[討論] Apple TV+《基地》前導預告

看板EAseries標題[討論] Apple TV+《基地》前導預告作者
時間推噓15 推:15 噓:0 →:10

今早在Apple WWDC發布

The future begins in 2021.

Based on the award-winning novels by Isaac Asimov, Foundation chronicles a bandof exiles on their monumental journey to save humanity and rebuild civilizationamid the fall of the Galactic Empire:

Foundation stars SAG Award-winner and Emmy-nominee Jared Harris as Hari Seldon;Lee Pace as Brother Day; Lou Llobell as Gaal; Leah Harvey as Salvor; Laura Birnas Demerzel; Terrence Mann as Brother Dusk; and Cassian Bilton as play Brother Dawn.

Foundation is executive produced by Robyn Asimov, David S. Goyer, Josh Friedman, Cameron Welsh, David Ellison, Dana Goldberg and Marcy Ross. The series is produced for Apple by Skydance Television.


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JMTL06/23 09:30終於!

tangdudu06/23 10:34有帥

ThreekRoger06/23 10:43感覺很多演員都很眼熟但一時都叫不出名字

sellgd06/23 10:57Halt and catch fire 那位啊

glenna930506/23 11:11看到基地終於翻拍真的好感動TT

tomlin12128306/23 12:22小說好難看 讀不完

cmotpetb06/23 12:35基地對科技和科學的想像太落伍了 如果不大改會超難看

cmotpetb06/23 12:37 過時

zaqmlp06/23 12:38我好興奮 我好興奮 我好興奮 歷史心理學再戰一萬年

green29004306/23 15:08期待!!!

freeblade06/23 16:59這時間跨度超長的耶 能拍好是奇蹟了 不要拍太爛我就給

freeblade06/23 16:59

freeblade06/23 17:032戰前開始寫的 想像落伍是一定的 不過可看到有利用黑洞

freeblade06/23 17:04的科技 可想見有改寫小說裡的科技 只是這要拍幾季阿?

MariaHolic06/24 08:15超期待 人性是永遠不會過時的題材

Victory206/24 09:45原作是經典啊!

glenna930506/24 10:57小說超好看!希望從前傳開始拍

taolebi06/24 18:00小說超級經典!!! 非常好看。

joey060206/25 01:07不抱期待欸,很難拍

ksng109206/25 09:44如果沒有事先規劃好季數並且都照拍,爆掉的機率不小吧XD

shellsand06/25 17:12超期待!!!

yyc121706/25 18:46科技呈現是還好 畢竟基地的核心是哈里謝頓和他的心理史學

yyc121706/25 18:46 帝國的隕落與第一第二基地的崛起

GyroZep06/25 23:17超級經典

CryingBee06/26 10:46小說超好看,但不知影集能掌握好節奏嗎