[情報] 12/09 the daily horoscope
An emotional whirlwind may have swept you up in recent days, causing you to be very reflective and introspective. This is a good thing, Gemini! You may have some feelings you wish to share, and this is a good time to do that. You aremore emotionally expressive now, and you are tuning in to your true needs andwants in a more focused and spiritual way. Again, this is a good thing! Although your mood may be all over the place, you are headed in a good direction. Let your heart lead the way.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
Ps1. 我12/9-12/11要考地方政府特考,
祝金榜題名!! 非常謝謝您一直以來的熱心,獲益良多~
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[情報] 08/16 the daily horoscopeIs that good feeling you should be feeling now the real thing? Are you truly s ensing that something good is coming your way and that your life is changing d ramatically for the better? Perhaps it could simply be a mirage or an illusion coming from a sense of desperation, right? This message is to encourage you t o trust what you are feeling, dear Gemini. This message is to remind you that2
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[情報] 10/22 the daily horoscopeSomeone seems to be trying to show you up, Gemini. For every accomplishment of yours that comes up, this person boasts about their own achievements. But it may not be about their ego, Gemini. It may be the opposite - it may be about t heir insecurity. They may feel that they don't measure up to you in some way, and it comes off as being overly competitive against you. Although it may be a2
[情報] 11/11 the daily horoscopeIf you start a fitness regimen with regular exercise, you can expect to experi ence some tiredness and sore muscles, especially in the beginning. That's just part of getting fit. It's not a bad thing. In fact, it is a reminder that you are doing something good for yourself, dear Gemini. You may be experiencing t rials and tribulations now with something you are striving to do. And while it1
[情報] 09/05 the daily horoscopeThe road to hell may be paved with good intentions, but the road to happiness is also paved that way. You set out with good intentions and good plans, and s ometimes they work out - and sometimes they don't. A recent debacle is not an indication that you are going in the wrong direction, Gemini. One mistake does not mean you are doomed to future mistakes. You are headed in the right direc1
[情報] 05/11 the daily horoscopeA rift you may be experiencing in a work or business relationship might actual ly be a good thing. Since you have to restrain yourself and provide a diplomat ic, professional outward appearance while you are roiling inside over someone' s unfairness or arrogance, you are striving to be patient and hopefully tolera nt. This will pay off if you can maintain it, dear Gemini. But through this ex- You may wish that you could take back something you said to someone recently. You may even be thinking of trying to do just that. You may want to address th at person directly and tell them that you did not mean what you said. But are you sure that's the truth, Leo? Maybe you just feel bad that the way you feel is now out there. That could actually turn out to be a good thing - a very goo
- When something good happens, there may be things preceding it that are in the way. For example, when you are building a house, you might have to knock down a few trees. You may be confused now by some trouble you are experiencing, eve n though you may have an overall sense that things are headed in the right dir ection and that good things are happening for you. That is right, Gemini. The
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