Re: [問卦] 為什麼別人有3A我們就也要有3A?
A lot of time : 要做很久
A lot of money : 要花很多錢
A lot of resource : 花很多力氣敲鑼打鼓
花了一堆錢 做了幾年都不知道東西做出來沒
啊不就點麵線app 都成立一個部會來做了
※ 引述《donlitrain (動力火車車)》之銘言:
: 阿肥我社會觀察家啦
: 想說啊
: 一個3A大作也洗太久了吧
: 一邊吵台灣為什麼沒有?
: 一邊吵不能稱讚中國?
: 我是覺得R
: 真的不用別人有什麼我們就做什麼R
: 中國做出來大方稱讚也無妨
: 有什麼好吵的
: 那為什麼人家中國有Volvo
: 台灣裕隆拿一堆補助還只做出垃圾菌R?
: 台灣4產油國嗎?
: 還是台灣就是很包容?
: -----
: Sent from JPTT on my iPhone
推 ROCSimonLiu:博士虐貓,碩士約砲,學士射精在飲料,校友正在蹲苦窯05/30 00:43
→ ROCSimonLiu:教授作帳假發票,職業學生看報紙才知道。05/30 00:43
※ PTT留言評論
[問卦] 數位部成立一年後做了什麼事200億的數位部 成立也一年了 這一年到底有做了什麼事 詐騙好像跟他無關 只記得弄了個智障點麵線的app 還有嗎?爆
[情報] Kerr:不能為沒進季後賽的球隊花那麼多錢"I don't think it makes sense to have a massive payroll right now with our tea m...At some point, you can't spend this much money for a team that didn't make the playoffs. We have a lot of decisions to make and a lot of questions to an swer. The only questions that are out there really have to do with what's next. NotX
[閒聊] 500元/月課在原神上能有甚麼遊戲體驗嗎今天在帶一個菲律賓來的實習醫生發報告 途中跟他閒聊 我: What is your entertainment on the weekend (你周末的娛樂是什麼) 他:Usually my friends will go hiking with me, but I prefer lying in bed1
[問卦] 不谷歌知道3A大作意思的+1A lot of money A lot of resources A lot of time 剛剛問10個朋友 大概只有2-3個能說出意思5
Re: [3A] 原來曠野之息跟王國之淚不是3A嗎?首先 3A定義是 A lot of time A lot of money A lot of resource3
[問題] 台灣能不能出運動類遊戲啊?如題 沒圖 好奇 問一下啦: 別管什麼3A...( A lot of time, A lot of money , A lot of resource)- 請問要怎麼才能過3A人生 A lot of time A lot of money A lot of resource 要怎麼讓人生 擁有
[問卦] 三A大作比較厲害嗎?原本以為是有什麼評級 查一下原來是 A lot of time, A lot of money, A lot of resource 沒有硬性規定 就開發時間長 花的錢多 耗的資源兇 這樣來看3A大作聽起來蠻沒逼格的啊2
[情報] 03/31 the daily horoscopeA second chance may be coming to you soon, Gemini. This could be in some area of your life where you spend a lot of time wishing something had been differen t and that you had done more with the gifts the universe has blessed you with. This new beginning could be offered to you in the area of relationships, your home life, or maybe even both. This time, if you spend more time digging into1
[情報] 05/06 the daily horoscopeYou may have spent a lot of time working on a plan, and a lot of time reassuri ng yourself that your plan was the best one possible. But somewhere along the way, Gemini, you may have become so ensconced in your certainty that this was the best path that you stopped being open to other options. If another idea or possibility comes to you today, be open to it - even if you are certain that
[問卦] threads 大批愛台網友焦慮痛哭爆
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Re: [新聞] 批藍白毀憲亂政3法 民進黨將窮盡手段30
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