[問卦] 一人推薦一首英文歌口以嗎?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 一人推薦一首英文歌口以嗎?作者
時間推噓16 推:17 噓:1 →:13

還有印象的只有《Bad Day》、《Free loop》、《I want it that way》,



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icolee 04/02 07:22love is beautiful so beautiful

ePaper 04/02 07:22不口以

icolee 04/02 07:22我失去過更珍惜擁有~~

love1500274 04/02 07:23Juice WRLD

nickyyyy 04/02 07:23you are not alone

yg19891201 04/02 07:23making love out of nothing at all

icolee 04/02 07:23dont stop never give up nanananana

diabolica 04/02 07:24

tamama000 04/02 07:24I am sad

AirWinters 04/02 07:29abc song

kamehameha12 04/02 07:33幹 為什麼會看成口交歌

kiduu 04/02 07:38

abc9bitedi 04/02 07:39never give up

marktak 04/02 07:39妖仙ドライヴ

fonzae 04/02 08:00Radio GAGA

yuting90 04/02 08:13Top of the world

plutox 04/02 08:15最近在聽synphony

blueskymaple 04/02 08:18Dia Frampton-Walk away

blueskymaple 04/02 08:20再老一點搖滾麥克That’s why you g

blueskymaple 04/02 08:20o away

onizuka1129 04/02 08:26我相信我能飛

doremifasola 04/02 08:31

Hosh 04/02 08:32stay alive

catatnight 04/02 08:56happy birthday

monar 04/02 09:45雨天就要聽rain啊

stillstands 04/02 09:46

doremifasola 04/02 09:53

len53 04/02 10:31one more two more

stillstands 04/02 10:49

CowBaoGan 04/02 11:28

CowBaoGan 04/02 11:29拿去吧 這個應該不多人聽過