Re: [爆卦] 韓國宣布戒嚴

看板Gossiping標題Re: [爆卦] 韓國宣布戒嚴作者
時間推噓11 推:11 噓:0 →:15

※ 引述《kite6128 (nchu5566)》之銘言:

圖 韓國宣布戒嚴
: 剛剛好像總統因為政治紛爭導致宣布戒嚴了
: -----
: Sent from JPTT on my iPhone


South Korean president declares emergency martial law, accusing opposition ofanti-state activities

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol declared an “emergency martial law,”
Tuesday accusing the country’s opposition of controlling the parliament,
sympathizing with North Korea and paralyzing the government with anti-state

Yoon made the announcement during a televised briefing. He declared the step
as critical for defending the country’s constitutional order. It wasn’t
immediately clear how the steps would affect the country’s governance and

Yoon since taking office in 2022 had struggled to push his agendas against anopposition-controlled parliament

路透社之類的也出來了 好像是真的=.=



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jma306 12/03 21:51啤酒特價

ggian123 12/03 21:51開扁光州暴民

vzerov 12/03 21:52看到澤聖越來越胖 學到了這是

miacp 12/03 21:52該不會輸球是最後一根稻草吧

newforte 12/03 21:52是在反什麼 回歸北韓嗎

ChineseTeam 12/03 21:52戒嚴是會怎麼樣?

whiteflora6 12/03 21:53子瑜快回乃~

NN9 12/03 21:53終於有人會縮網扯了

arlaw 12/03 21:53我只是個計程車司機

tools 12/03 21:54不要傷害我的定延!!

citywanderer 12/03 21:55南韓青鳥是做什麼事?搞到戒嚴

jonse 12/03 21:55厲害了

HPLC 12/03 21:55啥狀況?

cloudyst 12/03 21:56韓國抗議起來可瘋了 之前還有要直接幹掉

sexygnome 12/03 21:56南韓民進黨?

cloudyst 12/03 21:56總統

t95912 12/03 21:57現在只要反政府就是跟北韓串通? 好像似

t95912 12/03 21:57曾相似喔

azeroth 12/03 21:58南韓真的有人會挺北韓哦?那個沒錢鄉下國

limitlesscit 12/03 22:00民進黨會學喔

SPAEK 12/03 22:02其實會挺很正常 跟我們以前很想 只是現在死

info1994 12/03 22:02南韓抗議很恐怖耶 超狠

SPAEK 12/03 22:02的差不多了 韓戰比我們晚結束

SPAEK 12/03 22:03隨著新一代 挺的人越來越少而已

hw1 12/03 22:13韓國紅仲秋嗎

scores 12/03 22:31南韓抗議是會丟燃燒彈的 戒嚴好像正常