[問卦] 印度人拒絕跨種姓婚姻

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時間推噓 7 推:7 噓:0 →:13

Bride shortage forces 40,000 Tamil Nadu Brahmins to try luck in UP, Bihar


With more than 40,000 young Tamil Brahmin men finding it difficult to find brides within the state, the Tamil Nadu based association for Brahmins has launched a special drive to look for suitable matches from the same community in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.


"We have launched a special movement on behalf of our Sangam," said Thamizhnadu Brahmin Association (Thambraas) presi nt N Narayanan in an open letter published in the association's monthly Tamil magazine's November issue.


Quoting rough estimates, Narayanan said more than 40,000 Tamil Brahmin men, in the age group of 30-40, could not get married as they were unable to find brides within the state.

Giving a ballpark figure, he said, "If there are 10 Brahmin boys in the marriageable age group, only six girls are available in Tamil Nadu."





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STAV72 11/21 13:38一直都在啊?這個民族就是保證就業,因為

STAV72 11/21 13:38不能換XD

whitenoise 11/21 13:38那是不可能的,種姓制度刻在他們DNA

iceyang 11/21 13:39就沒聽印度人說過種性制度不存在了

whitenoise 11/21 13:39印度是人權低落至極的國家,也不見西

ghchen1978 11/21 13:39印度需要新娘?不是直接就…

whitenoise 11/21 13:39方國家制裁

butten986 11/21 13:39韭菜文化

diabolica 11/21 13:42傻了才相信沒種姓了

ls4860 11/21 13:50他們憲法好像就有廢種性

cccict 11/21 13:52種姓制度幾乎可以看成是不同族,從姓氏、

cccict 11/21 13:52宗教、生活習慣都不同,基本上自由戀愛也

cccict 11/21 13:52很難在一起

ls4860 11/21 13:53

圖 印度人拒絕跨種姓婚姻

sky0158 11/21 14:08現在婆羅門都不研讀摩奴法典嗎?高種姓男

sky0158 11/21 14:09可以娶低種姓女啊,自己違反祖制搞到絕種

sky0158 11/21 14:09,不配當婆羅門。

ryan851215 11/21 14:13高種姓覺得自己權力被剝奪啊

ironstomach 11/21 14:30印度憲法是這樣寫沒錯,但實際上怎

ironstomach 11/21 14:30樣大家都知道