[情報] 11/13 the daily horoscope
There is a hobby or an interest that you have neglected for a while. Maybe you have not made the time for it. Maybe it has become a bit dull. Yet it was really good for you because it got you to get out a bit in a carefree mindset rather than focusing on work or other obligations or worries. You need more of that kind of thing in your life, dear Gemini. If you find it difficult to get motivated to get back into it, find a companion who enjoys the same thing. It might be even more enjoyable if you have someone to share it with.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
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- It is becoming apparent that a solution you thought was a good one may not wor k out with a relationship conflict. There may be more compromise needed, dear Gemini, and it may be needed on your end of things. If you aren't willing to g ive a bit more, then you may be at a standstill. If you aren't okay with that, you either need to come up with other options on your own, or you need to rec