[問卦] 關心 但不介入 英文怎麼翻啊?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 關心 但不介入 英文怎麼翻啊?作者
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圖 關心 但不介入 英文怎麼翻啊?
圖 關心 但不介入 英文怎麼翻啊?
圖 關心 但不介入 英文怎麼翻啊?


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preisner 02/20 12:19去問chatGPT啦幹

tmgl 02/20 12:19dpp

kawazakiz2 02/20 12:19don't car

new71050 02/20 12:19Dpp

chadmu 02/20 12:19気になるけど 関わらない

Ilat 02/20 12:19I DPP you.

NCTU5566 02/20 12:19Although we give a shit, we don't fuc

IPsec 02/20 12:19how do you turn this on

NCTU5566 02/20 12:19k it

abcde79961a 02/20 12:20Not my business after 2024

super0949 02/20 12:20I dot car

krit1009 02/20 12:20Taiwan people 真好騙

mopepe5566 02/20 12:20loser

a22028504 02/20 12:20Spirit support with you!

Upswing 02/20 12:21none of my business

kbten 02/20 12:21dpp

starwillow 02/20 12:21I don't care

yahooyamgoog 02/20 12:22ee

deann 02/20 12:22I just Care But it's not my business.

vzerov 02/20 12:23kh for hk

EXZUSIC 02/20 12:24just stand there and watch you burn

jackycheny 02/20 12:24dpp is trash

Lowpapa 02/20 12:24i dont car

NotUniqueSol 02/20 12:25DPP

s95087162 02/20 12:25誰車子你 who cares

coeXist 02/20 12:25Sucking Baiden's dick is more

coeXist 02/20 12:25important.

EfiwymsiAros 02/20 12:26Now Jong

tndh 02/20 12:26I don’t care

rex51920594 02/20 12:28這個都不會 水準也太差

sheepxo 02/20 12:29Watch only

kingmusk 02/20 12:29Fuck off

joe821122 02/20 12:30Who cares

thiefK16 02/20 12:31to be or not to be

flyhattmann 02/20 12:31go fxxk youslef

seouit 02/20 12:31國防部快點硬起來

sx4152 02/20 12:32I dont give it a fuck

sbreezer 02/20 12:32coward dpp

XDDDpupu5566 02/20 12:33I care but I don't car

scores 02/20 12:33who care

Newtype 02/20 12:34照樣造句: 我關心抗中 但是不介入保台

megalink 02/20 12:36just concern but no help fuck u dpp

lewischung 02/20 12:36I don’t car

Howard61313 02/20 12:36

圖 關心 但不介入 英文怎麼翻啊?

GonVolcano 02/20 12:38I like u but don’t fuck u

haw561676 02/20 12:39DDP is shit

Gamelop 02/20 12:40Talking mind

Brinkley 02/20 12:41Hongkong

Fruitdrop 02/20 12:42May the force be with you.

qDaniel 02/20 12:42EE’s care

jeff12280 02/20 12:43we care

violegrace 02/20 12:46I dot car

tmwolf 02/20 12:49stand and watch

gbcg9725 02/20 12:50we care

TomChu 02/20 12:53go fuck yourself

azcooper 02/20 12:53感党恩

A0908 02/20 12:53DPP style

eeccms 02/20 12:54

圖 關心 但不介入 英文怎麼翻啊?

justin0309 02/20 12:56go fuck yourself

iverson88 02/20 12:56We car

xjapan329 02/20 12:57care but dont fuck

swxx 02/20 12:59mdfk

KobeEatShit 02/20 13:00I am DPP.

SaintsRow 02/20 13:01Don't care , fuck off

peterchou 02/20 13:01Ee dot car

kgger 02/20 13:02Care but no bird

villagemen 02/20 13:02ee

rLks02 02/20 13:0340% !

colenken 02/20 13:05dpp

ENJA 02/20 13:07not my fucking business

p1227426 02/20 13:07Who care

jagger 02/20 13:08we car

JMashburn 02/20 13:14dpp

factotum 02/20 13:16I’m about to retire, good luck, Ta

factotum 02/20 13:16iwan

Mr0829 02/20 13:18問香港阿 當初被騙的那麼慘

sparta40 02/20 13:25I don't give a fuck.

DeStory 02/20 13:36Taiwanese are easy

Leou5978 02/20 13:39We care, DDP not care.

KunYang 02/20 13:40concerned but not involved

kaojet 02/20 13:40We don’t fucking care ,TWNO1

kilhi 02/20 13:42I don’t car

ocenman 02/20 13:49who cares

shi21 02/20 13:57DPP care

space20021 02/20 13:59who care

qaz12453 02/20 14:01just only care not anything

attpp 02/20 14:04dpp is ok

pointerc 02/20 14:04Care, but dont care

mixtape7 02/20 14:09i dot car

fir191938 02/20 14:15dpp doesn't care.

giantwinter 02/20 14:23insert

wenzao6040 02/20 14:25Care in mind, don’t care in actio

wenzao6040 02/20 14:25ns

Gipmydanger 02/20 14:26dpp don't give a shit

Martie 02/20 14:55none of my business

neweb 02/20 14:56how to lose?

nxuanr 02/20 15:05ee knows

nxuanr 02/20 15:06你要上戰場送死嗎?

DontPLZ 02/20 15:37Go fuck yourself

peteryang 02/20 15:38Dpp eat shit

ideal5566 02/20 15:52馬德法科

kanokazurin 02/20 16:01Just an oral cannon.

shikemurajy 02/20 16:16close heart but no between enteri

shikemurajy 02/20 16:16ng

imtlow 02/20 16:18I'm dpp

xxx5566xxx 02/20 17:23DPP

acergame5 02/20 17:56We care, but don’t get involved.

daJas 02/20 19:38dpo

Tsengkt 02/20 19:49I said that I care and I lied. !!!

st2913sbck 02/20 21:10Go fuck yourself

selvester 02/20 21:27Noticed but not foing to interfere

small28 02/21 01:03EE

p25488148 02/21 07:39I do care but not really care

jay0215 02/21 15:14China Number One!

loloman 02/23 01:42Be awared but not invloved