[問卦]" 我不能說錯一句話英文"怎麼講?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦]" 我不能說錯一句話英文"怎麼講?作者
時間推噓 1 推:9 噓:8 →:9


"我不能說錯一句話"? 小弟好奇那麼霸氣外露的話英文怎麼講?



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Aukid 07/19 15:48Can’t I be clock?

suhaw 07/19 15:48fuxk U!

friends29 07/19 15:49Duck boobies

palajuice 07/19 15:49I'm clock!

shevchen 07/19 15:49Who car you

mm5566t 07/19 15:49I am clock

Townshend 07/19 15:50can't i speak one wrong word?

alex640107 07/19 15:50de da de

cuteSquirrel 07/19 15:50Can't I have a slip of tongue?

g1254501 07/19 15:50duck bubi

hanchueh 07/19 15:51

圖, " 我不能說錯一句話英文"怎麼講?

GGrunrundela 07/19 15:52I no can speak wrong a sentence F

GGrunrundela 07/19 15:52rance

GGrunrundela 07/19 15:52我忘記英文的英文怎麼拼惹 改法文

horseface 07/19 15:54I am with DPP

tim32142000 07/19 15:55發言人回答

jeff12280 07/19 15:55green can but you can't

GGrunrundela 07/19 15:55幹 你那個框框因該只到一句話那邊

GGrunrundela 07/19 15:55而已才對吧

NX9999 07/19 15:56英文兩個字也要?

s035280236 07/19 15:59everyone has rights to make mistake

s035280236 07/19 15:59s!

aventy1840 07/19 16:03I can't say wrong ee.

lunanightcat 07/19 16:06ikea

norechang 07/19 16:08WTF

superya 07/19 16:31Fuck the shut up!

※ 編輯: peter211183 ( 臺灣), 07/19/2022 17:26:25 ※ 編輯: peter211183 ( 臺灣), 07/19/2022 17:26:34