[問卦] Taylor Swift哪首歌最好聽?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] Taylor Swift哪首歌最好聽?作者
時間推噓推:100 噓:0 →:31



Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover

You all over me也不錯


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DONNY 11/19 00:10認真覺得folklore那張好聽 整張都好聽

amberrose 11/19 00:11Cruel summer

cuteSquirrel 11/19 00:11都好聽 從RED開始聽

johnhmj 11/19 00:11都好聽

lck17 11/19 00:11Fearless !

pumapupa 11/19 00:11最近比較喜歡red

dada22157 11/19 00:11Enchanted 超讚

petersnape 11/19 00:12cruel summer越聽越讚

mschien8295 11/19 00:14folklore evermore 1989這三張

b2305911 11/19 00:19殘夏

mnmcbl 11/19 00:2022

kilid 11/19 00:22style

kay00503 11/19 00:2422

emptyzzz 11/19 00:25blank space/anti-hero/cruel summer/st

emptyzzz 11/19 00:25yle

tonyshihhhh 11/19 00:25All to well

Wacha52 11/19 00:25Enchanted 最強

cook840787 11/19 00:26勒底嘎嘎

Superxixai 11/19 00:27Style

mikiworldpea 11/19 00:31cruel summer

herecomesdan 11/19 00:35Long Live/ All too Well

lin7425 11/19 00:36red

neo0516 11/19 00:40全部好聽

starbucks16 11/19 00:40Love story

neo0516 11/19 00:41I wish you would

neo0516 11/19 00:42This love

neo0516 11/19 00:43Gateway Car

PHME317 11/19 00:43style 、exile

FlipAdam499 11/19 00:46Cold as you

aa85720tw 11/19 00:46Clean/ Don't you/ Nothing New

aa85720tw 11/19 00:47(這真的是八卦版嗎

neo0516 11/19 00:49high infidelity

Gnargaga 11/19 00:49Exile

BrokenYume 11/19 00:49cruel summer willow

neo0516 11/19 00:50Question?

fred0755 11/19 00:50blank space shake it off

neo0516 11/19 00:51all you had to do was stay

neo0516 11/19 00:53Sweeter than fiction

Sammingy 11/19 00:54shake it off

GGBronze 11/19 00:55mine

bart102617 11/19 00:59每一首都超讚

You0716 11/19 01:00Clean、All too well、back to December

You0716 11/19 01:00

AA0132396 11/19 01:02Love story

legendd 11/19 01:03blank space

aurora0308 11/19 01:06ours

pccnup 11/19 01:10love story

EKman 11/19 01:11我難過

viwa77068194 11/19 01:11red

DDhow 11/19 01:17Lover

liu1030 11/19 01:18All too well

heat0204 11/19 01:21我也很喜歡這段

ss10255 11/19 01:2422

PSY5566 11/19 01:24我難過

a25018250 11/19 01:24sparks fly

Tzuhsiang 11/19 01:31Folklore 每首歌都很平靜

gi1234g 11/19 01:31style 沒有之一

Tzuhsiang 11/19 01:31All too well 也很讚

kalvin 11/19 01:31Blank Space

qwas0413 11/19 01:34以前到現在永遠Style最頂

Superxixai 11/19 01:35Style 前奏直接高潮

firemothra 11/19 01:40Question..?啊

firemothra 11/19 01:41august

firemothra 11/19 01:41if this was a movie

Aplin22 11/19 01:41Sparks fly 沒變過

firemothra 11/19 01:42Out of the woods

firemothra 11/19 01:42Enchanted

firemothra 11/19 01:43Look what you made me do

firemothra 11/19 01:44Last kiss

firemothra 11/19 01:45Is it over now?

Taylor4ever 11/19 01:45雖然每一首都很喜歡 最喜歡的應該是

Taylor4ever 11/19 01:45All Too Well吧!

firemothra 11/19 01:48樓上id 真的是鐵粉

F2012 11/19 01:50poker face

pida 11/19 02:01Sparks fly

kv8220 11/19 02:15Clean/red/getaway car

HKDW 11/19 02:27Enchated吧 我超喜歡這首歌

sample 11/19 02:30從不關心到沒感覺到漸漸認同

dearhsu 11/19 02:43august

ConDDL 11/19 03:11nothing new

ajeoirgh 11/19 03:22take me home country road

luckyhsin199 11/19 03:33推9樓 跟我一樣!個人最喜歡style

luckyhsin199 11/19 03:33和lover

Tiger23 11/19 03:53Treacherous

wwndbk 11/19 04:28lover

jplix 11/19 05:21都不好聽

ttt010233 11/19 05:53speak now

hikku 11/19 05:55Cruel summer

for103you 11/19 06:57Red

circums 11/19 06:59Enchanted

s91264s91247 11/19 07:39Blank space

b93173 11/19 07:53他跟男友分手後寫的那首

chengyu1010 11/19 08:06Love story

VVinSaber 11/19 08:10太多了,絕對是千禧年後最強天后

EucalyDog 11/19 08:12我以為走錯板,八卦板怎麼這麼正常

gummycat 11/19 08:23safe and sound

showoo 11/19 08:38Back to December

Somebody99 11/19 08:38trouble blankspace

G75566 11/19 08:53OMG

TommyWu1991 11/19 09:04全部 一生推

minmean56 11/19 09:14shake it off

BBQman 11/19 09:29safe and sound

zaqmkovfr 11/19 09:54我選Love story

kira2899 11/19 10:04Call lt what You Want,她跟joe的定情

kira2899 11/19 10:04曲 世界與我為敵但我有你,可惜他們沒

kira2899 11/19 10:04有走在ㄧ起QQ

shiaobai 11/19 11:01Blank space

Penguinsucks 11/19 11:02I knew you were trouble.

alive0 11/19 11:06We Are Never Ever Getting BackTogether

nojon7873 11/19 11:23Sparks fly

technicolor 11/19 11:26Enchanted

vivilin1203 11/19 12:01Style, end game

fletcher5014 11/19 12:24每首都好聽QQ

fletcher5014 11/19 12:24RED you belong with me 22 等等

pulululu 11/19 12:44Trailor Swift

bruce0331 11/19 13:05全部都好聽

yshii 11/19 13:34Style/Cruel Summer/Out of the woods

chrxi 11/19 13:46Getaway car

chrxi 11/19 13:48如果有人也喜歡Getaway car,那我們就是好

chrxi 11/19 13:48朋友惹 <3

chrxi 11/19 13:48enchanted 每次聽每次哭

ethanlai1203 11/19 14:40Question...?最喜歡

aabcd1234 11/19 15:15red ,all too well

tupacshkur 11/19 16:01Bad blood

catwithptt 11/19 16:55exile

firemothra 11/19 22:33Back to December

tupacshkur 11/20 00:11End game

neo0516 11/20 10:53Getaway Car真的讚

phcky0816 11/20 19:07居然在八卦版沒大歪樓 幾乎都認真回

ching0212 11/22 18:33在不同人生階段不同境遇,都能找到有

ching0212 11/22 18:33相配的詞和歌,另外推沒歪樓XD