[爆卦] 蝦皮廣告的優選賣家 如果是毒梟?

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時間推噓87 推:97 噓:10 →:36


圖, 蝦皮廣告的優選賣家 如果是毒梟?















不依靠任何物質睡著。 但到了現在,我已經醒著超過48小時了,我持續在床上翻來覆去。於是我開始懷疑這東西是否有問題,畢竟我嘗試過了許多精神物質,沒有任何一次像這次一樣,有如此上癮的感覺。








*說真的我其實沒有很在意其他人喜歡用什麼貨或是到底在賣什麼貨,但我覺得欺騙消費者是一件非常嚴重的問題,更不用說是這種精神用藥。這種偽裝的手法經常運用在『海洛因/吩坦尼』 以及 『古柯鹼/冰毒』上,但我不知道連『鼠尾草/香料(化學合成物)』都要這樣搞。



I have quite an issue and apologize for the length. I'm an American grad student currently studying in Taiwan. I'm a big pot smoker but weed is almost $50/g, incredibly hard to find, and if you do it's shit quality. Other drugs are even rarer and can land you extremely harsh sentences. We're under very strict lockdown so I needed to find something to occupy my mind this summer while I'mstuck inside my apartment. A few months ago I tried out salvia by purchasing some from an online shopping platform Shopee (basically Asian Amazon). My first experience was a low concentration, laid in bed feeling like there was an earthquake and my laptop began levitating and shaking. Figured something was offwith the product so I tried again but this time from a different seller. The next batch of salvia felt kinda like weed, my mind was slowed, really hungry, horny, and tired. It smelled different but looked identical so I didn't think much of it. It gave me a more enjoyable experience so I continued to buy from them, thinking that this is what salvia was. I started to buy tons of it, smoking almost a gram per day every day for 3 months.

The 2nd seller (weed feeling "salvia" guy) has by far the biggest market share. They sell well over 1000 bags per month while the few other Shopee salvia sellers are maybe hitting 100. I introduced some friends to it that were also bored out of their minds in lockdown. The ones who had tried salvia before saidfuck that but a few were intrigued. One buddy bought a few bags and I figuredhe would be fine since I smoked it by myself and walked and shopped on it no prob. The next day he calls me from the hospital with absolutely no recollection of the night before. I show up at his apartment and it looks like a crime scene. Everything is broken, glass everywhere, holes in the wall, blood all over the floors and walls. He had woken up that morning laying in piles of glass with big shards stuck all over his body and immediately went to the hospital.

He gives the rest of the "salvia" to me and vows to never touch the shit again. I figure that "salvia" has a completely different effect on him than it does on me and maybe he smoked multiple bags which led to his episode. After all,I had been using it to sleep and kill time for quite some time with no issues. A few weeks later I drank some gin and smoked some "salvia". I woke up with no recollection of the night before, figured I drank too much, saw that my brand new $4000 computer was soaking wet and totally ruined (brought it in for repair, they confirm it would cost at least 3k to get it back to normal). I blamed the gin.

A month later I decide I'm wasting too much money on this "salvia" and I had become dependent on it to sleep. I was now staying up 48+ hours pretty regularly just tossing and turning in bed when I tried. I start to think there's something up with this stuff since I'm very experienced with pscyh's and have never felt such an addiction to them before. I go on shopee, buy another bag of 60x from a different seller which gave me a STRONG salvia trip. I realized therewas no way I could've been going through a bag of real salvia every day, let alone use to relax or sleep. I became extremely angry, the biggest salvia seller on shopee was definitely lying and selling something else. I felt horrible that I had given it to my friend and put him in the hospital, destroyed my computer, and became addicted to this shit.

As mentioned before, I'm currently in Taiwan where we are under very strict lockdown for the last 4-5 months. I'm sure many others were looking for stuff online like I was. ALOT of people were already or about to go through the same thing. My friend is still having lasting effects almost 2 months after using it ONCE. I myself am still finding it very difficult to sleep without it but it's getting better. I want to raise awareness on this issue but also don't wantto hurt the real shopee salvia sellers. I worry by speaking out I could get salvia potentially removed entirely. Salvia may be scary sometimes but I think it should be available to people who are cautious, it has definitely helped me, just as other psychs have helped me in the past.

I feel like I should mention that I don't care what drugs people enjoy or sell. I have a big problem with tricking people into doing something they aren't aware of. Obviously this is common with heroin & fentanyl / coke & meth. I didn't know it was an issue with salvia & spice. I've messaged the seller and calmly asked them to provide proof of the original packaging from the Netherlandsor elsewhere which the other Shopee salvia sellers will do, this guy won't. Iam 100% sure this is NOT salvia. Whatever it is that they are selling is going to hurt people and is going to further turn people away from salvia. My friend and I want to take down this fraudulent seller without hurting the honest sellers. is purely in mandarin so unless you know a bit it will be very difficult to use.

Thank you.

*I added the fraudulent seller to the vendor info page on this subreddit





圖, 蝦皮廣告的優選賣家 如果是毒梟?
圖, 蝦皮廣告的優選賣家 如果是毒梟?


※ PTT留言評論
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joker7788996 08/19 16:51拔草測風向

Rita0205 08/19 16:52很掛

sheng76314 08/19 16:52買個草而已 是要跟中國一樣買菜刀犯

sheng76314 08/19 16:52

dcggj2394 08/19 16:53他老爸姓柯嗎?

good5755 08/19 16:53合法大麻= =?

ARNOwww 08/19 16:54這是廣告嗎? 本來不想吸的看了都想吸吸

ARNOwww 08/19 16:54

ARNOwww 08/19 16:54媽的合法大麻 太爽了8

ccmvic 08/19 16:54我老爸姓柯

monnom 08/19 16:56有卦

Yuwuen 08/19 16:56強力膠也可以賣啊 沒人叫你拿來吸

ericayou 08/19 16:56太爽了吧 業配文

a27588679 08/19 16:57所以是不知道混了什麼的鼠尾草

philhorn 08/19 16:57哇靠 這草有毒阿

a27588679 08/19 16:58還會成癮 有夠恐怖

jameshcm 08/19 16:58人家搞不好把大麻種成鼠尾草的樣子(誤)

annie06045 08/19 16:59所以這個人是賣啥???

dk611216 08/19 16:59業配

MachoMan217 08/19 17:00之前在飛行俱樂部看過別人的心得文

yannicklatte 08/19 17:00

MachoMan217 08/19 17:00比大麻還要恐怖的樣子

mirac1e 08/19 17:01你爸如果不是柯賤民不要亂買

abadjoke 08/19 17:02業配文

TakeMyUltra 08/19 17:02K2很糟欸 真的很糟 千萬別碰

greattower 08/19 17:03吸毒仔

PeterU 08/19 17:04我也猜是K2

pxndx 08/19 17:05這個大條了 卡位

liehen 08/19 17:05報警啊

MachoMan217 08/19 17:06K2在英國誤用過一次 真的下不了床

msekili 08/19 17:06高調

mudee 08/19 17:06高調

k1314520illy 08/19 17:06可怕

cc02040326 08/19 17:07靠北喔低調啦

shinkiro 08/19 17:08@柯建銘

royaljoy1 08/19 17:08笑死 吸毒還有分等級喔

qxpbyd 08/19 17:09@喬王 @謝和弦

lpsobig 08/19 17:09一堆敗類抽煙不夠整天想吸毒

sheng76314 08/19 17:09#柯建銘 #柯兒 #調查局 #FBI

rayccccc 08/19 17:10底下評論根本就像是毒品

chzi40608 08/19 17:10八卦回來啦

color3258 08/19 17:10他的蝦皮出貨地 臺北市士林區 可以線上

color3258 08/19 17:11報警

a19851106 08/19 17:11銷售量很高欸

color3258 08/19 17:12 台北網路報案

a19851106 08/19 17:13出貨地可以亂打 不準

※ 編輯: JKGOOD ( 臺灣), 08/19/2021 17:15:25

zoin 08/19 17:13沒想到現在這麼方便惹...

greenpeter 08/19 17:13有卦

k1314520illy 08/19 17:14評價說飛太高w

pxndx 08/19 17:14留給警察查,不檢舉了

marsonele 08/19 17:16我以為鼠尾草是雜草耶

allenthai 08/19 17:16看起來應該內容物不符

dangerousair 08/19 17:18吃毒?

color3258 08/19 17:18剛看到還有其他賣家也賣迷幻鼠尾草

schumi7401 08/19 17:18Ip台灣 逼逼

ghj511289724 08/19 17:19這在台灣不是毒吧

color3258 08/19 17:19還有飛行草本 飛行巧克力那些留言照片

color3258 08/19 17:20根本就別的東西吧

Comebuy 08/19 17:22裡面說大麻1公克1500 0.0?

JKGOOD 08/19 17:22

圖, 蝦皮廣告的優選賣家 如果是毒梟?

JKGOOD 08/19 17:22有買家評論飛到出車禍上新聞

JKGOOD 08/19 17:23不知道是哪一件車禍?

bob8166 08/19 17:24...什麼垃圾煽動標題

dxzy 08/19 17:25這是血淚標題

widec 08/19 17:25DPP最愛

JKGOOD 08/19 17:25

圖, 蝦皮廣告的優選賣家 如果是毒梟?
※ 編輯: JKGOOD ( 臺灣), 08/19/2021 17:28:17

mjj90138 08/19 17:32嘻嘻 高調 毒蟲一律吃屎

TT123458 08/19 17:35高調

shioulanyu 08/19 17:36假鬼假怪,通篇言論虛偽的吸毒犯

kevin850717 08/19 17:37懷疑什麼 報警送驗啊

j8630222 08/19 17:40業配

alanton2003 08/19 17:41幫高調

dxzy 08/19 17:42那些噓的人是有事嗎

ggian123 08/19 17:45台灣人嗨起來

color3258 08/19 17:52

圖, 蝦皮廣告的優選賣家 如果是毒梟?

BREAKFAST204 08/19 17:52如果他爸叫柯建銘?

color3258 08/19 17:52這蝦皮舊名是"台大森林系"

Llingjing 08/19 18:03抓起來

mocca000 08/19 18:05在我印象裡鼠尾草是香料類的東西?

mocca000 08/19 18:05這是怎麼變成毒品的???

powercold 08/19 18:08

ptt80357 08/19 18:22賣場評價好多吸到ㄎㄧㄤ掉的…

boyambrose 08/19 18:23

d27125075 08/19 18:23高調

b24338869 08/19 18:24高調

Tass 08/19 18:24K都沒在嚴辦了 這個警察應該也不會認真

peggy0410 08/19 18:28高調

tarcowang 08/19 18:34鼠尾草不是洗髮精的原料嗎?

jilluck 08/19 18:34別太高調 免得被那賣家逃了

gameking16 08/19 18:46葉佩雯

stja 08/19 18:52

ffdqfe 08/19 18:54不可能業配啦,賣家如在台灣應該也g了

ziso 08/19 18:55J三小 我以為是觀賞用花卉耶...

ndtoseooqd 08/19 18:57幫高調

karta0681608 08/19 19:02幫高調

Dragonz 08/19 19:09合法毒品?

Workshy 08/19 19:15記得收件人用真名就沒有犯意

jimjim951357 08/19 19:27高調

virusDA 08/19 19:27大麻算什麼? 柯兒都沒事了

Uranus20 08/19 19:46之前有逛過,後來想想可被評選為優質賣家

Uranus20 08/19 19:46應該是合法的吧?就沒多想了 咦~?

nrxadsl 08/19 19:49不是有一個人進口大麻膏嗎?我記得沒事阿

nrxadsl 08/19 19:49

dawnnn317 08/19 19:51

thomasjay 08/19 19:54馬上去蝦皮搜尋看看

flowersuger 08/19 20:00也太扯…

berice152233 08/19 20:04

klm619 08/19 20:07哇嗚~

wbsinger 08/19 20:08人家說是草就信?吸到腦袋壞掉

Bf109G6 08/19 20:12qq

spursmanu 08/19 20:31什麼標題...

HsuKathy 08/19 20:36我來找找試試看

gticity 08/19 20:44

topyray 08/19 21:04拔草測風向!

error123:轉錄至看板 e-shopping

08/19 21:10

Fuzishan 08/19 21:12天然的狂抓 疑似化工的不抓 笑死

victor1217 08/19 21:27幹蝦皮真的很瞎沒在管 公然販售違禁品

victor1217 08/19 21:27 這樣ok?

wulaw5566 08/19 21:31爸爸姓柯嗎?

perrie7741 08/19 22:02蝦皮

TIPPK 08/19 22:44先查查看有沒有黨證 小菸販毒集團

Kurosagi5566 08/19 22:53哇靠買爆

tonytonyjan 08/19 22:54以後可以在瞎皮網購手槍嗎?

gft823 08/19 23:17幫高調

shacullen 08/20 00:42高調

degneva 08/20 00:46say my name

victor1217 08/20 00:47

JCC 08/20 01:18youtube搜鼠尾草 居然出現台灣在鼓勵吸大麻的

HMKRL 08/20 01:42這就掛牌鼠尾草不知道裡面是什麼的吧

HMKRL 08/20 01:43不然鼠尾草精油到處都有得買根本不稀奇

ssum3 08/20 01:46這沒爆喔

kantantantan 08/20 03:20

Sinkage 08/20 03:51下一篇 九層塔

Mood10207 08/20 05:50看蝦皮留言真的很ㄎㄧㄤ

YuXun2021 08/20 06:13優選沒有很難拿

bnn 08/20 07:40不然你以為誰挺蝦皮 就菸毒黨啊

a19851106 08/20 10:28高調推

israelii 08/20 13:42八卦版終於回來了

phoser 08/20 18:25真假 先高調

exelop 08/20 18:36關起來了

wesley723386 09/03 01:41大麻1克1500 買家佛

littlemooooo 09/04 21:32大麻很貴欸 尤其在我們這種違法地帶

littlemooooo 09/04 21:32 價錢炒得跟什麼一樣 真的有含大麻

littlemooooo 09/04 21:32只能說是佛心賣家吧