Re: [爆卦] 日本與南韓的COVID19染疫致死率
※ 引述《douge (樹大便是美)》之銘言:
: BBC: How children are being affected by long Covid
: 3/1/2022
: "Most of the children I've seen were completely healthy before Covid, they
: were doing sport, extra-school activities," says Buonsenso. "And then they
: were not able to return to their normal school routine because they were
: getting headaches or had difficulty concentrating after a few hours."
: 小兒科醫師:
: 大多數的小朋友染病前都活蹦亂跳的 可以從事任何活動,課後運動
: 但是染病康復後
: 他們無法回到原本的狀態
: 會有頭痛以及幾個小時專注後注意力集中的問題
: 可苦為了護航什麼標準 人格都丟棄呢?
: 給學齡兒童打 Novavax 疫苗
: 準備充分之後再開放 ->上策
: 裝死為了護航而護航 ->中策
: 為了政治連良心都沒有->y姊
: 以後只要有家長發現自己的小孩不一樣了
: 我就請他來ptt 問你的高見
Paediatricians running post-Covid clinics believe that the true prevalence
lies in the region of 10%. Other scientists, however, point out that the datais clouded by the fact that more than half of children without Covid-19 have
also suffered from headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances and issues with
concentration during the pandemic. Many surveys of persistent post-Covid
symptoms in children do not compare children infected with Covid-19 with
uninfected controls, which could lead to over-representation of symptom
許多關於兒童感染 Covid-19 後持續症狀的調查並未將
感染 Covid-19 的兒童與未感染的對照組進行比較,
早就說本來就有病 還不信也沒辦法 新冠長期症狀兒童
恐慌仔看文章都看一半的 可憐
像這種文章 跟那種推文 都備份起來
Does not age well
會不會有嚴重後果 其實要看長遠 就跟
癌症一樣 也許現在看不出來 老了就會
本來就是這樣 一堆後遺症根本本來就很常見
這種要看長遠的研究 十年後會不會才
發作 讓這些確診者活不過十年 這才是
現在無法定論的 只能觀察和期待十年
好了啦 恐慌仔你就自己乖乖關在家裡十年
你這明顯是錯誤訊息 輝瑞的病毒用藥還在做小孩實驗 現在是不能用的 所以台灣目前用藥指引是 ===============================================================================85
首Po上次分享數據時 有人提到想看南韓的 這不就來了嗎?(累積一個月、累積近千萬例) 資料來源 日本5
BBC: How children are being affected by long Covid 3/1/2022 "Most of the children I've seen were completely healthy before Covid, they were doing sport, extra-school activities," says Buonsenso. "And then theyX
現在大家該在乎的就不是致死率 應該關注的是後遺症、後遺症、後遺症 看到一堆人在那邊說不會死真的很好笑 打了一堆疫苗,致死率本來就不高了 重點是對身體的影響好嗎==3
真的 mRNA疫苗才十幾年的東西就打一堆人 還不知道有什麼後遺症 過去以為RNA會變蛋白 最近發現居然還會反過去變成DNA3
推數據 10歲以下染疫致死率約十萬分之0.5~0.7 以10歲以下230萬人來說 假設全部確診 死亡人數就是11.5人 根本不是國際笑秉說的100人5
日韓擔心小朋友的家長可以 1. 帶小朋友打疫苗 首開放未滿12歲施打! 日本緊急授權「5~11歲」接種BNT 韓國核可兒童用輝瑞疫苗 估3月公布接種計畫4
Paediatricians running post-Covid clinics believe that the true prevalence lies in the region of 10%. Other scientists, however, point out that the data is clouded by the fact that more than half of children without Covid-19 have also suffered from headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances and issues with concentration during4
問題是假設你害怕後遺症 那然後? 你能做的是 1.打更多疫苗 包括3456789劑加強針 然後不防染疫 只防重症 2.繼續NPI戴口罩勤洗手坐牢到天荒地老 現在就是2這招大家越來越麻痺 沒人在乎了啦
[外絮] CBS記者:LBJ應該對湖人隊的失敗負全責Why LeBron James deserves full blame for Lakers' failures, and should no longer have say in solution By Bill Reiter It's LeBron James' fault.爆
[分享] 美退休上校談到了烏克蘭與俄羅斯的戰爭美退休上校:美國應該“停止運送武器並停止鼓勵烏克蘭人死於無望的努力” 退休的道格·麥格雷戈上校2/27在福克斯新聞上談到了烏克蘭與俄羅斯的戰爭: Retired Col. Doug MacGregor said Sunday on FOX News about the Ukraine-Russia war:爆
[分享] 學者John Mearsheimer對烏俄議題的觀點學者John Mearsheimer () R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago) 在2014年撰寫Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault 為什麼烏克蘭危機是西方的錯爆
[外絮] 記者:看到湖人對待Vogel的方式,Snyder記者:看到湖人對待Vogel的方式,Snyder無意執教湖人 Frank Vogel has recently been fired by the Los Angeles Lakers. As such, this mea ns that they will need a new coach before the start of next season. The Lakers j ob has its appeal, with stars Anthony Davis and LeBron James on the roster. Vogel最近被洛杉磯湖人隊解僱。因此,這意味著湖人將在下賽季開始前需要一位新教練。爆
[外絮] LBJ有資格在今夏與湖人簽2年9710萬美元的延長合約LBJ有資格在今夏與湖人簽訂一份2年9710萬美元的延長合約 As per NBA rumors, LeBron James will be eligible for a two-year $97.1 million ex tension with the LA Lakers on August 4. 根據NBA傳聞,LBJ將有資格在8月4日與洛杉磯湖人隊簽訂一份2年9710萬美元的延長合約。 However, he's set to miss the playoffs for the second time in four seasons. Out爆
[外絮] 記者:聯盟中經驗豐富的人都表示湖人隊記者:聯盟中經驗豐富的人都表示湖人隊應該交易LBJ跟AD When the Los Angeles Lakers got LeBron James, they were expected to become a pro per threat in the Western Conference and perennial contenders for the NBA title. This didn't quite materialize in his first season with the team but a push to b ring Anthony Davis in to be his partner changed everything and the duo won the c79
[情報] 2023年及其之後:海運市場的展望1. 標題:2023年及其之後:運力、運費,以及海運市場的展望 2. 來源:MoreThanShipping 3. 網址: 4. 內文: 今天在網上閒逛,38
[爆卦] 鯊魚可以提煉對抗COVID用的特殊蛋白正式論文: 大意與原理: 研究人員表示,他們發現鯊魚特有的一種蛋白質能夠中和 COVID-19 病毒及其變種。“這些微型的抗體蛋白可以進入人類抗體無法進入的角落和縫隙。28
[爆卦] 杜蘭大學研究 covid 對靈長類腦部影響Tulane study shows COVID-19’s lingering impacts on the brain April 01, 2022 COVID-19 patients commonly report having headaches, confusion and other neurological symptoms, but doctors don’t fully understand how the disease targets the brain during infection.
Re: [問卦] 原來台灣物價很高==爆
[問卦] 台灣肺癌擠下15年冠軍大腸癌 你有頭緒嗎爆
Re: [爆卦] 火力發電即將突破 95%爆
Re: [爆卦] 火力發電即將突破 95%爆
[爆卦] 這次空氣是台灣自己髒 怎辦爆
[爆卦] 竹北台元停電爆
[問卦] 台灣走到核電歸零,是哪一步走錯了?61
[問卦] 感覺愈來愈多人離開台灣了….爆
[問卦] 火力發電開到滿還算綠色家園嗎?98
[爆卦] 湖口工業區停電84
[問卦] 空氣品質超差 誰的問題80
[問卦] 能不能告訴我反核的原因....85
Re: [問卦] 原來台灣物價很高==73
[問卦] 幹你娘核能就是綠電啊 到底在固執什麼74
[問卦] 新北怎麼一片霧茫茫62
[問卦] 那個智障喜歡台灣火力發電的?61
[問卦] 幹你娘 工業區會跳電是第三世界嗎50
[爆卦] 竹北跳電9
[問卦] 主計處:通膨警報解除 物價一年漲不到2%38
[問卦] 幾歲開始接受這顛倒是非的社會37
[問卦] 台電公告'供電吃緊' 今天還能開空調嗎?37
[問卦] 霧那麼濃適合逛超市嗎?34
[問卦] 台灣還有什麼破壞生態的外來種的八卦?69
Re: [新聞] 中配李貞秀遞補立委難放棄中國籍 陸委會21
Re: [問卦] 原來台灣物價很高==23
[問卦] 不懂就問 一直報宏國白蝦新聞是怎樣= =?16
[問卦] 為什麼 開始有亡國感??????24
[問卦] 台灣霧價太高了吧21
[問卦] 膽大黨今年度神作對吧?22
[問卦] 女生說:你能得到我的人 但得不到我的心