
時間推噓77 推:90 噓:13 →:42




※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

peter98 09/04 11:06don't bother

takechance 09/04 11:06GG ininder

CREA 09/04 11:06ok

bill403777 09/04 11:06mdfk

moma8 09/04 11:06可以去engtalk板

johnson2726 09/04 11:06我OK , you first

herculus6502 09/04 11:06沒有problem

milkcake 09/04 11:06I dot cat

NirOE 09/04 11:07OKy

NewPassat 09/04 11:07Mei sho gan mo?

vowpool 09/04 11:07pretty good. so why you use chinese?

adon0313 09/04 11:07i dot car

dlam002 09/04 11:07不可以,未滿30繁中字請進桶

WIGGINS22 09/04 11:07OK

A80211ab 09/04 11:08pls translate

nvlsvee 09/04 11:08Hahaha

KangSuat 09/04 11:08討厭 人家想用法文聊色

scum5566 09/04 11:08ok la, ikea? no,i'm costco haha uccu

dogdream 09/04 11:09I OK YOU NO OK UNDERSTAND?

whitenoise 09/04 11:09Kiss my axx

AAaaron 09/04 11:09say English? easy

xu3ru0454 09/04 11:09Good morning

oopsskimo 09/04 11:09以後toeic 分數未達700不得進ptt發言

AAaaron 09/04 11:10google translate

yin0416 09/04 11:10It's easy for me, but difficult for yo

yin0416 09/04 11:10u.

louiswei1986 09/04 11:10Eight Diagrams Board

syntax123 09/04 11:11anus dick

AAaaron 09/04 11:11I am find, thank you

kjes924308 09/04 11:11NO OK

fire124 09/04 11:12I do car

kuosambition 09/04 11:12who's your father?

sata1025 09/04 11:12PTT YYDS

jesiuty 09/04 11:12Holy hole

kuosambition 09/04 11:13fire in the asshole~

blue820117 09/04 11:13say my name

Bartolomeo 09/04 11:14OK After You

scum5566 09/04 11:14how are you? i'm fine, fuck you

AAaaron 09/04 11:15hey, my body,...ya, you now

cat5672 09/04 11:15this is a pen , that is a dog

yin0416 09/04 11:15What appears effortless to me may prov

yin0416 09/04 11:15e to be a formidable challenge for you

chandlerchen 09/04 11:15male three small

sazdj 09/04 11:16of course if u can accept poor English

AAaaron 09/04 11:16There are fife people in my family

tsubasawolfy 09/04 11:17這樣長ID更沒人權

pttenjk 09/04 11:19taiwan can help

lulocke 09/04 11:20I am not in danger

dcshoecousa 09/04 11:21sure

SpectreMan 09/04 11:21Tzamina mina eh eh Waka waka eh eh

be00148 09/04 11:22這idea真不錯

ramirez 09/04 11:25of course. please! do it!

seal998 09/04 11:25you can go fuck your self

ariel780102 09/04 11:26OK Iagree your idiot idea

copybrown 09/04 11:29Holy shit!!

TomChu 09/04 11:31okok

k862479k 09/04 11:31u公three小

ilw4e 09/04 11:32ok der lah

shadowdio 09/04 11:34ok, i dot car.

akak5504 09/04 11:36YOU HERE OPEN WHAT PLAY SMILE

dormir 09/04 11:38mate tell u wot u fat lil cunt

Rsew 09/04 11:40OK

help1268 09/04 11:43I ok u first

boycott 09/04 11:43 maa iidesyou

rosejs13 09/04 11:45so easy

cat5672 09/04 11:47IのEnglish本當上手

SydLrio 09/04 11:50Estus tre maloportune publikigi tian a

SydLrio 09/04 11:50rtikolon

BaRanKa 09/04 11:50sure

NiMaDerB 09/04 11:50Fxxk

CIDgreen 09/04 11:51goto english

xwindy88 09/04 11:55IKEA COSTCO

sekokawana 09/04 11:56penta kill

yylin3266 09/04 11:56rock on

je321654 09/04 11:56boku no ei go wa jozu desuyo

stu25936 09/04 11:58no problem

pxndx 09/04 12:01DPP can help Taiwan

happylinadog 09/04 12:03可以啊 反正丟ai翻譯而已

Yahweh 09/04 12:05批私 of ㄎㄟ ㄎ

leafshot 09/04 12:10Why no

bluelanti 09/04 12:14ok

bboring 09/04 12:14this is a pen

newwer 09/04 12:15I English good, so no question

ssisters 09/04 12:17Who car

ots625 09/04 12:19落後才學英語

godchildtw 09/04 12:23make sure gun more

firecrest 09/04 12:24May show gun more

willie6501 09/04 12:24Your Eigo 本當上手

lkdsa 09/04 12:25這樣要罵接地氣髒話有點麻煩

hackfox 09/04 12:27I am five

aasssdddd 09/04 12:29yes i do

funami087 09/04 12:32hello may show ganmo

ilovebig99 09/04 12:32I am cuming

Bonkon 09/04 12:35好險我多益有700

sparta40 09/04 12:37where's the gossip?

WindSucker 09/04 12:38anal

elibra01 09/04 12:40Ok, DPP go to the hell

yeh0416 09/04 12:47Who cars

pupudice 09/04 12:51Chinese no say english

Gsun 09/04 12:52My TOEIC have over 7887 point English so

Gsun 09/04 12:52 ok

Gsun 09/04 12:53My English is so good, like Apple, Bird.

sbreezer 09/04 13:04vegetable english sucks

ssc40109 09/04 13:06Jia sai la

mave0 09/04 13:09Hey guys ,you need to trying the Reddit

LeoXZ 09/04 13:11More g long

supercow1984 09/04 13:13haha,I like your idea

aiyukino 09/04 13:13那你來talk talk

Alpha2022 09/04 13:17Is e04 a Englisg word?

ROCArmy623 09/04 13:18Who cares.

kohanchen 09/04 13:19No, my english is 差

ROCArmy623 09/04 13:21Foolish idea.

hiaries 09/04 13:23俺 fine thank u & u?

Tingnerba 09/04 13:27no prublen

rhino0314 09/04 13:30Sure, let's start.

Demia 09/04 13:30八卦版鄉民都是托益1000分的高手,安啦

mynewid 09/04 13:41cc

kitten123 09/04 13:43duck bu bi

KOTD:轉錄至看板 KOTDFansClub

09/04 13:45

faker007 09/04 13:48fuck you tsai ing wen

ibanes 09/04 14:01I am ok,but you first.

willy4907 09/04 14:16f f f

cagman 09/04 14:17Nice to meet u

bj4j45 09/04 14:24not interested

v3dys6f3a3j5 09/04 14:27anyway 總total

yahooyamgoog 09/04 14:31Yes I do

lala86591 09/04 14:49I dot car

solobobson 09/04 15:14AAAAA

GGinler 09/04 15:19i dot car

steven5026 09/04 15:26Is good to drink

omaomao 09/04 15:37I go to school by bus.

kevin926 09/04 15:45no mind

didi22lic 09/04 15:47I don’t car

d0lphin88 09/04 16:04what a joke

tikowm 09/04 16:18Say my name

newking761 09/04 16:38dpp eat shit

henry4204aaa 09/04 16:52GMMF

Poaceae 09/04 17:37o

leeszuyuan 09/04 18:12I’m okay la, but how about you

leeszuyuan 09/04 18:12la?

icespring 09/04 18:34yes I does

yin0123 09/04 19:19i dot car

wayhowhown 09/04 19:20i dot car

kickflip 09/04 23:10Lets cook

a4715646 09/05 06:39Rdy? You want this shit

KOTD:轉錄至看板 NTUCivilism

09/05 09:54

johnang 09/06 10:07ok