[爆卦] 烏克蘭兩名將軍因叛國被拔除軍階

看板Gossiping標題[爆卦] 烏克蘭兩名將軍因叛國被拔除軍階作者
時間推噓 4 推:6 噓:2 →:15


"Today another decision was made on anti-heroes - now I don't have time to
deal with all traitors, but gradually all of them will be punished. That is
why Andriy Olehovych Naumov, former head of the main department of internal
security at the Security Service of Ukraine, and Serhiy Oleksandrovych
Kryvoruchko, former head of the SBU directorate in the Kherson region, are nolonger generals," Zelensky said.


Serhiy Oleksandrovych Kryvoruchko 本來是守 Kherson 城
雖然Kherson 城有天然屏障,
地理位置比現在還守得穩穩的 Sumy, Chernihiv, 或 Kharkiv 都要好

He added that "these high-ranking servicemen, who could not decide on where
their homeland is, who violate the military oath of allegiance to the
Ukrainian people regarding the protection of our state, its freedom,
independence, will certainly be deprived of their high military rank."




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james732 04/01 12:13台灣有人跑去中共聽訓還回來當立委

sunsam 04/01 12:13反觀

koromo1991 04/01 12:14俄羅斯又投……欸是烏?

firemothra 04/01 12:15有新聞了 掰

iampig951753 04/01 12:17幾顆猩猩

hong414 04/01 12:18反觀我四壞 都不會被拔 垃圾塔綠班

iampig951753 04/01 12:20台灣沒事是因為台灣不是國家

chienk 04/01 12:21斯懷 uccu

junjun555 04/01 12:23這種直接槍斃了吧

ufo559 04/01 12:24太少了吧 比數量我們可不輸

yesonline 04/01 12:24開城門~ 喜迎俄軍

BaRanKa 04/01 12:25哈爾科夫已經加強砲轟 50%以上毀損

devilfruit 04/01 12:36吾思壞不但去中國聽訓 還上中國節目

devilfruit 04/01 12:36教中國怎麼打仗 國民黨還讓他當立委

devilfruit 04/01 12:36進國防委員會

elcnick 04/01 12:37都投降了還會回去給你槍斃嗎

a0986188522 04/01 12:42笑死當初還有人說赫爾松是故意讓給鵝

a0986188522 04/01 12:42軍的讓鵝軍耗費兵力

bbqsandwich 04/01 12:50政府說這是假新聞

mirrorlee 04/01 13:00看看就好 我都開城讓俄軍進來了 不去莫

mirrorlee 04/01 13:01斯科領賞 去基輔等判刑嗎

jeff0811 04/01 13:10被叛國了

sted0101 04/01 14:33專業開城門