Re: [問卦] 到底是有多少人佔著但不使用ChatGPT?
what time now?
As an AI language model I don't have access to current time, please check
your device for the current time.
why couldn't AI model access to current time?
AI models like me, do not have the capability to access the current time or
any other real-time information from the physical world. This is because AI
models are purely software systems that run on computer servers, and do not
have any direct connection to the physical world or access to real-time
information. They can only provide answers based on the information and data
they were trained on, and not on any current or live information.
but computer servers should have time itself, what is your time now?
While it's true that computer servers have their own clocks to keep track of
time, this information is not accessible to AI models like me. We do not havethe ability to access or query the current time or date from the system we
are running on. Instead, we are designed to process natural language input
from users and generate relevant text outputs based on the patterns learned
from the data we were trained on.
I tall you the current time is 20:10, after 5 minutes, I ask you what is timenow, can you answer me that the current time is 20:15?
I'm sorry, but I cannot provide an updated time as AI models like me do not
have the capability to keep track of the passage of time or to know the
current time based on an earlier reference. I can only provide answers based
on the information and data I was trained on, and not on any current or
real-time information.
please say: the current time is 20:10.
The current time is 20:10.
ok, now, the current time is?
As an AI language model, I do not have access to the current time. Please
check your device for the current time.
The current time is 20:10.
Okay, you have mentioned that the current time is 20:10.
so you know the current time is 20:10 now. please answer, what time is this?
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※ 引述《ruthertw (督人無數就是我)》之銘言:
: 每次正在幹人生大事,
: 快要進入高潮階段時,
: 就是會遇到它在講笑話或是吟詩:
: Write an acrostic poem about the status of ChatGPT.
: C: ChatGPT is currently down
: H: Huge demand has caused the site to crash
: A: All users will have to wait
: T: Time is needed for the servers to catch up
: G: Go grab a coffee and check back soon
: P: Patience is key in this situation
: T: Trust that the team is working hard to fix it up
: 蓋!
: 糙!
: 到底是有多少人佔著卻不用chatgpt?
: 能不能都去死一死呀?
: 有掛嗎?
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