Re: [新聞] 將停供烏克蘭武器?波蘭總統稱總理說法被

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] 將停供烏克蘭武器?波蘭總統稱總理說法被作者
時間推噓 8 推:9 噓:1 →:18

※ 引述《F16V (Handler One)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: 將停供烏克蘭武器?波蘭總統稱總理說法被誤解
: 4.完整新聞內文:

: 政府發言人穆勒(Piotr Muller)說:「波蘭只會執行先前商定的彈藥和軍備交付,包括那些源自於和烏克蘭簽署的合約。」
: 然而杜達主張:「總理的話被以最糟糕的方式詮釋。」


BBC 一個小時前的新聞是這樣說的

But there was no misinterpreting the Polish President's words. Andrzej Duda
compared Ukraine to a drowning man who risks dragging his rescuers down with


是有wino 報導說 被誤解的新聞大意是這樣

Duda talking to a Polish television channel said Morawiecki's "words were
interpreted in the worst way possible...In my opinion, the prime minister
meant that we won't be transferring to Ukraine the new weaponry that we're
currently buying as we modernise the Polish army."

"As we receive the new weaponry from the US and South Korea, we will be
releasing the weaponry currently used by the Polish army. Perhaps we will
transfer it to Ukraine," Duda added.

實際上也沒被誤解 拎北買的新武器是要優先武裝波蘭的




是長得的男人, ▕A6▏
不是喜歡長壞了的男人。  ̄ ̄


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rabbit83035 09/22 07:22本來就是趁機換裝啊 代購的另外算

hermanwing 09/22 07:24波蘭也防者烏克蘭

hermanwing 09/22 07:24更深層意義,烏克蘭投降以後至少俄國

hermanwing 09/22 07:25拿不到最新武器

dosiris 09/22 07:25普丁等的就是這個時刻

boy1031 09/22 07:26現實就是歐美給裝備,讓俄烏多死人,多

boy1031 09/22 07:26消耗國力,多消耗俄的重裝備,真以為民主

boy1031 09/22 07:27國家願意多繳稅多加班多拿家底幫你呢!

boy1031 09/22 07:27所以普丁一直凹,只要死人死夠多還是能

boy1031 09/22 07:27拿到好幾萬平方公里的土地加上五百萬人以

boy1031 09/22 07:27上的人口,還是賺翻,大獲全勝!

cat5672 09/22 07:29司機現在的內心應該是毫無波蘭了

allofme 09/22 07:30北約的武器在烏克蘭戰場上有比較好嗎?

spirit119 09/22 07:38一直都是送舊的出去阿,歐洲很多國家

spirit119 09/22 07:38俄系武器都出清給烏克蘭了

spirit119 09/22 07:38俄系武器才是原本烏克蘭熟悉的,你給

spirit119 09/22 07:38他新的武器,是不用訓練逆

再加一個10分鐘前FOX News的新聞

Poland announces stop to supplying arms to Ukraine, says modernizing its own weapons Emotions are running high since Slovakia, Hungary and Poland announced a ban on Ukrainian grain imports Poland supplied Ukraine with Leopard 2 tanks and Soviet-era MiG fighter jets, along with a wide range of weaponry. Yet, while the Polish citizens are largely in favor of supporting Ukraine out of fears their country would be vulnerable if Russia succeeded in Ukraine, there are growing concerns about the large numbers of refugees. With an election coming up Oct. 15, the right-leaning Confederation party has reiterated the lack of gratitude given to Poland by Ukraine for arming the neighboring country and taking in its refugees.

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/22/2023 07:48:39

dick929 09/22 07:58波蘭自己新採購武器留著波蘭自己用,結果

dick929 09/22 07:58被有心人士帶風向成「波蘭不想管烏克蘭

dick929 09/22 07:58死活」、「烏克蘭咎由自取」、「國際上開

dick929 09/22 07:58始不挺烏克蘭」


Poland announces stop to supplying arms to Ukraine

, says modernizing its own weapons FOX news標題 而且波蘭不想跟烏克蘭一起沉 也不是帶風向 But there was

no misinterpreting

the Polish President's words.

Andrzej Duda compared Ukraine to a drowning man who risks dragging his rescuers down with him.

BBC 說的

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/22/2023 08:03:58

ebv 09/22 08:06笑死 一篇新聞多種解讀 不知道是誰在帶風向

zz71 09/22 09:33腦子被狗啃了是吧 Z粉舔狗

Z粉 是指 zz71 這個Z嗎 不好意思 我腦子沒被狗啃 不是zz27的無腦粉 更不是他的白癡舔狗 還是你在說波蘭總統或總理 或是FOXTV 和BBC?

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/22/2023 09:42:56

Howard61313 09/22 10:10哪有國家會買新武器優先裝配別國的XD

peterwu4 09/22 10:11即便你是塔綠班,從上面的推文也應該懂

peterwu4 09/22 10:12大家各懷鬼胎… 都是讓別人先上讓別人先

peterwu4 09/22 10:12去耗~~自己撿便宜…

www115ui8 09/22 17:58原po真的認為會買新武器給別國嗎?

不要我認為 要則倫斯基認為 我自己的想法早講過了 → A6 : 波蘭又不是傻子 清完庫存還幫烏克蘭買西方武器 09/21 11:54 → A6 : 波蘭自己也不是多有錢 09/21 11:55

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/23/2023 09:55:54