[情報] 12/26 the daily horoscope
You may find yourself in a discussion soon where a decision has to be made among you. Most other people will probably be concentrating on the here and now,focusing on what they can do in the moment. But you have a broader, more long-range plan in mind, dear Gemini. You are thinking ahead, and that's a wise thing to do. While there may be some things that can and should be addressed right away, it is also very important to look forward. That way, you can truly eradicate a problem. You will need to point out the importance of this.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
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[情報] 08/11 the daily horoscopeNo one wants to experience conflict with another person, whether it's a friend , a romantic partner, a family member, or even a stranger. It makes your stoma ch roil and your mind race, and the level of stress that one can experience du ring an argument can be tough to endure. But there can be positive elements to a conflict. A conflict can bring out the truth. It can also resolve a problem1
[情報] 11/23 the daily horoscopeIt may seem as though someone else is ahead of you in a competition or a quest to achieve something. You may feel passionate about getting ahead. But the on ly competition you really have is yourself, dear Gemini. If you could see it t hat way, you will recognize that it is all about striving to be your very best self. You can't worry about what someone else is doing. You need to focus onl- Something that you want very much has a few downsides, dear Gemini. This may b e becoming rather apparent to you now. It may even be causing you to rethink y our efforts at achieving a goal. But before you do anything rash, you need to remember that most great things in life require a few adjustments. You will ha ve to adapt to a few new things, but what you have to gain is so special and s