[情報] 01/15 the daily horoscope
A fascinating new hobby could turn into a lifelong passion if you give yourself the chance to really learn and to shine. It might take a while to figure out what you are doing, but this could be something very special for you, dear Gemini. If you haven't yet found an interest that captivates you, this is a great time to start searching, because you need some kind of ongoing creative outlet to vent all that pent-up creative energy and to be able to produce something that reflects who you are. You can be impatient, but you will need to approach this calmly and realize that it can enhance your serenity.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
首PoIf a lot of people have been criticizing you recently because of something you want to do, then you might as well stop criticizing yourself. After all, why add to the chorus of negative voices? Obviously, you have made your choice bec ause it's what you want. It shouldn't matter what others think. But if you are adding to the negative vibe because you are unsure, then that is something to1
首PoPressure may be building over a financial or family matter. You may think that something should be done right away, but waiting it out until there is more i nformation would be the wiser thing to do. Anything you set in place today to deal with this might have to be dealt with in a different way later on. Althou gh you may feel anxious about this and eager to put it behind you, dear Gemini1
首PoSomething seems to have changed in a primary relationship of yours. You can't put your finger on it, but it could actually be a good thing. While it may tak e some adjustment, Gemini, try to treat it all more like a new discovery than a big change. If you adapt to a new way of appreciating someone, you will see a rich new wave of potential joy and excitement. Life is always changing, and2
首PoIt may feel like someone has turned against you because you have spoken the tr uth. You only spoke up, though, because you felt cornered. Maybe there was an accusation or an implication that made you feel defensive. Whatever the reason , you may now be feeling alone. Sometimes, though, dear Gemini, being alone ca n be good. It will give the other party time to reflect on their own role in a
[情報] 2022/05 Monthly Horoscope如果你這個月從小事情開始做起,小小的一小步,你就可以獲得大大的進步。 這將是所有關於承擔你能合理實現的事情,以便你能保持積極和動力,而不耗費你的身體 和情感能量。 月之子,一次只做一件事。 一次一天。3
[情報] 03/20 the daily horoscopeThis is a great day to become immersed in a job search, exploration of a class you're thinking about taking, or anything else that is related to self-improv ement and expanding your knowledge. You may not realize it yet, dear Gemini, b ut you are at the beginning of a quest to enrich your life, and learning and s eeking something better for yourself will be a big part of it. Keep in mind th1
[情報] 03/13 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期五 3月 13 Gemini horoscope for 星期五 3月 13 If you don't have the right resources to begin working on a project that is im portant to you, you may have the urge to start anyway. Since you are a very ad aptable person, Gemini, you may feel that you can just take a makeshift approa1
[情報] 04/06 the daily horoscopeTomorrow is not promised, and that's why they call today the "present" - becau se it's a gift. We hear so many inspirational messages of this kind that they begin to feel like cliches. But if you are now in need of inspiration, dear Ge mini, this is a good one to think about. If you concentrate on enjoying, learn ing from, and relishing every moment today, you will see things that you would1
[情報] 02/05 the daily horoscopeYou might be feeling bored by the slow pace of things right now. You may even be feeling restless because you want to get out and about and be productive. B ut taking the rare chance to pause and to restore your energy is actually a lu cky break, and in that sense, it can be quite productive in its own way, dear Gemini. So, savor the chance to slow down, to take care of yourself, and perha1
[情報] 05/25 the daily horoscopeWho are you, dear Gemini? You may be experiencing a few moments of self-doubt now. Even though you are smart, kind, charming, amiable, and so much more, you do have moments when you begin to doubt yourself. Perhaps it would help you i f you could be more creative in the way you live every day. From the styles yo u wear to the things you choose to talk about, it would be interesting to star1
[情報] 07/23 the daily horoscopeIf you can find your balance between reality and fantasy with an idea of yours , dear Gemini, you can find a way to make a dream of yours come true. What is now an imaginative fantasy has the potential to become something more - someth ing that is both lucrative and satisfying on a deep level. Some of what you ar e thinking may not be realistic, and you probably realize that, but you can fi1
[情報] 10/28 the daily horoscopeThere may be a few lovely opportunities becoming available to you soon, dear G emini. You may both sense this and see it beginning to unfold. Since you have waited quite some time for this to happen, you probably want to grab every sin gle chance that comes your way, but that might not be prudent. You have to be selective, or you will not be able to give your best attention and passion to1
[情報] 11/13 the daily horoscopeThere is a hobby or an interest that you have neglected for a while. Maybe you have not made the time for it. Maybe it has become a bit dull. Yet it was rea lly good for you because it got you to get out a bit in a carefree mindset rat her than focusing on work or other obligations or worries. You need more of th at kind of thing in your life, dear Gemini. If you find it difficult to get mo- 親愛的月之子,你沒有完全忘記你重要的創意目標,但你也沒有積極追求它。 你已經陷入了應付生活、處理責任,或許還處理一些悲傷或幻滅的情感,以至於你的目標 已經不再是你的主要關注,即使你偶爾也會想起它。 但你可能不會意識到,如果你現在將一些能量投入到這個目標中,它會幫助緩解你因此而 感到的絕望感。