[問卦] 新年快樂??
No more champagne.And the fireworks are through.
Here we are
Me and you.Felling lost
And feeling blue.
It's the end of the party
And the morning.Seems so grey
So unlike.Yesterday Now's the time
For us to say
Happy new year.Happy new year
May we all.Have a vision
Now and then.Of a world where
Every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year.Happy new year
May we all.Have our hopes
Our will to try.If we don't
We might as well.Lay down and die
You and I
Sometimes I see.How the brave new
World arrives.
And I see
How it thrives.In the ashes
Of our lives.Oh yes, man is a fool
And he thinks.He'll be ok
Dragging on.Feet of clay
Never knowing.He's astray
Keeps on going.Anyway
Happy new year...
Seems to me now.That the dreams
We had before.Are all dead
Nothing more.Than confetti
On the floor.It's the end of the decade
In another ten year's time
Who can say.What we'll find
What lies waiting down the line
In the end of.Ninty-nine
Happy New Year...
[分享] Freddie Freeman和勇士球迷道別先附上連結: 內文: I don't even know where to begin. For the past 15 years I got to be apart of y our organization. It was truly an honor. We went through the very highs togeth34
[情報] IGN選出2020 Game of The Year入圍名單原文網址 IGN's Game of the Year 2020 - The very best games of 2020 Whether we were gathering cherry blossoms and catching bugs or frantically trying to escape the depths of the underworld, 2020 kicked off the new decade33
[閒聊] YOASOBI / Into The Night (夜に駆ける)YOASOBI / Into The Night (「夜に駆ける」English Ver.) Konnie Aoki的填詞和ikura的唱腔跟鬼一樣 各種空耳 Seize a move, you're on me, falling, and we were dissolving You and me, skies above and wide, it brings on the true night on me18
[影音] 201210 TIME 專訪201210 TIME 專訪 BTS Is TIME's 2020 Entertainer of the Year cr.TIME官網 / TIME @ YouTube8
Re: [求助] 男人幾歲開始性欲會降低?no no no my nigga56 this is so wrong : 就像跟龍妹可以正常聊天 : 但遇到正妹就不知道怎麼開口 ok let's not discriminate dragon sisters1
[問卦] ABBA的Happy New Year是不是值得爆紅一下No more champagne 香檳喝完了 And the fireworks are through 煙火也結束了
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