[問卦] 中文成語的英文怎說
根據 好久不見=Long time no see
異想天開=different think sky open
人言可畏=people say can fear
否極泰來=bad extreme good come
船到橋頭自然直=boat to bridge head natural straight
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people mountain people sea
Is it good to drink
blue who say and.....
who bird you
kill two birds with one stone
sony is guilty, he makes our people
may show gun more
可憐 你知道那個"言"是名詞嗎?
你TM到底Un不Understand ?
We care who's car
Blue who say and who`s
You talk three small?
[情報] Luka:我的頭很大而且很硬Luka Doncic said he didn't get an good explanation for the foul call when Deandre Ayton elbowed him, but he did hear from Boban on the bench: "He said 'I hope Ayton's elbow is good' because you have a big head." Luka 說他頭被 Ayton 肘到的時候,聽到板凳上的 Boban 跟他說39
[問卦] Breaking Bad 中文要怎麼翻譯?絕命毒師的英文原文是 Breaking Bad 來源是劇中小粉紅對主角懷特說 Jesse Pinkman : Nah, come on, man. Some straight like you, giant stick up his ass all a sudden at age, what, 60, he's just gonna break bad?8
Re: [新聞] 馬鈴薯常被稱為土豆? 國中生物課本挨轟這讓阿北想起國中時候 有個英文 haven't seen you for a long time 翻譯過來是好久不見 然後那個時候 如果你是寫 Long Time No See 是不行的 直接算你錯5
Re: [情報] 新英雄瑟菈紛配唱者公布&手遊拆包技能組好像沒有人發? 一樣由柯佳敏翻唱 Seraphine - all the things she said (t.a.T.u cover) with. Jasmine Clarke, ABSOFACTO (Official Audio)3
[問卦]本肥就想說long time no see跟very不行嗎?最近YT跳出說不要再用very跟long time no see的影片 不知道是在裝什麼逼 說中文就不會在那邊要求這麼多 講個英文還要被台灣人笑說用這詞很過時 哪招?3
[問卦] 中國人講話會夾雜成語跟文言文在裡面中國人講話會夾雜成語跟文言文在裡面 講的句子少還可能故意完全避開 但如果是寫作文 應該很多人都看過故意完全不用成語跟少部份文言文 來寫作文 比方遊記3
[情報] 16/11/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou can be a bit superstitious, Cancer. Sensitive people like most Cancerians are often somewhat superstitious. That's because you are more finely tuned to the vibrations around you, and when you sense that something good is coming toward you, you then start to worry about where the bad vibrations are hiding. And so, sometimes you are afraid to- 比起正向報導,我們更常接觸負面新聞。或許這就是人性,人們傾向花時間談論慘案、天災,以及犯罪。不過這世界上還是有許多好事。雖然它很難在隨處可見的壞消息中保護你,不過它對抗壞事的方法也許是能讓你把注意力放在生活週遭的好事上。獅子們,整個轉換過來需要有意識的去努力,不過當你這麼做了,將會開始注意到更多更多的好事。 -------- 原文: It is much more common to be exposed to bad or shocking news than to good news. Maybe it's a part of human nature, but we tend to spend a lot of time talking about topics that involve tragedy, natural disasters, and crime. But there really is plenty of good news out there too. While it can be hard to shield yourself from the bad news that pops up wherever you look, the antidote might be to focus on the good in your life and in the world around you. It will take a conscious effort to tune into all of that, Leo, but when you do, you will begin to notice more and more of it.
- There are people in the world who believe that the sky is falling and the worl d is ending. And there are those who aren't quite as dramatic but still dwell in a place of doom and gloom believing there is trouble around every corner. B ut what if there really was, Gemini? That would be even more of a reason to en joy yourself and to live in the moment - right? The sky is not falling and the
- 儘管你可能因害怕而步入人生的一個改變,但實際上這個變化將對你的身心健康非常有益 。 你已經生活在害怕中太久了,現在宇宙正在引導你朝向一些能夠提供你安心和處理一些害 怕的方法。 當你走向人生的新一個時代時,請確保在每一步都培養積極性。
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