Re: [閒聊] 獵魔士,血源十分鐘心得

看板EAseries標題Re: [閒聊] 獵魔士,血源十分鐘心得作者
時間推噓13 推:13 噓:0 →:11

※ 引述《manu5566 (水中生物)》之銘言:
: 我其實不太確定只看20分鐘算不算得上心得,所以分類用閒聊
: 因為看到板上大家都在罵這部,甚至拿到了爛番茄史上最低分,搞得很有興趣,想看到底多
: 爛
: 我錯了,我只撐了十分鐘,就關掉了....
: 光開頭就很詭異
: 舉幾個電影常用開頭好了
: 懸疑片最常用的,鏡頭是從屍體開始,然後帶到封鎖線,再到警察之間的閒聊,這丟給觀眾
: 一個懸念,有人死了,他是怎麼死的,是誰殺了他
: 神鬼傳奇2:開場是戰爭場面,描述巨石強森征戰各地卻遇上慘敗,這時候只好向死神阿努
: 比斯求助用自己的靈魂換取力量,阿努比斯給了他一支戰無不勝的死神軍團,讓他攻克了城
: 池,你會知道這部主軸會是環繞巨石強森的死神軍團
: 木馬屠城記,開場直接上字幕,讓大家有個基本的歷史背景,再從布萊德彼特的視角開始,
: 國王要求他比武
: 全面啟動開場是入侵別人的夢,等等諸如此類
: 這部開場是一個戰爭場面,這個戰爭場面的前30秒是上下顛倒的,我一度以為我手機拿反,
: 害我轉過去,結果30秒後影片轉正,害我又轉回來(超級反人類)
: 而丹德里恩捲入這場戰爭場面,但有一個陌生人用時間暫停出手相救,丹德里恩問你為什麼
: 要救我(這邊對話很冗長,很多謎語人的台詞及橋段),陌生人告訴他,因為你不但有個好
: 心腸,並且會對精靈伸出援手,所以我想要告訴你一個發生在一千年以前的故事,並且幫我
: 傳頌給精靈,鼓舞他們給他們希望,一個七勇士的故事.....然後時間線就穿越到200年前的
: 一個女黑人視角
: 我打了以上一大串,有沒有發現,戰爭不重要,丹德里恩不重要,陌生人也不重要,故事主
: 軸明明就是200年前的七勇士,前面到底在幹嘛???
: 完全沒有重點
: 水時數嗎?
: 前面就故事就很破碎了,接下來的橋段是介紹七個勇士,每個人的故事背景.....
: 我就懶得吐槽與其用時間暫停,救一個吟遊詩人給他講故事,讓他去用唱歌鼓舞精靈,給精
: 靈希望........那老姊你的時間暫停更容易鼓舞吧
: 很可怕,我看了十分鐘都覺得會吐出血來,如果有「勇士」樂於挑戰自我,想看自己能撐多
: 久的,可以打開這部「七勇士」的故事,代價是自己的時間
: 如果看到一半,身體半邊不能動,要趕快送醫,那是中風前兆
: 看起來根本不像是專科寫的,我甚至覺得板上隨便抓一個開頭都可以寫的比他們好
: --
: ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
: ※ 文章網址:
: ※ 編輯: manu5566 ( 臺灣), 01/01/2023 11:31:33
: ※ 編輯: manu5566 ( 臺灣), 01/01/2023 11:35:31
: 推 yoshilin: 可能加點露點鏡頭會好很多 01/01 11:48: 推 tools: 我有看到女主角出場才關 01/01 11:56: 推 wild0522: 看到7位政治正確的角色,秒關(雖然不知道原著怎麼寫, 01/01 12:48: → wild0522: 但以NF尿性,後面肯定不妙 01/01 12:48: 推 ych1022: 最後一集還以為女主角要開演唱會了 01/01 13:07: 噓 kerwinboy: 也是沒那麼扯 只看10分鐘就可以發一篇爆嘴也是蠻跟風 01/01 13:31: → kerwinboy: 的 01/01 13:31: 推 windfeather: 陌生人是關鍵伏筆,丹德里恩是串連千年的核心 01/01 13:36: → windfeather: 時間暫停以及畫面倒轉在最後都有驚人的爆點 01/01 13:36: → windfeather: ……以上的推文,並沒有發生。 01/01 13:37: → windfeather: 好啦,說真的開頭怪歸怪,沒看完也很難說是否有用意 01/01 13:37: → windfeather: 或是單純的爛掉而已 01/01 13:38: 噓 a09728347966: 10分鐘是寫什麼心得啦 01/01 14:26

'The Witcher: Blood Origin': Showrunners on Creating the First Witcher, That
End Credits Scene, and More Spoilers
Lauren Schmidt Hissrich and Declan de Barra also talk about bringing Jaskier
back, and designing the Conjunction of the Spheres.



COLLIDER: I want to jump in right at the beginning of episode one and ask,
how did you decide that it was going to be Minnie Driver coming in and
narrating everything and how, ultimately, the beginning of Blood Origin was
going to happen?

DECLAN DE BARRA: It was an organic process. We had the basic pilot and then
we were constantly shaping it as we were going on. "What can we do to make
this better? What can we use to make this stronger?" And you're constantly
rewriting. Then Lauren had the great suggestion of, what if we used Jaskier'sdevice to tie it back? And it just seems so clear and obvious now, but at thetime in the fog of war, you go, oh wow. Yeah, of course. And then as we were
framing that, writing a story, how would he come in and where would he sit inthis world?

We had actually shot a different version of it and then we came up with this
brilliant idea. We re-shot it because we wanted to bring in this character
that Minnie plays of a Seanchaí, a shape shifting storyteller that sort of
drift between worlds and times. Collecting stories like grain, putting them
in a seed bank for when the Worlds need them to replant them and let these
stories flourish again for when people need them to rally around. It was justsuch a lovely, evocative image that we had to go with that. We actually made
that part of a little re-shoot we did. And compared to the original version
we had, which just Joey by himself and then it just began to sing like this
idea, but it came from Lauren's noggin. So if you anything else there,
Lauren, to add?

LAUREN SCHMIDT HISSRICH: No, you covered my noggin quite well. No, I mean,
Declan's right, anytime that you get the opportunity to watch cuts coming in
and go oh my God, there's an opportunity for us to do this in a slightly
different way, to connect things slightly better and Declan can talk about
getting Minnie Driver on, because obviously, that's dream casting for us. If
you think about who is going to sound like this mysterious magical elfin,
whose voice is going to pop up every now and then and just sort of remind us
what the macro arc is, that's an amazing get for us.

DE BARRA: Yeah, it just sort of fitted so well in. When I was thinking about
this idea with Seanchaí story collection, it was that moment where all the
sort of story about music and story and words being more powerful than any
army, sort of all less than you then to have it sort of personified in this
sort of creature that’s raison d’être is to collect stories because they
are so powerful. It was great. And the name Seanchaí actually comes from...
It was a position in Ireland where you were a storyteller, and you went
between the halls of kings, and you went to chieftains and people, and you
were the most powerful people in the land and kings were fucking terrified ofthem. And queens. Because one bad story would destroy you as a king. And theywere far more worried about that than any army. And then bringing that back
to life in this world, it just all clicked. It was one of those lovely
synchronous moments of story.








※ PTT留言評論
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manu556601/01 17:50訪談是說的很漂亮啦.....至於呈現上.....

berserkman01/01 23:51“one bad story would destroy you as a king” 整

berserkman01/01 23:51段屁話裡我唯一有同感的一句

berserkman01/01 23:54這群自嗨編劇想出故事搜集者這想法,沒想過是否適合

berserkman01/01 23:54巫師的主軸就硬塞,這下連原本故事都接不起來還沈浸

berserkman01/01 23:55在自己陶醉的氛圍裡

SHANGOYANYI01/02 00:35開場老套又無聊 角色也缺乏魅力 看10分鐘關掉+1

yoshilin01/02 02:00那大家有退租Netflix來抵制嗎?沒有嘛,還是繼續付錢給

yoshilin01/02 02:00Netflix找爛人製作

a122335601/02 02:38我還是有其他想追的劇啊,所以不想退訂。但這部爛片真的

a122335601/02 02:38不給負評都對不起我的良心。

sp6401/02 08:33不喜歡又沒辦法退租,就進去資訊頁面裡選不喜歡就好

NICKSHOW01/02 10:59現在連負評心得都不能發 不能按了不喜歡又來發心得嗎

a122335601/02 11:17爛片還不能講心得,版規訂的嗎?

berserkman01/02 12:53直接開大絕叫人退租好好笑XDDDD

jaysont01/02 13:16就喜歡的片被罵反駁不了放大決

cloud201501/02 14:10netflex是影音平台,為了一部爛片叫人退訂,講這種話的

cloud201501/02 14:10人有在用腦嗎?

greenpeter01/02 15:328樓…其實你可以選擇把錢拿去看_生

xerophil01/03 06:25Netflix的內容選擇還是最多的,只可惜近年自製整個爛掉了

mayrain201/03 10:04一個平台上面有一部爛劇我就要退租抵制,那我可能這輩子

mayrain201/03 10:04再也不用開電視了。

sorryla01/05 06:45不用退租啊,NF後台數據一看就知道哪部有人看哪部沒人看

sorryla01/05 06:45只要他們一直發現這些垃圾沒人看就會少拍這種垃圾了