[問卦] 藍色丼蛙,快開槍吧?
Blue froggy open your safe insurance, and fire the first gun. The hole world is waiting for you. Just pull the trigger, it is not a problem for you, right?
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We don’t car!
hole world??
CIA 這麼好抓喔?
廢文 滾
[情報] 小Z IG傷情更新Hey guys, I am now on my way back home. Based on the first medical checks, it looks like I have torn several lateral ligaments in my right foot. I will be f lying to Germany on Monday to make further examinations and to determine the b est and quickest way for me to recover. I want to thank everyone all over the world for the kind messages that I have8X
[外電] Correa反擊Bellinger的評論原文:Astros’ Carlos Correa Blasts Dodgers’ Cody Bellinger For Criticism Of Jose Altuve (以下為Correa受訪的部分,以Correa為第一人稱) The problem I have is when players go out there and they don’t know the facts26
[外絮] 對Gallinari而言 NBA停賽並不突然For Danilo Gallinari, the N.B.A. Shutdown Wasn’t So Sudden 對Danilo Gallinari而言 NBA停賽並不突然 來源: 紐約時報 The coronavirus outbreak has been front and center for the Italian N.B.A. star for weeks through family and friends back home.24
[閒聊] 毒舌老外 Gigguk 確診武漢肺炎前幾天才剛公布他的2021最佳動畫名單的知名動漫向youtuber Gigguk 剛剛在推特上發推宣告他確診武漢肺炎 Unfortunately I just tested positive for COVID. Been getting plenty of rest but seem to be through the worst of it right nowX
[問卦] Is this the real life ? Is this just fIs this the real life ? Is this just fantasy ? Caught in a landslide No escape from reality3
[創作] 我做的阿北頌,請給分Taipei city, oh how I miss ya Mayor Ko, you're the one who runs it People call you the "father of Taipei" You're the reason this city's still alive You made it a place where people can thrive
[問卦] 司法又死了= =爆
[問卦] 大家覺得北院今天會判繼續交保還是羈押爆
[爆卦] 法官這樣說 北檢是不是涼涼?爆
[問卦] 今天是不是柯文哲去見爸爸的最後一面了爆
[問卦] 審判長:法院重視的是事證 這才是法院真爆
Re: [新聞] 北檢:「橘子」去哪很重要!駁許芷瑜「爆
[問卦] 北檢私下嗆聲:只要交保我們會無限抗告爆
[問卦] 如果最後無罪 面子會不會掛不住?爆
[問卦] 檢方的心態是不是已明顯不適任了?爆
[問卦] 2026,2028不要選錯哈爆
Re: [新聞] 北檢:「橘子」去哪很重要!駁許芷瑜「爆
[問卦] 三進三出的機會有多大96
Re: [新聞] 柯文哲案!承審女法官問「押到何時可以96
[問卦] 直接搬去檢察官家住 可以防串證嗎?84
[問卦] 怎樣才能讓阿北的影響力完全消失?84
Re: [爆卦] 北院裁定羈押75
[問卦] 王俊力四年後會升大法官嗎53
[問卦] 台灣社會如此分裂極化還有能力抗中嗎98
[問卦] 身高+老二=170公分 怎麼分配44
[問卦] 找不到金流為什麼還要繼續押?50
[問卦] 無罪推定原則為何還是得先押55
Re: [新聞] 數發部261人「聘58名清潔工」 民眾黨團46
Re: [問卦] 北檢私下嗆聲:只要交保我們會無限抗告55
Re: [問卦] 日本AV女優的社會地位到底怎樣?34
[問卦] 假設明天兩岸開打,你各位會上嗎?43
[問卦] 問個蠢問題 檢察官跟法官誰大啊?33
Re: [爆卦] 北院裁定羈押36
Re: [問卦] 法官問羈押理由 檢察官回放在起訴書裡38
[問卦] 館長怎麼那麼冷靜