[問卦] 美國小甘乃迪還沒死?John Kennedy Jr.
Kennedy, JR. v. Google LLC (3:23-cv-03880)
訴訟書提到 John F. Kennedy Jr.
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※ 編輯: ggirls ( 臺灣), 09/09/2023 20:01:08
你知道他就算沒死 也快百歲了嗎…
※ 編輯: ggirls ( 臺灣), 09/09/2023 20:03:55
抱歉 那是他爸
※ 編輯: ggirls ( 臺灣), 09/09/2023 20:19:43
[花邊] Jokic扭臀 裁判笑場great moment to start this game in LA: Jokic tries to time the tipoff, but Bill Kennedy doesn’t throw it in the air so he ends up just standing there and twerking. Bill Kennedy needs a second to laugh before resuming.60
[情報] John Collins續留老鷹Restricted free agent F John Collins has agreed to a five-year, $125M deal to st ay with the Atlanta Hawks, @excelbasketball agents Sean Kennedy and Jeff Schwart z tell ESPN. 簽訂5年1.25億美金的合約 Deal includes a player option in the fifth year for Collins.53
[花邊] 老鷹廣播員搶了裁判的工作Bill Kennedy: "After reviewing the play, the..." Hawks PA announcer: "Foul was before the shot." 裁判Bill Kennedy看完重播畫面後 準備宣布判罰結果32
[外電] Kyle Gibson,Ian Kennedy 去費城Phillies close to acquiring RHPs Kyle Gibson and Ian Kennedy from Rangers, source tells @TheAthletic. Kyle Gibson and Ian Kennedy Hans Crouse 去費城人23
[閒聊] Ian Kennedy是洋基三小將天分最高的嗎?當年的洋基三小將Joba Chamberlain, Phil Hughes, Ian Kennedy Kennedy雖然當年的知名度和身材都不如另外兩位 但卻是三人中生涯最長的 到現在還在第一線活躍 也吃了最多的局數 最驚奇的是他球速每年穩定成長 當年在洋基時球速明明只有90mph上下 現在卻變成95+mph聯發的火球投手25
[情報] 明日裁判名單消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: Boston @ Miami David Guthrie (#16) (主裁判)25
[情報] Ian Kennedy 遭到遊騎兵隊DFADFA'D: #Rangers have designated RHP Ian Kennedy for assignment. Ian Kennedy 今天正式被遊騎兵隊DFA 本季目前一共出賽11場 戰績為零勝一敗 防禦率 7.2021
[情報] 明日裁判名單消息來源: (官網) 內容: Denver @ L.A. Lakers John Goble (#30) (主裁判) Josh Tiven (#58)7
[正妹] Catherine Kennedy 美國模特兒 175cmCatherine Kennedy 美國模特兒 175公分 三圍:35 24 364
[情報] Ian Kennedy to Diamondbacks 1yr/4.75MFree-agent reliever Ian Kennedy in agreement with DBacks on one-year contract, pending physical, sources tell @TheAthletic. Ian Kennedy to the Diamondbacks. $4.75M plus pbs $2.35M in incentives
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