[閒聊] Bobby's Coming Back!
昨天晚上Damian Lewis上Stephen Colbert的The Late Show,在訪談的結尾Stephen問
Damian: Well....Bobby, Bobby's back, Axe is back
See everybody's working to hold on to what they know
So I guess I kept believe in my tonight will never go
Some spend a lifetime searchin' trying to figure out
When hell stops and heaven begins
How soon is now?
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Prince 這角色實在撐不起反派的氣場,還是要靠 Axe
Axe! Axe!
[情報] 美國31州認為Curry是本季MVP消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: Twitter map shows most of U.S. thinks Steph Curry is NBA MVP. Here's the full breakdown:爆
[情報] 現役50分榜前三:哈登、詹姆斯、里拉德These players have the most 50-burgers among active NBA players James Harden: 23 LeBron James: 15爆
[影音] 210526 美國CBS《荷伯報到(LSSC)》210526(210525)CBS《荷伯報到(The Late Show with Stephen Colbert)》 ▍播出時間 11:35 (臺灣時間) ▍直播連結74
[專欄] 「無球進攻」不如Curry?D.Lillard表示此前《The Athletic》有篇報道指出,Damian Lillard 為何每年的季後賽中未能有所突 破?原因就是他的「無球進攻」能力與 Stephen Curry 的相差太遠。對於這種評論, Damian Lillard 亦立即回應:「我能力並不比他差,而是在於球隊的配置。」 2016年與2017年的季後賽,拓荒者都是被勇士隊淘汰出局,對此勇士助教 Mike Brown 就71
[情報] Stephen Curry今天賽後跟Lillard擁抱致意消息來源: What did Dame tell Steph? Stephen Curry 今天隨隊造訪拓荒者隊主場 比賽結束之後也特別跟目前正在休養的 Damian Lillard 擁抱致意55
[花邊] Damian Lillard轉發"關鍵先生"推特Damian Lillard 已轉推 Bleacher Report’s Most Clutch Players Since 2000: 1. LeBron James 2. Damian Lillard58
[影音] The Late Show With Stephen Colbert時間:11:35 官方影片:46
[花邊] 火箭教練Silas對於守不住小李很不滿意Stephen Silas was pretty obviously fuming, and let the Rockets have it in the locker room. In his postgame press conference he described feeling disappointed. Said this wasn’t lack of effort, but wasn’t happy with how Damian Lillard thwarted every defensive strategy they tried.40
[情報] D.Wade ,Shaq 預測明星賽先發名單東區 Eastern Conference Shaq: D.Wade: G Bradley Beal Bradley Beal46
[情報] Stephen Curry 成為最老50分+ & 10助攻+最老50分+ & 10助攻名單 Stephen Curry 33-240d 今日 Wilt Chamberlain 31-210d 1968-03-18 Damian Lillard 30-244d 2021-03-16 Rick Barry 29-332d 1974-02-23