[問卦] 欲加之罪的英文怎麼講?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 欲加之罪的英文怎麼講?作者
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ispy03532003 08/31 22:53DPP want you die

WolfTeacher 08/31 22:53dpp want you die

edward198791 08/31 22:53i want you die

firose 08/31 22:53dpp is garbage

ispy03532003 08/31 22:53靠腰2樓你是跟我通靈逆w

WolfTeacher 08/31 22:53靠背 一樓學我

ppav0v0v 08/31 22:54mo sh yo

rogerwang 08/31 22:54DPP want you die

haroldliu 08/31 22:54You're fired

Amulet1 08/31 22:54DPP is god

zzro 08/31 22:54靠夭一二樓都沒加s以示尊敬

tanchuchan 08/31 22:54I want you die

chadmu 08/31 22:54sin of yoga

PSptt 08/31 22:54dpp can help

k2020445 08/31 22:54Lie cheater

haha7456 08/31 22:54170W

Amulet1 08/31 22:54君權神授

BaGaJohn5566 08/31 22:54mo shi yo

bear1414 08/31 22:54DPP is god

Anvec 08/31 22:54DPP's dog come with DPP

haroldliu 08/31 22:55Suck me , beautiful

cchsiao 08/31 22:55Yù jiāzhī zuì

asdiii 08/31 22:55line wants you die@@

tanchuchan 08/31 22:55怕吼里系

adios881 08/31 22:55someone wants to frame you

adios881 08/31 22:55or, false accusation

book1016 08/31 22:55KP

Anvec 08/31 22:56DPP's stooge and where to find them

hipab 08/31 22:56jade add's guilty

ju06080719 08/31 22:56dpp wants to kill you

Beramode 08/31 22:56結婚吧 一二樓

myadam 08/31 22:56dpp sucks

totoo2009 08/31 22:57dpp is dog

chouvincent 08/31 22:57

圖 欲加之罪的英文怎麼講?

werqq 08/31 22:58DPP IS YOUR FATHER

khastw 08/31 22:58只有adios大在認真回

Goog1e 08/31 22:58一二樓不但一樣 五六樓還一個靠腰一個靠背

Goog1e 08/31 22:58你們兩個太適合湊成一對了 去登記結婚吧

khastw 08/31 22:58其他是來聯誼的

lakershank 08/31 22:59cold noodle times two

goodman5566 08/31 22:59how do you turn this on

waitang 08/31 22:59DPP want you die

azukinana 08/31 22:59賴缺德多行不義必自斃

TaLeiBan5566 08/31 23:00DDP let you die.

hbooreo 08/31 23:03Yoga’s Jay, hole one woods

tanchuchan 08/31 23:04一二樓來放什麼閃啦

tupacshkur 08/31 23:05Give a dog a bad name and hang him

shun1008 08/31 23:07DPP want you die

tupacshkur 08/31 23:08He who has a mind to beat a dog

tupacshkur 08/31 23:08will easily find his stick

kk16355 08/31 23:09You are dead!

smartwe 08/31 23:09un-dpp

misssomethin 08/31 23:10Game over ggyy

snsdakb48 08/31 23:11fish plus of drunk

ww9022039 08/31 23:14DPP want you die

IDfor2010 08/31 23:19DPP

selenahu 08/31 23:23一二樓在一起!

forbake1 08/31 23:23dpp can kill you

andy78714 08/31 23:24DPP want you die

NDSLite 08/31 23:26Those who wish to impose a crime will

NDSLite 08/31 23:27always find a pretext.

siyabear 08/31 23:30DPP want to fuck you

Jaygo5566 08/31 23:48DPP must kill u

resque45 08/31 23:54KP and gress=SB

AlexLeee 08/31 23:56

圖 欲加之罪的英文怎麼講?

linbasohigh 09/01 00:11一二樓產生共時性物理法則,肯定有量

linbasohigh 09/01 00:11子糾纏

saiga12416 09/01 00:40一二樓去結婚啦

limitlesscit 09/01 01:15蔡英文

kimono1022 09/01 01:55一二樓笑死

giantwinter 09/01 02:03Yeeeeee

LightWorker 09/01 10:18Any exercise will serve a tyrant.

LightWorker 09/01 10:19excuse me

LightWorker 09/01 10:19Any excuse