[閒聊] 103年指考英文-閱測第44~47題Bitcoin

看板DigiCurrency標題[閒聊] 103年指考英文-閱測第44~47題Bitcoin作者
時間推噓11 推:11 噓:0 →:29



Bitcoin is an experimental, decentralized digital currency that enables
instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer
technology to operate with no central authority;that is, managing transactions and issueing money are carried out collectively through the network.

Any transaction issued with Bitcoin cannot be reversed; it can only be
refunded by the person receiving the funds. That means you should do businesswith people and organizations you know and trust, or who have an established
reputation. Bitcoin can detect typos and usually won't let you send money to
an invalid address by mistake.

All Bitcoin transactions are stored publicly and permanently on the network,
which means anyone can see the balance and trasactions of any Bitcoin address. However, the identity of the user behind an address remains unknown until
information is revealed during a purchase or in other circumstances.

The price of a bitcoin can unpredictably increase or decrease over a short
period of time due to its young economy, novel nature, and sometimes illiquidmarkets. Consequently, keeping your savings with Bitcoin is not recommended
at this point. Bitcoin should be seen like a high risk asset, and you should
never store money that you cannot afford to lose with Bitcoin. If you receivepayments with Bitcoin, many service providers can convert them to your local

44.What is the purpose of this article?
(A) To introduce a new currency.
(B) To prove the value of a young economy.
(C) To explore ways to do online transactions
(D) To explain how to build up a business network.

45.Why is the value of Bitcoin not stable?
(A) Because its use is illegal.
(B) Because it is not a valid investment.
(C) Because it is still developing.
(D) Because its circulation is limited to the youth.

46.Which of the following is true about Bitcoin?
(A) Bitcoin addresses are known only to their owners.
(B) Once a transaction is made, the Bitcoin cannot be refunded.
(C) Bitcoin user's identity is always open to the general public.
(D) When a payment is received, the Bitcoin can be turned into local currency.

47.What advice would the author give to those who are interested in keeping
money in Bitcoin?
(A) Better late than never.
(B) Look before you leap.
(C) May hay while the sun shines.
(D) No pain, no gain





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ECZEMA07/07 12:42呼 還好全對

SamuelLuo07/07 12:51我自己第一次做還錯46題,因為我覺得Bitcoin太熟沒看完

Ascens1on07/07 13:0846 B transaction?

SamuelLuo07/07 13:31感謝指正

※ 編輯: SamuelLuo ( 臺灣), 07/07/2020 13:31:57

meishan3107/07 16:10有趣,等下開燈看

fbifxxkma07/07 18:002014年:keeping your savings with Bitcoin is not re

fbifxxkma07/07 18:00commended

fbifxxkma07/07 18:00at this point

TellthEtRee07/07 18:27看看當天的幣價

圖 103年指考英文-閱測第44~47題Bitcoin

wang61007/07 18:4546題,也中招,以為答案b

SamuelLuo07/07 20:19同樓上w大,因為指考時間很短,選擇題都用飆車的速度

SamuelLuo07/07 20:20樹大提供的幣價,我覺得連出題老師都會後悔他沒買夠XD

ECZEMA07/07 20:32出題的都英文系教授 2014年就出這種題是真的文組科技先驅

DarkerDuck07/07 20:35比特幣這話題早期都是英文資訊,2014年非常少中文資訊

DarkerDuck07/07 20:35假如這個教授喜歡看些英文科技新知的話

DarkerDuck07/07 20:36是會比只看中文資訊的人還早發現比特幣

SamuelLuo07/07 20:58 以後要緊追英文指考題了,期待下次出個Ethereum

Rasin07/08 13:42你要重考牙醫喔

Rasin07/08 13:42其實很反對這種閱讀測驗

Rasin07/08 13:44斷章取義可以是一個意思 了解來龍去脈可以是另一個意思

Rasin07/08 13:46語文這東西真的不是拿來考的 但是沒辦法有人會失業

SamuelLuo07/08 14:56哈哈沒那麼強啦,我重考商學院而已,很後悔在考前一週

SamuelLuo07/08 14:57還在投資COMP結果大賠影響心情

Rasin07/08 21:39你不是30了還考商學院?

Rasin07/08 21:41養成讀書習慣直接實戰比較快 學校教的沒什麼用形式化浪費

Rasin07/08 21:42生命而已 

a2396278707/08 22:15為什麼不直接去找在職的就好了

SamuelLuo07/08 23:08謝謝你們的建議,不過我現在缺的是教育學程和教師證,

SamuelLuo07/08 23:08研究所又找不到方向,所以才重考大學

Rasin07/09 00:26真要念在職或夜間 而且研所在職比較好

Rasin07/09 00:27制度認的是學歷不是能力 實戰認的是能力不是學歷

Rasin07/09 00:30受薪認的是職位 給薪認的是營利 還沒看過有人是因為能力

Rasin07/09 00:35加薪 也沒看過因為相關學歷盈利就好 雙學位沒什用

Rasin07/09 00:41當然如果目的是對教學興趣另當別論 像我這種動不動就罵人

Rasin07/09 00:41自障白癡的人可能就沒法理解教學樂趣了

SamuelLuo07/12 23:44感謝R大分析~不過在職應該沒有教育學程可修就是了

ctes94000807/15 07:49教育學程....你保重啊

SamuelLuo07/16 13:36感謝☺,剛才發現商學院除了經濟系所以外,都不在教育

SamuelLuo07/16 13:36學程的「適合培育系所」當中,所以還是考慮好再上

DarkerDuck07/31 16:3583字 * 5星 = 415