[問卦] 純友誼的英文怎麼說

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 純友誼的英文怎麼說作者
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※ 編輯: FlyingShark ( 臺灣), 04/28/2021 22:29:34

smith565604/28 22:29中崙所長許書桓有湮滅證據嫌疑,還不馬上羈押,撤職查

leoqqqoel04/28 22:29tool man get!!!!

kcclasaki04/28 22:29pure friendship

smith565604/28 22:29辦!警界史上最大恥辱!渣警還有臉領國家薪水,悲哀,

frommr04/28 22:29Only fuck off

smith565604/28 22:29柯文哲出來給我說清楚

a322171504/28 22:29sex mate

Linlosehow04/28 22:30跟工具人同義

sunsam04/28 22:30No sex Yes money

sheep123404/28 22:30friends with benefits

bigwhite32704/28 22:31We don't fuck

andymoscoz04/28 22:31no money no way

laser78904/28 22:31靠北樓上是炮友吧

laser78904/28 22:3110f

crimson1104/28 22:31NOT Friends with benefits (X)

crimson1104/28 22:31Ugly friends (O)

yeap19304/28 22:32I don’t want to be fucked by YOU

dcshoecousa04/28 22:32train yu yi

s15526004/28 22:32only fuck

okm1132804/28 22:34may show gun more

z84265791304/28 22:34pure friend relationship

twmacaron04/28 22:35friend zone

xiaohan04/28 22:35idot

tkglobe04/28 22:36セフレ

kongsch04/28 22:42Tool man

puretruthson04/28 22:42Puretruthson

jump69304/28 22:42friend zone

devilfruit04/28 22:44you have no chance

OhwadaAkira04/28 22:44platonic friendship 柏拉圖式的友情

lucifiel161804/28 22:48東踏取蜜

nbalook04/28 22:48tool man

Degfxlog1004/28 22:50simp

agong04/28 22:53booty

kissung04/28 22:55I don’t care

CityRanger04/28 22:56partner

EEzionT04/28 22:57tool man

mouse0704/28 22:57make love

trustjohndoe04/28 22:58fuck a stranger in his ass !

g7a7n704/28 23:04ugly too man no benefits

PTTakatsuki04/28 23:04he can,you can't.

liuni04/28 23:09pick up my soap

ko23448804/28 23:12thirteen fish

KMTlikesshit04/28 23:12Pure tool man

mjj9013804/28 23:13I'm super ugly and fat so she don't wanna fuck me

adminc04/28 23:16gofuckyouself

wwvvkai04/28 23:23東踏取蜜

dbdudsorj04/28 23:26you are ugly.

waza04/28 23:34just friend

charlie011204/28 23:35I don't wanna fuck this guy

gna23904/28 23:36ikea

ccharles04/28 23:41Friemds WITHOUT Benefit

ccharles04/28 23:41Friend WITHOUT Benefit

jackeman04/28 23:44NO SEX

JiaK2rving04/28 23:45噁男滾開

pandakill04/28 23:48FACTORY EMPOLYEE

ganganx04/29 00:04東踏取蜜

abcorz04/29 00:08poor and ugly

s21127504/29 00:36Friend zone

usxuk013004/29 01:21Just friend.

troubledanny04/29 01:45Don’t touch me

rafe04/29 02:22friend zone友誼領域

vking22304/29 03:30咚它取蜜

tn60137404/29 07:45impotence

iamgaylan04/29 08:35Tool man

guestwhat04/29 09:04fab

selvester04/29 10:37categorized as The Zone

noname91230104/29 11:58you are ugly

B970211504/29 12:36you are a good friend.