大家設計都轉向了,該說索尼先知嗎 XD

momokoshi06/23 02:16還是 N 家會堅守路線,把 35/1.4 做到和 1.2 一樣大?

keynote106/23 14:23器材都漲幾年了,認命吧,是要期待多低價?

smallpig0206/23 14:30我猜尼康一定做成大的,你往左,我偏往右,哈哈哈

canandmap06/23 14:35這年頭所有都漲,你跟我說相機鏡頭還不會漲?

xiangduck06/23 18:13電子產品長期通縮啊,要嘛品質變好,要嘛價格變便宜。2

xiangduck06/23 18:134-70gm到gmii價格從67980變55980,35za到35gm美金定價

xiangduck06/23 18:13便宜200鎂。尼康可以轉接FE也很簡單,就看跟35gm比,有

xiangduck06/23 18:13沒有全面勝出,全面碾壓你開更貴也是合理。像圓神那個

xiangduck06/23 18:13表現我覺得就完全對得起他的售價

konwewe06/23 20:04推樓上,買plena用起來真的很high