[問卦] 社會安全網英文怎麼說?

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llgod 11/22 14:26

圖 社會安全網英文怎麼說?

sheepxo 11/22 14:26SSS

em4 11/22 14:26支持上訴

LoveMakeLove 11/22 14:27韭菜當網被割了就關了

james732 11/22 14:27social security network

alwang 11/22 14:27DPP is god

derrick1220 11/22 14:27Social reality

anger312143 11/22 14:27SSN

CODDDD 11/22 14:27Social Credit

xturtle 11/22 14:27JOKE

AustinRivers 11/22 14:27aur

bill403777 11/22 14:27DPP dont give a shit

soarman 11/22 14:28Vote for DPP

polestar0505 11/22 14:29just a joke

rwr 11/22 14:29Social condom

marktak 11/22 14:29sky net

Rocksolid 11/22 14:30Daydream

muchu1983 11/22 14:30ok tar green bian

giggleboy 11/22 14:30Bullshit

adk147852 11/22 14:30Vote KMT???

singking 11/22 14:31理工不是裸考多益都900???

DudeFromMars 11/22 14:32Social security leak

FranKang 11/22 14:34Gang Can Safe Web

stvn2567 11/22 14:35We care

tim32142000 11/22 14:35英文說他會全力補洞

no25 11/22 14:35The Purge

rb79 11/22 14:35英文會說不可質疑政府改革的決心

mucorn 11/22 14:36最近是只會說四個不同意

mason710 11/22 14:36notjing

mason710 11/22 14:36nothing

anoreader 11/22 14:37dpp is awesome!

rony98 11/22 14:38英文:你們要自立自強啊

TZUYIC 11/22 14:38God damn DPP

mig 11/22 14:38DPP cares shit

d880126d 11/22 14:38英文什麼都沒說

LoveMakeLove 11/22 14:38Bullshit

oldtype 11/22 14:40Today is not Friday TINF

KingChang711 11/22 14:40

BaRanKa 11/22 14:40英文沒說啊

kaminari22tw 11/22 14:40Believe DPP you are dead

KingChang711 11/22 14:41那有自然安全網 國文安全網

KingChang711 11/22 14:41英文安全網 數學安全網嗎

kaminari22tw 11/22 14:42Believe DPP you will be die

assa9647 11/22 14:42DPP吧

eterbless 11/22 14:43item not found

dead11 11/22 14:43joke

ymsc30102 11/22 14:4510 mesh filter

oba5566 11/22 14:46Bullshit

kevinpc 11/22 14:48Dpp's fuck hole

milkBK 11/22 14:48Social security net

pipipa 11/22 14:49four disagree

windowdoor 11/22 14:51DPP don’t fucking care

dontcowba 11/22 14:53four agreements

gbcg9725 11/22 14:54four disagreements

dorisfuck 11/22 14:55 The government is full of useless

dorisfuck 11/22 14:55people

cat5672 11/22 15:03void

Housetobe 11/22 15:05have faith in DPP or die

dinel7821967 11/22 15:06DPP No.1

iwinlottery 11/22 15:08Air

Bosung 11/22 15:15The broken net of social safety

fwiller 11/22 15:15Green

terry1020 11/22 15:22fuck ddp

ROYHOP 11/22 15:24Do you want vote for KMT?

elmoman 11/22 15:30fuck u DPP

rlhl7799 11/22 15:32hole

chocopoodle 11/22 15:35404 error

strongmary 11/22 15:44

圖 社會安全網英文怎麼說?

beyond780705 11/22 15:48Bu Ran Ni Yaw Tou Gay KMT?

be00148 11/22 15:55我也不能接受 蔡英文這樣說

pov 11/22 16:07community insurance mesh

ikoo 11/22 16:26not my business

DCHC 11/22 16:28social safety net

aa52189 11/22 16:34Fuck you dpp

cgser 11/22 16:54who car ?

noname912301 11/22 17:08Crime's Heaven

jfriendtw 11/22 17:27englishit was bitch

ivy15987 11/22 17:34英文說4個不同意啦

pippen2002 12/23 18:11the 404 error