[問卦] DePends on the Person是什麼意思啊?
DePends on the Person
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※ PTT留言評論
[情報] 字母哥:能不能留下我就看公鹿的決策如何"It depends on what decisions they make. If they make the right decision, I’ ll be there for many years. If they do not, we’ll see. The NBA is business and we take it day by day. Hopefully we can succeed together.” - Giannis on his future in Milwaukee80
[花邊] White:不要用19 20歲時的表現衡量整個生涯White to ESPN: “I feel like some people get their career judged at 19, 20 years old. If they squashed me at 19, 20, I wouldn’t be in this position. It depends on the person and how much work they're willing to put in, but some people just need some time to develop, to grow.”68
[問卦] 雙標的英文怎麼說???如題 雙標的意思就是 我能 你不能 對自己和對別人有兩套截然不同的標準 那麼如果我想跟外國朋友介紹這個詞彙時19
[問卦] 電子辭典要買哈電族還是無敵?大家安安,最近本肥在學英文 請問大家比較推哈電族a3000還是無敵cd816? 最好是買了可以跟同學炫耀一番,可愛的女生會跟我借的款式 請問哪一台比較酷? 謝謝7
[協尋] I am a cat person帽子是在網紅IG看到的帽子 咖啡色+英文手寫字體 I AM A CAT PERSON6
[情報] 10/15 Daily HoroscopeSomeone in your world may be telling you they do not wish to talk about a certain topic. Even if you press them, Capricorn, they might tell you not to go there. Yet at the same time, they may be tossing around hints about the topic or walking around its edges with related comments. So, what can you do? Do you ignore the hints and implications, or do you dive in4
[問卦] brother 有長者的意思嗎?是這樣啦 本肥的英文不好 用估狗翻譯找了一下這英文的意思 出來竟然是長者的意思是鐵則4
[問卦] 有沒有Person的八掛?我三重孫尚香啦! 是這樣啦! 剛剛跟一個哥喝紅酒 他說這瓶黑皮諾750莫、酒精度有12 person 但喝起來很順口… 明明現場只有我們跟酒保加起來3個人2
[問卦] 英文很爛還有救嗎?如題 就是在說我自己啦 英文巔峰在高三 之後都在學日文當個稱職的肥宅 我冠詞都瞎機巴亂加- Well... u know what? The first time I saw people show off others' speaking well of them or admiring them a lot on web(ptt)makes me laugh a lot for I can't imagine why there are people trying to show off or boast themselves on net as you did!!!! I am not that kind of person at least....
[爆卦] 財政部:發票獎金也被藍白砍了!爆
[問卦] 文化部:計畫2027台灣漫畫超車日韓爆
Re: [新聞] 快訊/草屯鎮長補選結果出爐 簡賜勝自爆
Re: [爆卦] 財政部:發票獎金也被藍白砍了!爆
[問卦] 我中風了,請問要怎麼辦爆
[爆卦] 7-11一番賞 店員藏籤爆
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[問卦] 草屯人的素質算什麼程度29
[問卦] 為什麼旅館環保就是要花錢買?發P25
[問卦] 二戰的日軍有辦法三天內瓦解KK園區嗎?爆
[問卦] 「這個國家最重要的事」對你說是什麼?24
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[問卦] 台灣漫畫差港漫幾條街?10
[問卦] 出社會後 發現 6000萬 並不多19
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[問卦] 台灣有什麼好看的漫畫?67
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[問卦] 朱學恆的維基怎麼被改得亂七八糟?