Re: [新聞] 微軟停止俄羅斯業務銷售與服務

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※ 引述《STAV72 (刁民黨黨務主委)》之銘言:
: 備註請放最後面 違者新聞文章刪除
: 1.媒體來源:
: 外媒
: 2.記者署名:
: By Jeanne Whalen and Rachel Lerman
: 3.完整新聞標題:
: Microsoft suspends sales in Russia in major blow to Russian economy
: Software giant is the latest company to abandon the country after the Ukraine in
: vasion and Western sanctions
: 4.完整新聞內文:
: Microsoft suspends sales in Russia in major blow to Russian economy
: Software giant is the latest company to abandon the country after the Ukraine in
: vasion and Western sanctions
: Listen to article
: 2 min
: By Jeanne Whalen and Rachel Lerman
: Yesterday at 11:03 a.m. EST|Updated yesterday at 2:08 p.m. EST
: (Mark Kauzlarich/Bloomberg News)
: 微軟暫停在俄羅斯的銷售對俄羅斯經濟造成重大打擊
: 軟體巨頭是烏克蘭入侵和西方制裁後。最新放棄該國市場的公司。
: 微軟將暫停在俄羅斯的所有新產品和服務銷售,這是因入侵烏克蘭而中斷聯繫退市潮的最新
: 一家公司。
: 該公司表示,它還將停止“我們在俄羅斯的許多業務,以遵守政府的制裁決定”。
: 微軟總裁在一份聲明中說:“與世界其他地方一樣,我們對來自烏克蘭戰爭的圖像和新聞感
: 到震驚、憤怒和悲傷,並譴責俄羅斯這種無理、無端和非法的入侵。”
: 此舉,再加上西方制裁和企業決策導致的更廣泛的技術封鎖,將剝奪俄羅斯對其經濟至關重
: 要的關鍵技術工具。
: Microsoft is suspending all new sales of products and services in Russia, in a m
: ajor addition to the flood of companies cutting ties over the invasion of Ukrain
: e.
: The company said it was also stopping “many aspects of our business in Russia i
: n compliance with governmental sanctions decisions.”
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: “Like the rest of the world, we are horrified, angered and saddened by the imag
: es and news coming from the war in Ukraine and condemn this unjustified, unprovo
: ked and unlawful invasion by Russia,” Microsoft President Brad Smith said in a: statement.
: The move, coupled with the broader tech blockade underway as a result of Western
: sanctions and corporate decisions, will deprive Russia of key tech tools that a
: re vital to its economy.
: Key U.S. provider of Internet to Russia cuts service there
: Computer chip manufacturers have begun halting deliveries to Russia to comply wi
: th U.S.-led sanctions, while Apple this week said it is pausing product sales in
: Russia and has limited Apple Pay within the country. Google said it would stop
: selling ads in the country and paused all search, YouTube and display network ad
: s after the Russian government asked it to block ads related to Ukraine.
: Microsoft declined to give further details on business suspensions in Russia, bu
: t it is likely that companies with existing deals to use Windows and other produ
: cts will not immediately lose use of the services. Wedbush Securities analyst Da
: n Ives said he expects to see more restrictions to come from Microsoft in Russia
: .
: “It’s a first step to them ultimately having more of a scorched-earth policy a: nd getting totally out of Russia,” he predicted.
: Russia’s business ties to the West took 30 years to build and one week to shatt
: er
: Microsoft added that it was helping cybersecurity officials in Ukraine “defend: against Russian attacks, including most recently a cyberattack against a major U
: krainian broadcaster.”
: “Since the war began, we have acted against Russian positioning, destructive or
: disruptive measures against more than 20 Ukrainian government, IT and financial
: sector organizations,” Smith said. “We have also acted against cyberattacks t: argeting several additional civilian sites. We have publicly raised our concerns
: that these attacks against civilians violate the Geneva Convention.”
: U.S. tech dominance could offer leverage over Russia — or backfire
: Smith’s statement concluded, “Like so many others, we stand with Ukraine in ca: lling for the restoration of peace, respect for Ukraine’s sovereignty and the p
: rotection of its people.”
: Story continues below advertisement
: U.S. dominance of many tech sectors gives the country powerful leverage in geopo
: litical conflicts. It is a lever U.S. officials have deployed before, to punish
: the Chinese tech giant Huawei, which the United States has deemed a threat to na
: tional security.
: The tech companies’ restrictions will have more of an impact on consumers and b
: usinesses within Russia than on the tech giants. Russia’s market does not make: up a huge part of their revenue.
: “For tech companies, it’s breadcrumbs,” Ives said.
: Some critics of the approach have cautioned that it can backfire, however, if it
: encourages rivals such as Russia and China to develop alternative technologies.
: 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址)需放媒體原始連結,不可用轉載媒體連結:
: 6.備註:
: 軟霸祖墳發青煙,區區普丁小兒不足為懼。

世界最長城市中軸線 成都,150公里


※ PTT留言評論
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bboyallcome 03/06 11:54對方可是侵犯了人身自由在先,沒差

bboyallcome 03/06 11:55了吧

www115ui8 03/06 11:55你有讀過捷克歷史就知道為什麼

Szss 03/06 11:55等戰事再緊一些 支那小粉紅ip全鎖

wet 03/06 11:55不知所云 犯罪者本來就可以被懲罰...民主自

wet 03/06 11:56由不是你說的那樣...

a3300689 03/06 11:56先叫中國恢復google再說啦

tim1112 03/06 11:56言論自由不是拿來給你護航傷害言論自由的

tim1112 03/06 11:56侵略者 特別是俄中這種鐵幕國家

glenmarlboro 03/06 11:58不然你覺得應該怎麼制裁 口頭制裁?

制裁軍方政府就好了。防癌症組織剔除俄羅斯 體育協會剔除俄羅斯 禁止俄羅斯貓交易是幹毛呢 我覺得應該同時制裁北約發動科索沃戰爭 敘利亞戰爭 利比亞戰爭的罪犯

gfabbh 03/06 11:58沒差,反正西方這種雙標行為,只會把俄羅

※ 編輯: icrose ( 中國), 03/06/2022 12:01:30

semind 03/06 11:58俄羅斯間諜跑到捷克土地上殺人又放火

semind 03/06 11:59有人跑到你家殺人放火,你家還有人幫他講

gfabbh 03/06 11:59斯人都趕到普亭那邊去。

semind 03/06 11:59畫,你沒殺了他就不錯了,說啥言論自由

gfabbh 03/06 12:00歐美要介入,就出兵呀,俄羅斯可沒有長期

gfabbh 03/06 12:00戰的準備

tim1112 03/06 12:00俄羅斯人本來就站在普丁那

gfabbh 03/06 12:02如果制不制裁,都不會改變俄國內部輿論的

gfabbh 03/06 12:02話,經濟制裁不就沒用嗎?

remix6 03/06 12:05現況就是有人威脅不得政治制裁他們,只

remix6 03/06 12:05能靠這些非政府組織出手了啊,有錢誰不

remix6 03/06 12:05想賺,俄羅斯市場那麼大

antigay44 03/06 12:06我是覺得啦 今天俄羅斯打的如果是中國

antigay44 03/06 12:06就不是侵略了啦!嘻嘻

tim1112 03/06 12:07反侵略不分國界 如果今天是中國打俄羅斯

tim1112 03/06 12:08我們一樣會支持俄羅斯擊退侵略者

woodies 03/06 12:09說得真好,小粉紅~

remix6 03/06 12:10微軟想賣誰是他的自由,輪不到沒自由的

remix6 03/06 12:10人反過來指責別人

imreader 03/06 12:12其實公司的制度是一種獨裁

imreader 03/06 12:12本來就不是透過投票決定公司方向

weselyong 03/06 12:13這就是世界選邊站啊 中國也選了啊

ccufcc 03/06 12:22西方超雙標的 應該把中國也踢出去

imreader 03/06 12:24公司的利益是獨占的,本質就是獨裁

imreader 03/06 12:25公衆的事務才需要民主,不然就會像普丁

imreader 03/06 12:25只專注自己利益,不管民眾

ineedmore 03/06 12:39滯台支真忙

YouMiyukiChi 03/06 12:41IP正確

AnewMitch 03/06 12:44

dorydoze 03/06 12:46對,沒言論自由,中國人閉嘴

peterlee0718 03/06 13:01對,自由不包含中俄,你可以滾了

liaoeddie 03/06 13:12中國沒自由,保證個屁

AUwalker 03/06 13:12哦 滾回你的長城

WindSucker 03/06 13:23違法翻牆

shimo 03/06 14:59防止賣貓洗錢啊

shimo 03/06 14:59支持領養代替購買