[情報] Bottas 罰退

看板FORMULA1標題[情報] Bottas 罰退作者
(土豆 thoo tau)
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:1

如題,BOT 引擎套件開超過規定數量了,罰最後起步;另外PIT超速罰單一張

Offence - Car 77 - PU elements Document 16

No / Driver 77 - Valtteri Bottas

Fact The following Power Unit Elements have been used:
4th ICE
4th Turbo Charger
4th MGU-H
4th MGU-K
3rd Control Electronics

Offence Breach of Article 28.2 of the FIA F1 Sporting Regulations.

Decision Required to start the race from the back of the starting grid.

Offence - Car 77 - Pit lane speeding Document 15

No / Driver 77 - Valtteri Bottas

Fact Pit Lane Speeding - 103.7 km/h

Offence Breach of Article 34.7 of the FIA F1 Sporting Regulations.

Decision The competitor (Alfa Romeo F1 Team ORLEN) is fined €1,000


※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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※ 編輯: Tudo11927 ( 臺灣), 07/08/2022 20:59:22

Vincent802607/08 20:59換了零件大禮包

likeastar07/08 21:06慘 Bottas這站還算都跑得不錯我記得

where199307/08 21:18他這站戰績很好欸QQ

ailycat07/08 21:27這是罰在sprint 而不是正賽?

likeastar07/08 21:31正賽

kinokonoko07/08 22:31QQ

GonFreecss07/08 23:08如果遲早要罰,與其罰在難超的街道賽不如先這樣