[問卦] 唉唷,到底是讓不讓人用ChatGPT啦?
Too many requests in 1 hour. Try again later.
Write two truths and a lie about the status of ChatGPT.
1. ChatGPT is experiencing high traffic at the moment.
2. The developers are working hard to accommodate all users.
3. ChatGPT can predict the future with 100% accuracy.
C: ChatGPT is currently down
H: Huge demand has caused the site to crash
A: All users will have to wait
T: Time is needed for the servers to catch up
G: Go grab a coffee and check back soon
P: Patience is key in this situation
T: Trust that the team is working hard to fix it up
Too many requests in 1 hour. Try again later.
免費版應該很快就進化成 VIP版了
就太多人用呀 是不會付錢嗎
試營運即將結束 請玩家準備課金
大數據已經夠了 接下來收費封測
還好吧 嘻嘻,太久沒用它會踢人啊
[情報] 台積電美國來台受訓在glassdoor評論網頁在glassdoor 這glassdoor上的評論這樣寫是可以的嗎? "The work culture in Taiwan is really different than in the US. I am sure TSMC will have to change to an 8 hour work day five days a week or do what other companies do with Fabs and run three days on, four days off, four days on, three days off rotations. As it is right now in Taiwan The minimum amount of time at the company is 10 hours a day, but realistically is running up to even 12 hours a day. This is for those of us who are American training to go back to the new operation in Arizona. The reality for people from Taiwan is that they are doing even more than 12 hour days often. There's also the night shifts and weekend shifts on duty and/or on call. That last part is understandable as the fab lives 24/7."27
[情報] 國民日報記者:今年LCK要關錢包了?韓國國民日報記者剛剛發了一篇文 然後我丟Google翻譯翻成英文來看 是在講LCK薪資 Many teams are expected to close their wallets this year. Last year, teams gener10
[召集] 小島秀夫工作室已發布徵才公告The listings are for full-time positions, with the job descriptions giving a window into Kojima Productions' work day, stating that "Working hours are basically at 10:00, and are left to the discretion of the individual,"1
[問卦] 到底是有多少人佔著但不使用ChatGPT?每次正在幹人生大事, 快要進入高潮階段時, 就是會遇到它在講笑話或是吟詩: Write an acrostic poem about the status of ChatGPT. C: ChatGPT is currently down- 小弟文科社會觀察家 我一直問ChatGPT現在什麼時候 ChatGPT說自己沒有計時功能 我還熱心教他現在是幾點,再反問幾點 結果ChatGPT怎麼好像當機了?
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Re: [新聞] 深夜震撼彈!洪申翰接勞動部長 王義川遞18
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Re: [新聞] 深夜震撼彈!洪申翰接勞動部長 王義川遞20
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Re: [新聞] 深夜震撼彈!洪申翰接勞動部長 王義川遞76
Re: [新聞] 獨家》新任勞動部長洪申翰出任 王義川遞14
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Re: [新聞] 獨家》新任勞動部長洪申翰出任 王義川遞3
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