[問卦] It is not just a bag
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Re: [情報] 反艦飛彈發威了莫斯科號大約一小時前彈藥殉爆,已經毀滅 推特瘋傳洗板中 俄軍現在頭痛了 -----爆
[外絮] Kobe曾說LBJ不是為LA而生的,他想被喜愛Doug Gottlieb Says Kobe Bryant Once Told Him ‘LeBron Isn't Built for LA' Fox Sports的籃球分析師和主持人Doug Gottlieb分享了一個關於Kobe的小故事,當時LBJ 剛確定要加盟湖人。 Doug Gottlieb: “One night, and I have talked about this, Kobe and I had been爆
[外絮] 嘴綠:我不懂為什麼有人說LBJ不是得分手,嘴綠:我不懂為什麼有人說LBJ不是得分手,本身有在打球卻還這樣說的人很白痴 "I think over 48 minutes from a possession to possession basis, I think Luka loo ks to score a little bit more than LeBron has. Now in saying that, it just shows you also how great LeBron is because here I am saying Luka looks to score a lit tle bit more than LeBron and LeBron's some 1300 odd points away from passing Kar爆
[情報] 咖哩:普洱的行為和狄龍嘴綠沒有可比性Stephen Curry on the Jordan Poole/Ja Morant incident: “There's nothing malicious about what Jordan did. There's no comparison to wh at Dillon did or Draymond...It’s not a joking matter. Ja’s hurt. The rest of it is just total BS.”爆
[外絮] KI:我、KD、管理層一起管理球隊There's no question about where I'm going and how this is going to happen," Irvi ng said. "I'm here with [Durant], but also I'm here to build a great team. I've averaged this many points, done this many things. Individually, been recognized for my greatness, but at this point in my career, I really just want to be part of a great team. And just dominate that way and not really focus on any individu爆
[外絮] Worthy:龜龜想太多了,他應該要做自己Worthy:龜龜想太多了,他應該要做自己 “He knows he’s vital to this team and he knows that his performance is not wha t he’d like it to be,” Worthy said on Spectrum SportsNet. “I personally don’ t like to see Russ with zero turnovers. I like to see him with at least 3 or 4 m aybe. That means he’s aggressive, he has an aggressive style of play and when h60
[爆卦] 木子小姐過世低卡很有名的網紅木子小姐 就是之前上新聞 台大休學跑去拍A片的那位女生 本身有重度憂鬱 今天他爸爸上ig發文70
[外絮] Klutch放出LaVine的流言是為了提醒大家Klutch放出LaVine的流言是為了提醒大家公牛仍是他的球隊 “Business as usual,” one Eastern Conference general manager said. “The Bulls can give him more money. They can give him a chance to go to the playoffs every year. If he is not the No. 1 option, he is 1A and that is going to be the case i n just about any place he goes if he is serious about leaving. Portland is out t62
[問卦] 有什麼口號比Just Do It 還響亮Just Do it 簡潔有力 幹就對了 後來愛迪達的nothing is impossible 感覺都沒有Nike的這句經典 還有沒有什麼口號可以跟這句匹敵的 -----3
[問卦] 劉小姐早安,昨晚有睡好嗎安安 如題 我們的快篩採購 承辦人劉小姐 沒想到一個小小的採購案 竟然會引發如此風波 劉小姐昨晚有睡好嗎
[爆卦] 川普:確定由盧比歐擔任美國國務卿!97
Re: [新聞] 墾丁觀光最慘一年! 全年旅遊人次將比疫31
[問卦] 慟!麥當勞鬆餅堡現場要等一小時35
Re: [新聞] 疑不滿女兒被欺負!雲林爸闖國小「一記猛34
[問卦] 拜登是不是不演了?51
[問卦] 業者:墾丁快倒了 打對折你願意去嗎54
[問卦] 日本為何做不了精品名牌?22
[問卦] 松山-墾丁直航可以救得了墾丁嗎?23
[問卦] 川普跟拜登見面了!他們會聊什麼?41
Re: [問卦] 為啥車禍的路口監視器影片不能給當事人?3
Re: [新聞] 疑不滿女兒被欺負!雲林爸闖國小「一記猛16
[問卦] 麥當勞鬆餅堡賣到12/17 幹嘛現在急著買?10
Re: [問卦] 美國新國防部長:中國可20分鐘摧毀美軍13
[問卦] 五點去麥當勞能買到鬆餅堡嗎14
Re: [問卦] 業者:墾丁快倒了 打對折你願意去12
[問卦] 棒球超無聊的爆
[問卦] 美國新國防部長:中國可20分鐘摧毀美軍9
[問卦] 萬泰喬治瑪麗卡13
[問卦] 有人欠錢沒在還的嗎8
[問卦] 為什麼墾丁議題沒多久就能吵一次啊7
[問卦] 做了個恐怖的夢…32
[問卦] 比特幣破歷史新高9萬3了6
[問卦] 現在有什麼電玩節目可以看呀X
[問卦] yoasobi就是日本楊丞琳!!!39
[問卦] 卜學亮的「子曰」紅嗎33
[問卦] 台灣近十年有天才嗎?33
[問卦] 波波學歷當然是隱私,就像甲甲愛滋一樣!7
Re: [問卦] 五點去麥當勞能買到鬆餅堡嗎5
[問卦] 天兔颱風南部16-17日放假放定了?6
[問卦] 尹馨是不是超正