PTT推薦 Nicolas01 過去發表過的文章
- Upon closer inspection, Gemini, an opportunity that you had been planning to p ursue may not seem to be right for you. Someone else might be involved in this as well, and they may try to talk you out of leaving. You need to go with wha t you discover and what you subsequently feel, and if it doesn't feel right, y ou can't sacrifice yourself for someone else. If the other person is feeling a
- You are someone with great energy. To others, it seems like you move effortles sly in many directions at once. Yet even you get winded now and then, dear Gem ini. You may be a bit worn out emotionally and physically now since you have b een operating in high gear for at least several days. You don't just want to s low down; you need to slow down, but you are afraid that if you do that, every
- An emotional journey that you are on now may seem like it's going the wrong wa y. It's not! Although it does not appear the way you imagined it, dear Gemini, you are headed down an important path. You are learning things, making connec tions, and preparing yourself for something that will be very important to you - even if it seems like that is not something you set out to do. Have faith i
[情報] 02/26 the daily horoscopeCan an object be unlucky? Or maybe a day, or perhaps a certain date, or even a person, for that matter? Only if you think it is truly unlucky, dear Gemini. If you think you are being pursued by bad luck, you will create your own bad l uck as you sink into fear and avoidance. You may have had some mishaps in the past that you somehow associated with a certain person or situation, but that1
[情報] 02/25 the daily horoscopeIf you choose to turn down an opportunity today or soon, don't turn it down be cause of fear. If you truly don't feel like it is for you, or it isn't conveni ent, or you have something better to do at the same time, then say no with com plete confidence and satisfaction, dear Gemini. But if there is some feeling t hat you won't measure up, or you won't be liked, or you'll look foolish to som- You may be looking for ideas for a new venture that could increase your stabil ity and improve your financial outlook. If you have already put this request o ut there, dear Gemini, you may get some really great suggestions today or some time soon. Don't discount one idea that comes from someone who doesn't seem to have the right experience or who is very young, because they might be onto so
[情報] 02/23 the daily horoscopeFor a long time now, Gemini, you have imagined that a certain situation in you r life would improve. You aren't particularly happy with things the way they a re. You have come to the conclusion recently that a change isn't going to happ en. You have no control over it, and you can't control what other people choos e to do. The question for you now is this: can you live with things the way th1
[情報] 02/22 the daily horoscopeA change has become necessary in your personal life. You can no longer deny it , dear Gemini. This may have to do with your home life, and since home is a so urce of welcome and comfort, it is very important to your happiness and well-b eing. Whether that change involves a relationship or an alteration that will m ake you feel more welcome and at home, you need to start working on it. Knowin2
[情報] 02/21 the daily horoscopeThings have not been especially happy in one important area of your life recen tly - possibly related to a personal relationship. You are no quitter, dear Ge mini, and so you have, no doubt, tried and tried again to get things back on t rack. Yet if things still aren't going the way you want them to, then you have to start questioning your approach. If you are trying the same thing over and1
[情報] 02/20 the daily horoscopeWhen you are striving for something that is important to you - whether it's a relationship, a job, a money matter, or anything that you are drawn to powerfu lly - a worry can hold you back. That's because when you cling to a worry and run it through your mind over and over, it tends to become a fear. And fear ca n bring with it irrational thoughts and actions. A current hope or dream of yo1
[情報] 02/19 the daily horoscopeChildren are taught not to say naughty words. To some children - those who are more mischievous - that might seem like a challenge, and they might be more i nclined to break the rules. You might have been one of those kids, dear Gemini ! You like to challenge the standards and buck the system, and sometimes it's fun, and sometimes it creates positive change. However, you are now facing a s1
[情報] 02/18 the daily horoscopePeople may be seeking you out a lot now, dear Gemini. That's not all that unus ual for you because you are a people person with a magnetic personality. Other s often come to you with problems to solve or joyful news to share. At this ti me, you might be even busier than usual with these kinds of interactions, but even if you are feeling tired or distracted by other things, what you do have1
[情報] 02/17 the daily horoscopeYou may be blaming yourself for the way in which a conversation went recently with someone you care about. Maybe you lost your temper or said things that we re unfair. Whatever the reason was, dear Gemini, it sent the conversation off in the wrong direction, and now there may be hard feelings or even distance or a grudge between you. The only way to make things right is to explain yoursel- You have an important step to take toward a goal, dear Gemini, but there is so mething that is holding you back. You could have done this already, and you do n't know why you haven't, but you keep putting it off. Until you can understan d why you feel hesitant, you may not be able to move forward. Maybe there are some unresolved emotions about that next step, or someone is discouraging you,
[情報] 02/15 the daily horoscopeYour life may be a little bit dull right now, dear Gemini, but that certainly isn't because you are fated to a life of boredom. In fact, you have control ov er how things go for the most part. If you have snuggled down into a rut, ther e might be a reason for it that has not occurred to you. Maybe you are avoidin g life for some reason - such as disappointment, disillusionment, or frustrati1
[情報] 02/14 the daily horoscopeYou may be working diligently to avoid having to deal with a problem. You may have come up with a trick or two to avoid doing that, such as delegating it to someone else. However, dear Gemini, you need to consider that diving in and h andling the matter by yourself could be very good for you. It will not only gi ve you valuable experience, but it will also allow you to stop worrying about1
[情報] 02/12 the daily horoscopeA negotiation or a discussion you want to have with someone about an agreement you're thinking of making could happen today or soon. You may think that your options for this are very limited, and so you might not go into that conversa tion with a whole lot of hope. However, before you initiate this talk, you nee d to review all of your options, and there may be far more than you think. The- Declaring out loud that you are embracing a positive attitude will not automat ically make you feel optimistic, dear Gemini, but it is a good start. You want to feel very hopeful about an unfolding situation or a plan you wish to embar k on, but each time you try, you think about the potential problems instead. K eep on declaring your positivity, but also work actively at maintaining it by
[情報] 02/09 the daily horoscopeThere is a role that you would love to take on. It may even be something that you have fantasized about a lot in the past, dear Gemini. It may soon be offer ed to you. What will you do? Will you take on it proudly and choose to see it as the manifestation of your faith in yourself? Or will you have trouble belie ving in yourself? Will you start listing in your mind all of the things you la- You may believe that going along with someone's decision is the wrong way to p roceed, dear Gemini. Whether this person is in a position of authority or not, there is nothing wrong with stating what you feel if you do it in a respectfu l manner. You don't have to be too assertive to make your thoughts clear. You just have to express why you feel the way you do. If you are patient and commi
[情報] 02/07 the daily horoscopeYou have an important mission to begin today, dear Gemini. It is something you have been putting off for too long, to the point where it had almost become i mpossible. If not today, then when? It will be easy to get distracted because you are, subconsciously at least, looking for excuses to put this off yet agai n. If you can, try to isolate yourself away from other people and other distra1
[情報] 02/06 the daily horoscopeYou may have said something in the heat of the moment recently that led to a f lare-up of old bad feelings. The remark may have dredged up some resentment or regret from long ago, and that made you angry. That can happen when you don't think before you speak up, dear Gemini. However, you are a charming, smart pe rson, and you can find a way to retrace your steps and find a way to get back1
[情報] 02/05 the daily horoscopeWhen you are presented with an opportunity that seems too good to be true, you are well aware that it probably isn't. Even so, when something sounds truly s pectacular, and it also happens to tap into a deep desire of yours, it may be extremely hard to resist. You might start rationalizing all of the reasons why it could be the real deal. Be careful about that today, dear Gemini, because1
[情報] 02/03 the daily horoscopeYou have the ability to make a good, smart choice that is related to your home or your home life, yet you aren't quite sure what to do. It would be better t o concentrate on the array of options you are considering rather than branchin g outward and getting a lot of outside opinions. This is something that you wi ll have to live with, dear Gemini, so other points of view won't be as relevan1
[情報] 02/02 the daily horoscopeYou have far more potential than you presently recognize or acknowledge. You m ay be thinking a lot about what you want out of your life and your future, dea r Gemini, but you aren't looking at yourself realistically because you are not considering the many gifts you have. Even though there may be areas within yo ur talents that need some refinement, polish, and experience, you are lucky to1
[情報] 02/01 the daily horoscopeYou may be disappointed or even angry that you do not have something that you want right now. You may be imagining how much better your life would be if you did have what you want, and those thoughts make your feelings even more inten se. Yet what will that do for you ultimately, dear Gemini? Nothing! You can ce rtainly focus on acquiring what you want in the future - whether it is money,- You have probably heard the term, "kill them with kindness." The natural react ion to someone else's unkindness is to be unkind in return. However, you may b e dealing with someone now who unleashed their anger or treated you disrespect fully because of something they are going through. It's hard to know for sure, but being kind in response is never the wrong way to go, dear Gemini. If you
- Following through on something you started recently will be very important to you today, dear Gemini. You may have got a good head start on this, but you th en went off in different directions. You can get distracted easily because you are always on alert, looking around for opportunities and remaining very awar e of what's going on around you. Today, you need to focus on an endeavor that
[情報] 01/25 the daily horoscopeSome people use the phrase "seek and you shall find" as a way of implying that if you would only search for something you want or need, you will find it. So metimes it does happen that way, dear Gemini. Sometimes our dreams do arrive i n a neatly wrapped package. Other times, however, you have to keep searching a nd searching. Sometimes it takes a long time and involves a lot of difficultie1
[情報] 01/20 the daily horoscopeYou may soon be taxed with making a big and important decision for yourself th at will also affect other people. You may have far too many choices available to you, which could make it that much more confusing. However, it is the numbe r of choices that is the confusing part - not the choices themselves. If you f ilter out those options that are obviously lesser and continue to hone it down2
[情報] 01/19 the daily horoscopeYou may be wishing that karma would visit a certain person who has wronged you in some way. What happened has left an emotional wound, and it remains open a nd painful - even though you may not talk about it. However, Gemini, karma wil l not happen at your direction, and if you're savoring thoughts of it, then yo u're continuing to wound yourself and feel the pain that comes from dwelling o1
[情報] 01/17 the daily horoscopeSometimes, Gemini, you forget how very good you are at thinking on your feet. An ongoing project or assignment has been going well, most likely because you have planned it pretty meticulously. However, something may be going wrong, or changes may be mandated that are causing frustration and worry that it isn't going to work out as planned. However, this is not going to be a problem for y1
[情報] 01/16 the daily horoscopeYou may be hoping for reassurance that a quest you have taken on is going to b e worth your time and effort. You may have come here to this message thinking you might find that validation. Yet the power of creating the outcome you are wishing for is in your hands, dear Gemini. Seeing that message here might make you feel better, but you will feel better yet once you accept that you have t1
[情報] 01/15 the daily horoscopeA fascinating new hobby could turn into a lifelong passion if you give yoursel f the chance to really learn and to shine. It might take a while to figure out what you are doing, but this could be something very special for you, dear Ge mini. If you haven't yet found an interest that captivates you, this is a grea t time to start searching, because you need some kind of ongoing creative outl1
[情報] 01/14 the daily horoscopeYour values and your conscience might be holding you back from accepting what appears to be a wonderful opportunity. You have high standards and a strong mo ral compass, dear Gemini, and even though a tempting offer seems wonderful, yo u may have to bow out because of certain ethical concerns. Don't dwell on what you think "might have been" if you had crossed that line and said yes, becaus- A conversation that you have been avoiding may take place today anyway, dear G emini. You may be blindsided by this conversation, but that's actually a good thing because you would have avoided it again if you could. You will see that engaging with someone you don't want to talk to will wind up unburdening you o f a worry or a fear that has been holding you down and making you anxious. Eac
[情報] 01/12 the daily horoscopeYou have probably heard this advice before, dear Gemini: It isn't how many tim es you get knocked down; it's how many times you get up. In other words, if yo u keep getting up - if you keep trying - then you still have a chance to succe ed. It may seem an obvious clich but it's universally true - that's what mak es it obvious. If you feel down and out because of something you have tried an1
[情報] 01/11 the daily horoscopeAn upcoming endeavor is going to take up a lot of your time and energy. It is also going to take up a lot of space in your mind. You have to learn about it, evaluate what you learn, analyze what will work the best for you, and then co me up with a strategy. If you are also busy thinking about potential problems and what will happen if you fail, you won't have enough room for all of that e1
[情報] 01/10 the daily horoscopeYou may be getting a lot of feedback and opinions on a decision that you have been struggling with. While that should make it easier to make a choice, it mi ght actually be making it harder for you, dear Gemini. You are hearing good ad vice from other people, and these are people you find trustworthy - but now th ere might seem to be too many good options to choose from. Take what you have1
[情報] 01/08 the daily horoscopeIt is harder to negotiate with someone you like a lot. That's because you migh t not want to use your knowledge of the person to leverage them to tip the sca les in your favor. You would have greater compassion for someone you care abou t, and it would be difficult to want to outmaneuver them. However, you may fin d that with an upcoming negotiation with someone you like and admire, there wi1
[情報] 01/07 the daily horoscopeThe stars are encouraging you to say yes to an offer or opportunity that you t urned down at some point last year. You may have had regrets about it the last time, but you were not ready anyway. You are now better positioned to make a success of this effort, and another chance to take it on should come to you ve ry soon. You may see signs of its arrival as early as today, so be on the aler2
[情報] 01/04 the daily horoscopeEven though it is a brand-new year, dear Gemini, it might feel like the same-o ld/same-old to you. You may be feeling skeptical and cynical because you don't feel any different, and you don't have much hope that things can get better f or you. However, today you may start to see that things really are a bit diffe rent for you and that your potential for happiness and achievement is greatly1
[情報] 01/03 the daily horoscopeRight about now, Gemini, you may be asking yourself if there is a deadline on the holiday eating and merrymaking. Should you still be eating those homemade cookies? Should you still be wearing your pajamas all day long? Whatever overi ndulgence you may be engaged in, it could just be an attempt at releasing the stress that has built up over the last few weeks. If you are having a tough ti1
[情報] 01/02 the daily horoscopeYour emotions are very close to the surface today, dear Gemini. As long as you are aware that you are feeling more emotional, you can still have a fabulous day. Since your reactions may be more impulsive, think twice before responding to people or situations. Give yourself time to process the events of today, a nd make sure to filter everything you hear and experience through a positive l2
[情報] 01/01 the daily horoscopeEven our best days can contain moments that are upsetting, hurtful, or that in cite anger. It is the difficult elements that add to the intensity of the good moments, making them special. Today, you may experience a mixture of joy, sad ness, and anger, but the less desirable elements can only add to your enjoymen t of what is good. Try to focus on the good stuff and learn from everything el1
[情報] 12/26 the daily horoscopeYou may have taken a beeline away from tradition recently, which may not have pleased someone who cares about you. This person may be stuck in their ways, a nd they don't always take to change very well. This may have to do with the ho lidays, or it could be that you planned an event in an unusual way or somethin g else that just did not impress someone who was expecting the same-old/same-o1
[情報] 12/25 the daily horoscopeIf you are composing a list of New Year's resolutions, dear Gemini, why not in clude forgiveness? And that would not be just forgiveness of others but also a vow to forgive yourself. If you are feeling bad or guilty about something, th en it means you are a moral person with a conscience. Your guilt and worry hav e already caused you suffering. Today, if you make a promise to yourself of fo1
[情報] 12/24 the daily horoscopeSome long-standing situation in your life is coming to an end. While this is a good thing - because it involves a happy ending or an achievement - it is als o leaving a gap in your life that makes you feel a bit sad and lonely. For now , Gemini, try to focus on the good part. Try to feel proud and happy and to ce lebrate what is happening. When the time is right, if you remain open to it, t1
[情報] 12/23 the daily horoscopeYou just don't have time to indulge yourself today, dear Gemini. After all, th ere is a whole lot to do, and you may already be behind in getting it done! Ho w could you even think of taking care of yourself? Actually, that kind of mess age could only come from guilt and from a lack of respect for yourself and wha t you deserve. You may be busy, but you can always take a few minutes to care1
[情報] 12/21 the daily horoscopeYou may feel as though you are going from "the frying pan to the fire" in an e ndeavor you don't really want to be involved in. Perhaps you took this on out of a sense of obligation. Maybe someone pleaded with you to help them, and so you said yes out of compassion. Now the stakes seem to be higher, with more re sponsibilities being hoisted upon you. You don't have to go there, dear Gemini2
[情報] 12/19 the daily horoscopeYou may have been in a position over the last few days or even weeks when you had to spend a lot more money than you would have liked to. Perhaps your car b roke down, or the furnace needed repair, or a bill came up that you had forgot ten about. These unexpected expenses may be causing you some grief - but don't panic, dear Gemini! While this is something you do need to take seriously, it- Decisiveness is not always your easiest quality to summon. That isn't all that surprising. As a Gemini, you have the dubious blessing of a brilliant mind th at is always flitting from one wonderful idea to the next. The moment you come up with a fantastic idea or a solution, another fantastic idea or solution oc curs to you. It can be hard to narrow down what's best. You may be in the mids
[情報] 12/14 the daily horoscopeYour future could be very exciting, dear Gemini. You may be thinking ahead to an event or an experience that you know lies in the near future, but you aren' t quite there yet. And while you dream away and envision that time that is sti ll relatively far away, you are neglecting the here and now. Someone in your l ife may be reminding you to be more "present" because they can see that you ar1
[情報] 12/13 the daily horoscopeMany people take the time to mark special occasions in some way, such as with a party or a celebratory event. These occasions might be a birthday, an annive rsary, or some kind of achievement. You do not always do that for yourself, de ar Gemini. You may soon reach a significant milestone in a long-term goal, yet you are treating it as though it's ordinary. Take some time to mark the occas2
[情報] 12/12 the daily horoscopeMost people, at some point in their lives, face trouble and problems. They may experience money issues, family conflicts, friendship betrayals, and so much more. While the fact that others sometimes experience the same problems we exp erience won't make things better, it can be inspiring to know that they work t hrough their issues and move on to happier times. You can count on things gett1
[情報] 12/10 the daily horoscopeWhen you reach for a big and important goal, there is always the chance that y ou will wind up being disappointed or even disillusioned. Things might not wor k out as you hope, and then you would have to deal with a wide range of emotio ns - sadness, anger, self-pity, or even the feeling of failure. However, tryin g and failing is not the end of the world, dear Gemini. Remember this: If you1
[情報] 12/09 the daily horoscopeYou may be able to come up with quite a few reasons why a recent endeavor fail ed or almost failed, dear Gemini. Maybe the timing was wrong, or the circumsta nces were not ideal. Maybe someone else made a blunder that impacted your effo rts. Perhaps someone intentionally hurt your chances. It's easy to find excuse s or to blame others, and maybe some of the time there are reasons of this kin1
[情報] 12/07 the daily horoscopeThe hardest thing for you today will be to be diplomatic with someone who is b eing disrespectful. It will also be the most important thing you can do, dear Gemini. Even if you encounter someone who is rude, insensitive, thoughtless, a nd unkind, you are encouraged to be diplomatic in return. If you respond with anger or you behave defensively, you may incite a conflict, and nothing good w1
[情報] 12/06 the daily horoscopeA miscommunication or wrong information may have led you to make a big mistake . If this has happened, Gemini, try not to take yourself too seriously. In fac t, have a good laugh about it. Find something funny in your situation. And mos t of all, try to recognize that you are not alone in such a silly predicament, that it could have happened to anyone, and things could be worse. If you look1
[情報] 12/05 the daily horoscopeYou may have become angry during an argument with someone recently. At the tim e, Gemini, you may have felt very justified in reacting the way that you did. You are, after all, a very fair and reasonable person. However, news may have come to light recently, or you may learn something that will shed a brighter l ight on what transpired with this individual and why. You may feel foolish tha