Re: [問卦] 現在的小孩知道大力水手卜派嗎?
※ 引述《Slowbro (呆河馬)》之銘言:
: 是這樣子啦,
: 阿肥剛剛在跟侄子們(16-18歲)討論卡通,
: 結果聊到阿肥小時候都是看大力水手卜派,
: 結果每個人都給我一副「你在工三小」的臉。
: 放了這個主題曲他們也完全沒有共鳴…
: 所以,
: 現在的小孩真的不知大力水手了嗎?
: 有沒有我們已經老了的八卦?
: 嗚嗚
Slang for cannabis
1929年當一大粒水手被美國卡通畫家Elize Segar創造出來時,「菠菜」被用做大麻的俗稱。在一些歌曲中還有痕跡,如”菠菜之歌”由爵士經典樂團”茱麗雅李和男伴們”他們
Everyone knows the cartoon hero Popeye, who always lands in difficulties and just as he threatens to lose from the bearded sea-dog Bluto, eats a tin of spinach. He then becomes super strong and defeats every opponent. But do Popeye and Olive really obtain the green stuff at the greengrocers?
When Popeye was created in 1929 by the American cartoonist Elzie Segar (1894-1938), spinach was slang for cannabis. It can be heard, for example, in that sentence in the number “The Spinach Song (I Didn’t Like It The First Time)” b
y the jazz band Julia Lee and Her Boyfriends, who also had a hit with “Lotus
Blossom (Sweet Marijuana)”. They performed in jazz clubs in Kansas City where a cloud of weed smoke hung every evening and used spinach as a metaphor for marihuana. It makes you think about the spinach eating sailor Popeye, especially as he used to eat his greens through his pipe. Which is rather strange for spinach that comes out of a tin.
Anti-cannabis lobbyists in the 1930s stated that cannabis made you immune to bullets and gave you other supernatural powers just like Popeye used to sing “I’m strong to the finish ‘cause I eat me spinach”. As a sailor, Popeye was
of course, familiar with exotic herbs and plants. American sailors were the first to smoke cannabis in the United States. There is another cannabis reference with regard to Popeye: in the 1960s, Popeye’s dog was called Birdseed and in those days hemp seed was used as birdseed.
沒人?在八卦版發文果然沒辦法有成就感 唉
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