Re: [討論] 林靜儀的英文是不是有點糟?
※ 引述 《cowardlyman》 之銘言:
: 看了林靜儀推特的文… 有好幾篇英文文法都有很明顯的錯誤,為什麼綠粉都沒發現
: 每篇都有很多人看,怎麼沒有綠粉提醒她文法錯誤,記得綠粉每個都是英文小警察
: years ago. Thank for their never give up and sacrifice, we could have democracy
: in Taiwan now.
看了上下文語意 正確一點應該是這樣吧
It is so touching to see the overseas Taiwanese publication 50
years ago. Thanks for their never giving up and sacrifice, we can have democracyin Taiwan now.
委員自己發的就算了 小編發的那就真的有點不應該了
※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址:※ 編輯: cycling ( 臺灣), 02/02/2023 13:18:15
[外絮] 受訪GM:我覺得KI可能不會再打NBA受訪GM:我覺得KI可能不會再打NBA了 After the entire fiasco has been going on for over a week now, The Athletic spok e to executives around the league to see what their thoughts on the situation we re. If Kyrie were to not return to the Nets, these would be the decision-makers in charge of giving him another opportunity. So it was interesting to see sugges爆
[外絮] 阿爹:有些人根本不該出現在票選名單上阿爹談全明星投票機制:有些人根本不該出現在票選名單上 A slow start to this season had many calling for them to blow up their roster bu t in typical Heat fashion, they have gotten back on track. They are now the 6th seed in the Eastern Conference with a 27-22 record after winning 8 of their last 11 games. Still, there wasn't a whole lot of love for their players when the la76
[閒聊] Julian Wright 發文了Having been overseas almost 10 years, it is clear based on first-hand experien ce, fellow colleagues, and people I’ve spoken to about other industries, that a slavery system still exists. Although order and a hierarchical structure is necessary, ethical business should still be the goal as humans are interactin g with each other.
[討論] 老扁迷想勸柯粉71
[討論] 黃國昌還不離不棄的原因是啥 ??74
[討論] 你覺得柯文哲真的有收錢嗎?44
[討論] 支那人好噁心...44
[討論] 館長承認他沒看起訴書 是看民眾黨精華版44
[討論] 阿北敢上新聞面對面專訪嗎?43
[討論] 未來可能新增的國定假日31
[討論] 今天看到柯文哲這樣其實很難過30
[黑特] 我就不懂小草哪裡來的臉說什麼"綠共"38
[討論] 裁定書:罪嫌重大,重刑可期,偵查完備39
[討論] 21:30北檢已經提抗告了38
[討論] 後kp時代白營的票會怎麼流向?36
[黑特] 柯美蘭自己存款申報3669萬 還叫小草捐款37
[黑特] 你們不要再臭柯美蘭了21
[討論] 橘子不是被告是有原因的10
[討論] 小沈1500圖的大bug25
[討論] 小草都沒看節目的嗎?19
[討論] 好奇北檢這樣寫的原因44
[討論] 不是一堆承認有給錢 怎麼八卦洗成沒金流17
[討論] 小草為什麼被詐財還幫柯辯護?15
[討論] 台北市選民水準很高吧13
[討論] 證人:我拿錢給柯文哲 小草:你沒有15
[黑特] 民進黨中生代到哪去了?12
[討論] 有一說一 所以橘子現在是被告還是通緝犯?14
[討論] 柯棄保潛逃機率7
[轉錄] 台灣民眾黨:鏡週刊發放特刊 毫無羞恥44
[討論] 陳菊得腫瘤插管 八卦歡天喜地15
[討論] 柯文哲會出來針對起訴書一一駁回嗎?22
[討論] 國昌三千萬會不會被辦財產來源不明12
[討論] 謝國樑服務太好了吧