[問卦] 我老公的行程我都知道英文怎麼講?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 我老公的行程我都知道英文怎麼講?作者
時間推噓19 推:22 噓:3 →:15



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mosqutiolamp 11/14 15:23I love Taiwan.

james732 11/14 15:23Hi, how are you? I'm five.

derrick1220 11/14 15:23I knew my husband is a gay

zyxx 11/14 15:23taiwan can help

erickruklin 11/14 15:23i dont car

InfinitySA 11/14 15:23This is an apple

spring719 11/14 15:23IKEA

Aukid 11/14 15:23Don't give me green hat

hsuyusheng 11/14 15:23Im DPPer

YCTING 11/14 15:25DPP is right

supahotfire 11/14 15:25Mei shows gun more.

mig 11/14 15:25A for apple, B for you.

Insania 11/14 15:25say my name

s72005ming 11/14 15:25I am Taiwannese

shark23peng 11/14 15:27i fucked ted

hawk30 11/14 15:28為大力

bigcho 11/14 15:29阿發的岳父嗎

STi2011 11/14 15:29我選左邊

DMPBBOY 11/14 15:30fire in the hole

bill403777 11/14 15:30I knew his dick fucked that bitch

starwillow 11/14 15:35money smells good

pmove 11/14 15:39I know everything about him.

beholdli 11/14 15:39Wife knows everything.

a6300072 11/14 15:46What I can do is to give her a fuck.

sellgd 11/14 15:51Know what? I pegged your husband.

ptrs810812 11/14 15:54英文不會講

joinptt 11/14 15:57I fuck'n know where he's fuck'n

jsdf 11/14 16:16How do you turn this on

dreamyello 11/14 16:25蔡英文:ZZZ...

abraxas 11/14 16:27Kawa bunga.

snoopy790428 11/14 16:32I also know 奥さんの深さ

ardenlee 11/14 16:53i husbands schedule i both know

nolag 11/14 16:59I am your father

AntiDKP 11/14 17:05My head have green-light .

e76000 11/14 17:36Chao pie ~

orz151426 11/14 17:55i know who he fucked

siyabear 11/14 20:25I know which bitch my husband fucked

siyabear 11/14 20:25 last night

z842657913 11/14 21:03I’ll find u and I’ll kill u

allenz78 11/14 22:41關我屁事