[問卦] I try to read, I go to work?
有時候碰到一些事情 會努力想要維持正常生活
正常的閱讀 正常的上班等等
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Overseas from Costco
[花邊] LBJ發推:我們的聯盟這次錯了Read through the Sarver stories a few times now. I gotta be honest…Our league definitely got this wrong.I don’t need to explain why.Y’all read the storie s and decide for yourself. 我現在已經把有關Sarver的報導閱讀了幾遍。我得說實話,我們的聯盟肯定錯了。我不需 要解釋原因,你們都已經閱讀過這故事了,你們可以自己做判斷。18
[Vtub] 天使うと 閱讀空氣3 20210412[空気読み3] READ THE AIR 12點開播 昨天麥塊閒聊說自己是讀空氣大師 來看天使透過讀空氣處理生活中各種狀況吧12
[外電] Nunn 回到球場上的訓練影片來源: All details- after working on all our movements, live reads - late shot clock situation work - we got better that day simple read and reaction work . SIDE NOTE HE REALLY WAS NOT MISSING LOL 看影片覺得狀況不錯,希望可以趕得上開季11
[乃木] 冨里奈央BLOG 20230607ガリガリ君 #なおもち 冨里奈央 ---- 大家好~ 我是乃木坂46 5期生5
Re: [問題] 找不到閱讀的理由剛好看到一篇跟這主題滿相關的文章,分享如下,並附上GOOGLE中翻。 -- HEY, IT'S OK IF YOU DON'T LIKE TO READ 嘿,如果你不喜歡閱讀也可以4
[情報] 03/07/2021Daily HoroscopeHappiness is not something that should be present only when your life is going great. You should be able to find joy even in the face of trouble or disappoi ntment. There is always something to be happy about, dear Moonchild. If you ar e a bit down now for any reason whatsoever, you have the choice to do somethin g that will help you see the bright side. Make yourself a special dinner. Work3
[情報] 0718 DailyHoroscopeBefore you figure out exactly what you want in some large part of your life - such as your career, a relationship, your home life, or another important part of your life - it is equally important to know what you do not want. Sometime s, from a distance, something can look incredibly appealing, but once you expe rience it for yourself, you realize that there is something about it that is i2
[情報] 2023/07/28 Daily Horoscope親愛的月之子,你可能是個理想主義者。 你有時會對事情懷抱童話般的幻想,然後你會以苛刻的標準來要求自己實現。 但生活並不總是輕鬆或完美無缺,你必須為妥協和錯誤留出一些空間。 你想從當前關係中得到的東西有很高的標準,但你可能不想妥協。 但有時候,你所追求的並不是自動出現的,需要努力才能將關係演變成理想的狀態。1
[情報] 03/24 the daily horoscopeToo many cooks in the kitchen can spoil the broth. Although you may not be coo king anything up right now, dear Gemini, this adage applies to you. Just as mu ltiple chefs working on the same dish will each have their own ideas about wha t should go into it, the people you are working with on a project may each hav e their own personal vision of how things should go. This could lead to a conf1
[情報] 11/07 the daily horoscopeA silly idea that you come up with today may seem too whimsical to work in rea lity. It may have come to you while you were brainstorming for a way to build your professional reputation or as a way to make money. But don't dismiss that idea so easily, Gemini. Sometimes the strangest things can really work, espec ially when they come to you as inspiration, and you then work to refine them i
[爆卦] 求高調!我們是學生與民眾!正在勞動部爆
Re: [問卦] 政黑板在生氣什麼?爆
[問卦] 辜仲諒嘴台灣打擊三流怎麼沒人出征爆
[問卦] 誰來蹭冠軍讓你最反感?爆
[問卦] 財政部雲端發票弊案就這樣定調了?88
[問卦] 今天發票對獎欸,大家五期待否…82
[問卦] 勞動部霸凌的案子是不是被冠軍蓋掉了?72
[問卦] 請問哪家報紙最愛國55
Re: [問卦] 政黑板在生氣什麼?50
Re: [新聞] 郭國文喊「辜董加碼獎金到1億」 深夜被92
[問卦] 辜仲諒造就了世界冠軍?43
[問卦] 淘寶狂銷 台灣有啥反過來能賣啥去中國?21
[問卦] Taiwan 別在吃CT豆腐了23
[問卦] 八勝一負銀牌 六勝三負金牌36
[問卦] 棒球熱還能持續多久?34
[問卦] 辜仲諒已經60歲了?!17
[爆卦] 我們是學生、民眾在勞動部抗議26
[問卦] 台灣 中華隊被大谷翔平盯上了 該怎麼解?23
[問卦] 中國土豪也砸錢,為什麼中國足球還是爛?50
[問卦] 台灣棒球能再起是因為沒假球對吧?72
[問卦] 大谷IG貼中華隊冠軍20
[問卦] 男男女女對唱情歌有哪些?1X
[問卦] 請正名為「台灣隊」好嗎?20
[問卦] 陳傑憲算不算完美復仇了21
[問卦] 日本運動員為什麼很少刺青?18
[問卦] 日本球迷是不是很沒風度?18
[問卦] 女生說:你是我的充電器 是什麼意思18
[問卦] 外國選手聽到 喔~喔喔~…歡呼聲在想什15
[問卦] PTT人數其實少很多了吧?13
[問卦] 台籃也有機會名揚國際嗎