Re: [新聞] 普丁說俄羅斯需要進行社會清洗

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※ 引述《amurorei (大律師是甚麼,好吃嗎?)》之銘言:
: 備註請放最後面 違者新聞文章刪除
: 1.媒體來源:
: ※ 例如蘋果日報、自由時報(請參考版規下方的核准媒體名單)
: ※ Yahoo、MSN、LINE等非直接官方新聞連結不被允許
: 2.記者署名:
: ※ 若新聞沒有記者名字或編輯名字,請勿張貼,否則會被水桶14天
: ※ 外電至少要有來源或編輯 如:法新社
: 3.完整新聞標題:
: ※ 標題沒有完整寫出來 ---> 依照板規刪除文章
: Putin says Russia must undergo a 'self-cleansing of society' to purge
: 'bastards and traitors' as thousands flee the country
: 普丁說俄羅斯需要進行社會清洗,以去除敗類和背叛者
: 4.完整新聞內文:
: ※ 社論特稿都不能貼!違者刪除(政治類水桶3個月),貼廣告也會被刪除喔!可詳看版規: Rebecca Cohen and Natalie Musumeci 10 hours ago
: Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday Russia must undergo a
: "self-cleansing of society."
: He said doing so would "strengthen our country, our solidarity, togetherness.": Thousands of civilians have reportedly fled Russia following its invasion of: Ukraine.
: Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a speech Wednesday that Russia
: should undergo a "self-cleansing of society" to get rid of the "bastards and: traitors" as thousands of Russians tried to flee the country amid its
: invasion of Ukraine.
: "The collective West is attempting to splinter our society, speculating on
: military losses, on socioeconomic effects of sanctions, in order to provoke a: people's rebellion in Russia," Putin said in a video address shared on
: Twitter.
: "But any people, the Russian people, especially, are able to distinguish true: patriots from bastards and traitors and will spit them out," he said of those: who did not back the Kremlin.
: "I am certain that this necessary and natural self-cleansing of society will: only strengthen our country, our solidarity, togetherness, and our readiness: to answer any calls to action," Putin said.
: Putin said he was not "judging those with villas in Miami or the French
: Riviera" or those "who cannot live without foie gras and mussels or so-called: gender-based rights" as long as they were "mentally" with Russia.
: "The problem does not lie in this, but I repeat, the fact that many of these: people inherently, mentally, live elsewhere and not here with us, with our
: people, with Russia," Putin said.
: "This is, in their opinion ... a belonging to the higher caste, the higher
: race," he said.
: Meanwhile, thousands of Russians are attempting to flee the country in the
: wake Putin's February 24 invasion of Ukraine.
: Since then, Russian troops have shelled multiple Ukrainian cities, including: residential buildings and hospitals.
: Several Russians told Insider that they had fled their hometowns for
: neighboring countries over fears of martial law, border closures, detention,: and economic hardships.
: Some said they feared they would be detained over their opposing views of the: war, as a new law makes it illegal to spread false information about the
: Russian military, call for the end of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, or
: support sanctions against Russia.
: Nearly 15,000 people across Russia have been detained since the start of the: invasion, according to data from the independent monitoring group OVD-Info.: 普丁說俄羅斯需要進行社會清洗,以去除敗類和背叛者。
: 西方國家正打算透過制裁激起俄國國內的反抗,但俄國人能區分愛國者以及敗類和背叛者: 同時會唾棄後者。
: 社會清洗對於強國、堅定信念和團結一致是必要的。
: 有部分俄國人已經因為害怕戒嚴、遭到拘留、邊界關閉或是經濟困難而逃到鄰國。
: 根據俄國人權團體統計,俄國自入侵以來已經拘禁超過15,000俄國人。
: 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址)需放媒體原始連結,不可用轉載媒體連結:
: ※ 當新聞連結過長時,需提供短網址方便網友點擊
: 6.備註:
: ※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞(以天為單位),被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者水桶,請注意
: ※ 備註請勿張貼三日內新聞(包含連結、標題等)
: 清除烏克蘭的新納粹還不夠
: 還要回頭清洗自己國家


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yannjiunlin 03/17 13:59我知道是鐵達尼號

baiya 03/17 14:00不要迷下棋

rommel1990 03/17 14:02MIB?

andyher 03/17 14:05他是不是每天下軍儀

sbilor 03/17 14:05俄國版的228

qwerty110 03/17 14:13總理會下棋嗎

Qorqios 03/17 23:15原來如此 後面呢