[情報] 12/14 the daily horoscope
A message that you receive from someone soon will be dramatically positive. And when you receive it, Gemini, you need to react to it with all of the emotion and gratitude that you feel. You may feel conspicuous being put center stagein the spotlight, but these are accolades that you deserve and that you deserve to acknowledge for yourself. You may be feeling rather humble right now, but experiences like this are good for you and underscore your positive efforts.In other words, lap up the attention!
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
※ PTT留言評論
首PoKnowing what you want is often the first step to getting what you want. But not always. Sometimes it is best to go into a situation being willing to explore all the options. If you were to make your mind up before you are presented with choices, Gemini, you might not even notice that there are other things to choose from, and so you could limit yourself. You may be1
首PoYou aren't afraid to throw caution to the wind. A good risk is exciting to you rather than frightening, Gemini. Sometimes, in fact, you take on more than yo u should because you love an adventure and because you don't harbor fear and w orry in the way that many people do. But something you are considering now mig ht warrant a closer look. While it might seem thrilling in the moment, you hav2
首PoAn endeavor you have taken on, initially with great hope and anticipation, is taking much longer and turning out to be much more difficult than you thought it would be. Your disappointment may be palpable. You thought you would have r eached your goal by now. But you are an optimist, Gemini, and now you are enco uraged to find something good in your current scenario. And yes, there is some1
首PoYour future could be very exciting, dear Gemini. You may be thinking ahead to an event or an experience that you know lies in the near future, but you aren' t quite there yet. And while you dream away and envision that time that is sti ll relatively far away, you are neglecting the here and now. Someone in your l ife may be reminding you to be more "present" because they can see that you ar
[情報] 09/29 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期二 9月 29 Gemini horoscope for 星期二 9月 29 Can you feel the stress falling from your shoulders and melting away? Can you sense that the tension you have been feeling is beginning to ease? Are you now able to see a faint ray of light coming from behind the clouds that have been4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/13今天,你所接受到的一個正面訊息將會使你笑得嘴巴都要裂開了。不管是關於工作、金錢、家庭方面的好消息或是任何事情,都會為美好的一天奠定基礎。既然你現在磁場這麼好,阿牛,來執行讓你覺得充滿樂趣又滿足的事情吧!來自宇宙的正向力場與你同在,你需要好好去利用它。好事正等著你,你越去主動推動好事的發生,越能好上加好。 Taurus horoscope for Tuesday Jul 13 A positive message you receive today should leave you grinning from ear to ear. Whether this is about a job, money, good news from family, or anything else, it will set the tone for a marvelous day. Since the energy is so good for you now, Taurus, you should work on whatever it is that makes you feel the most joyful and fulfilled. The positive force of the universe is with you, and you need to capitalize on that. Good things are in store - and they will be even better if you start actively pushing for good things. --3
[情報] 06/17 the daily horoscopeIf you had a time machine, Gemini, you would probably choose to travel back to the past right now. Despite your adventurous nature, the thought of traveling ahead might scare you. You may have fears that things will not be as good in the future as they were in the past. Recent experiences may have also contribu ted to this line of thinking. But today, or very soon, you will receive a glim3
[情報] 08/16 the daily horoscopeIs that good feeling you should be feeling now the real thing? Are you truly s ensing that something good is coming your way and that your life is changing d ramatically for the better? Perhaps it could simply be a mirage or an illusion coming from a sense of desperation, right? This message is to encourage you t o trust what you are feeling, dear Gemini. This message is to remind you that2
[情報] 10/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may have poured a lot of effort into helping someone who doesn't seem to appreciate you. You are someone who is always focused on doing the right thing, and even when you don't receive the accolades you deserve, you persevere anyway. Even so, Moonchild, it can be demoralizing to commit your time and energy to someone who does not seem to recognize your2
[情報] 09/24 the daily horoscopeWhen a psychologist is depicted in a television drama, the line "how does that make you feel?" seems to be the classic response to the character's problems. Most times, the process of working through something upsetting begins with fi guring out how it makes you feel. From there, it is easier. Once you identify how you react to something and how you feel about it, you can figure out why y2
[情報] 10/13 the daily horoscopeEverything in your life can be dramatically enhanced through positive thinking . Can you remember a time when things were going your way? If so, you can prob ably also recall that you were feeling upbeat and enthusiastic, and this posit ive attitude made everything better. If you feel that you are in a slump right now, perhaps you are trying to justify your dark mood. But that won't do you2
[情報] 12/15 the daily horoscopeWhen you get up in the morning each day, you probably first brush your teeth, wash your face and hands, or perhaps take a shower, and comb your hair. It's y our way of getting ready for the day and feeling presentable, and being your b est self is important. These are physical things that wake you up and help you feel ready for the day. But you can make your day even more successful if you1
[情報] 02/15 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期六 2月 15 Gemini horoscope for 星期六 2月 15 There may be someone relying on you, Gemini, and you may be afraid that you wo n't come through for them or with some other responsibility that you have take n on. But this fear of failing is just a fear - and you can't allow it to take- Hope is a powerful emotion. It can lead to a positive sense of expectation and anticipation. You may be denying yourself hope now for something you want, co ming up with rational reasons why you shouldn't feel that way. But hope should not be limited. You have every right to believe and hope that something you d esire is possible. And once you allow yourself to feel that way, it will liter