[情報] BBC: 可靠情報指出會有抗議者擾亂賽事

看板FORMULA1標題[情報] BBC: 可靠情報指出會有抗議者擾亂賽事作者
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British Grand Prix: 'Credible intelligence' of Silverstone F1 protests

There is "credible intelligence" protestors are planning to disrupt the
British Grand Prix, police said.

About 400,000 Formula 1 fans are set to head to at Silverstone Circuit over
the race weekend.

Northamptonshire Police have issued a warning to deter potential protestors.

Ch Insp Tom Thompson said: "We have received credible intelligence that a
group of protestors are planning to disrupt the event and possibly invade thetrack on race day."

He said officers believed any protest would be connected to environmental


總督察Tom Thompson說道: "我們接獲可靠情資指出一群抗議者正計畫在英國站搗亂且有可能在賽事當天衝入賽道"


Ch Insp Thompson made a direct appeal on Facebook to any protestors to "not
put yourselves, the drivers, as well as the many marshals, volunteers and
members of the public, at risk".

"If you go ahead with this reckless plan you are jeopardising lives," he said.

Silverstone Managing Director, Stuart Pringle, said: "We work closely with
Northamptonshire Police and the emergency service agencies to put plans and
procedures in place to ensure we are fully prepared to handle such

He urged fans at Silverstone "to act as our eyes and ears and report anythingsuspicious to a steward".

Thompson在Faccbook直接向任何抗議者呼籲: "不要把自身、車手、場邊工作人員、志願者及大眾置於風險之中"

銀石站總監Stuart Pringle: " 我們密切的和北安普頓郡的警方及緊急應變部門進行各種計畫還有程序,已確保我們可以充分應對相關的抗議狀況"




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